Page 158 - تكنولوجيا النانو في التغذية
P. 158

18. Dickinson, E.; Van Vliet, T. Food Colloids
Biopolymersand Materials; Royal Society of
Chemistry: London, 2003.
19. Chaudhry, Q.; Scotter, M.; Blackburn, J.; Ross,
B.;Boxall, A.; Castle L. (2008). Applications and
implicationsof nanotechnologies for the food sector.
Food Addit. Contam.2008, 25, 241–258.
20. Jones, R.A.L. Soft Machines: Nanotechnology
andLife; Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2004. The
futureof nanotechnology. Describes potential
scenariosfor the use of nanotechnology, and also
introduces the
ideas of incremental and evolutionary

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