Page 31 - PharVet Folder Part A & B 23.01.2020
P. 31



             Super Grazing 250 (12’s & 50’s)

             Unique, long acting and highly concen-
             trated bolus that provides a balanced
             and concentrated supply of essential
             trace elements for the entire grazing
             season (250 days). It provides zinc,
             copper, iodine, selenium and cobalt.

             Elite Dry Cow (12’s)

             Long acting bolus that provides a bal-
             anced and controlled supply of essential

             trace elements required during the dry
             period. It provides cobalt, copper, man-
             ganese, iodine, zinc, selenium, vitamin E
             and vitamin A.

             Electromin Copper Plus (20’s)

             Long acting bolus that provides a bal-
             anced and controlled supply of copper,
             zinc and selenium. Use at drying off or
             durin gthe dry period; at turnout to grass
             or at housing in all cattle.

             High Fertility Bolus (20’s)

             Unique long acting bolus that provides a

             balanced and controlled supply of Co-
             balt, Selenium, Magnesium, Iodine and

                                                 PharVet (Ireland) Ltd.
                                     Unit 29, Cookstown Industrial Estate, Dublin 24
                                           Tel: 01 451 8959    Fax: 01 451 2540

                                   Email:    Web:
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