Page 2 - AGM Booklet 2024
P. 2

Statement from the Chairman: Geoff Brown

               I welcome you all to the Annual General Meeting, in particular, a warm welcome to the new Clubs who
               are joining us. I hope that you will enjoy your time with us. To the Clubs that are leaving us, we wish
               you every success for the future.
               Last season, the number of Clubs in membership increased again, and we have no reason to believe
               that we shall not see another increase for 24/25 Season. This will give our Fixture Secretary’s plenty of
               work to do. The U15’s divisions are usually the biggest challenge, as they acclimatise to a new League.
               However, there will also be problems in the older age groups as well.

               It is imperative that all teams are ready to play right from the start of the season and not three weeks
               into it, as seems to happen with some Clubs! If you have played three or four matches before October
               arrives, when the KO Cup fixtures kick in, you will be in good stead.

               You must remember that you have entered this League to play football and you must honour your
               fixture commitments to the best of your ability. We expect Clubs to complete their fixtures by the
               appropriate date set for the end of the season, this will be the end of April, with the first three weeks
               into May used as an emergency period, for re-arranged fixtures. In normal circumstances we cannot
               go past this date.

               Some Clubs have however again caused major disruption this season regarding Fixtures, by not playing
               their matches on the dates set. Often for frivolous reasons!

               Lots of these fixtures pile up at the end of the season and then can’t be played, we do realise in some
               cases this has been largely due to the weather and pitch conditions.
               This will put the onus on you the managers to try and scedule these fixtures in to suit yourselves and
               your opponents, under no circumstances will the league be awarding any matches unless for proven
               disciplinary cases.

               Next season, unfortunately, we will be looking to remove Clubs who constantly cause these problems.

               Disciplinary issues have again been a problem with a small number of Clubs. However, the number of
               cases is proportionally small as compared to the overall membership. That is not to say that we do not
               take every report that we receive, with the upmost seriousness.

               Although most disciplinary reports can be resolved through dialogue between the Disciplinary Officer
               and the Clubs concerned by giving them guidance, some may also involve the County Association if
               However, Serious Misconduct, is a different matter and all Referee’s must report such cases involving
               Club Officials, Spectators or Players to the County Association. Charges will be generated against Clubs
               involved and if found proven, the consequences can be severe. All cases involving alleged Racism must
               be reported to the FA, at Wembley, to deal with, as individual County Associations and Leagues cannot
               deal with these.

               We are a ‘Respect League ’and as such our member Clubs have a right to expect proper behaviour that
               falls within the ‘Respect’ guidelines.

               As with all Affiliated Leagues, we use the FA’s ‘Whole Game’ and ‘Full Time’ programmes, so our new
               Clubs will already be familiar with the way we work.

               Our own Website is quite easy to use and contains all the information you will require, hopefully within
               two clicks. Particularly on the Website and not just for the New Clubs but for All Clubs, are the League
               Rules and Regulations. Everyone needs to familiarise themselves with these, I have been

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