Page 30 - PharVet Folder Part A & B 23.01.2020
P. 30
B o viv e
The first drink a f t er c al ving
The first drink after calving
Bovive is a palatable post calving drink that supplies the cow with a rich
source of high energy, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and calcium. It
helps the cow transition into lactation quickly.
Calving is a highly intensive process where many changes happen in the body of the cow. The
cow loses large amounts of liquids and electrolytes during the calving process; up to 50 litres of
fluid may be lost. These lost fluids need to be replaced, along with the need for increased energy
levels and the need for the cow to mobilise calcium to reduce the incidence of milk fever.
Bovive: If these losses are not corrected the following
• Is easy to dissolve may result:
• Is very palatable • Weak and listless cows
• Contains vitamins, minerals and • High occurrence of sub-clinical milk fever
calcium essential for the freshly • Reduced feed intake and slow start of lactation
calved cow
Helps to:
• Replace lost fluids quickly
• Speed up recovery
• Stimulate rumen function
• Give a healthy start to lactation
• Minimise negative energy balance
• Reduce levels of milk fever/hypocalcaemia
• Maximise dry matter intake
Product Information
Name Presentation
Bovive 1kg and 10kg
PharVet (Ireland) Ltd.
Unit 29, Cookstown Industrial Estate, Dublin 24
Tel: 01 451 8959 Fax: 01 451 2540
Email: Web: