Page 31 - 2019-USAPA-Official-Tournament-Rulebook_Float-3
P. 31


5.A. Selection of Side, Serve, or Receive. 

         5.A.1. Any fair method can be used to determine which
                   player or team has first choice of side, serve, or
                   receive. (Example: Write a 1 or 2 on the back of
                   the score sheet.) If the winner chooses to serve
                   or receive first, the loser picks the starting side.
                   If the winner chooses starting side, the loser
                   chooses to serve or receive. The winner can
                   defer first choice to opponent(s).

         5.A.2. Once a selection has been made, it cannot be

         5.A.3. In doubles, the starting server may be changed
                   before the start of any game with notice given to
                   the referee.

         5.A.4. The starting server for each doubles team must
                   visibly wear the form of identification
                   determined by the tournament director.

5.B. Change of Sides. 

         5.B.1. Sides and initial service will be switched upon
                   the completion of each game. 

         5.B.2. The maximum of 2 minutes is allowed between
                   games. The referee will announce a 15-second
                   warning and then call the score after the full 2
                   minutes has elapsed and apply the 10-Second


USAPA & IFP Official Tournament Rulebook
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