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“PINCON” or Pipeline Integrity Conference is NACE India’s 1st
conference and exhibition, dedicated to bring significant awareness
to the important subject of Corrosion in Pipeline Integrity Management.
Pipelines are the safest and most environmentally friendly option for transporting Oil, Gas and
other critical resources of the nation. They serve as the vital circulatory system which needs to
be maintained at its most optimum operating conditions at all times. However, many factors
such as corrosion, public sabotage, pilferages, and even ageing of pipelines can cause severe
casualties and affect precious lives directly or indirectly.
Therefore, it is imperative that the health of pipelines is optimally maintained through constant
innovation in existing technologies, research & development and upgrading technical skills on
a regular basis. This will ensure that our precious pipelines stay safe, reliable and
environmentally friendly for its design life and beyond.
NACE India’s PINCON is an excellent platform to bring significant awareness to the important
subject of Corrosion on matters concerning Pipeline Integrity Management.
PINCON Theme and Title
Secure Metal, Ensure Capital
With the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is facing even more challenges in maintenance of
ageing pipelines due to unexpected lockdowns, loss of employment, shutdowns, economic
losses and increasing health hazards which have indirectly increased the cost of corrosion. It is
imperative for the corrosion community to unite and address the challenges by reinforcing the
vision of a Self-sustained India through knowledge sharing, skill development and
value-exchange networking.
By learning about existing and upcoming products, technologies and networking, this
conference & expo is expected to attract participation from academic and research institutions,
public and private sector organizations including defense establishments and professionals to
unite in the fight against Corrosion to develop an “vkRefuHkZj Hkkjr” or “Self-Reliant India”.
COST OF CORROSION (CoC) per annum SAVINGS @15%-35% per annum
GLOBAL 3.4% OF GDP INR 185 lakh crores INR 27- 64 lakh crores
INDIA 4.0% OF GDP INR 8 lakh crores INR 1.1 - 2.8 lakh crores
Source: NACE International’s landmark study – IMPACT (March 2016)