Page 55 - MIN.VOS 3 OCT,2015
P. 55

                                                                                                                                       Saturday 3 October 2015

US Financial Front:

An ailing global economy starts to weigh on US job market 

C. S. RUGABER                   bled as fears of a global        Job seekers listen as Kaysara Mandry, center, talks about job   up just 2.2 percent in the
AP Economics Writer             slowdown have intensified.                                                                       past year — far below the
WASHINGTON (AP) — A             Volatile financial markets       opportunities at the Domino’s booth during a job fair in Miami  3.5 percent or 4 percent
sagging global economy          can make  businesses  too                                                                        considered healthy.
has finally caught up with      anxious to expand and hire.      Lakes, Fla. U.S. hiring slowed sharply and previous job gains   Many economists now ex-
the United States.              “We’re back to a period of                                                                       pect no rate hike until 2016,
Nervous employers pulled        what I call corporate cau-       were revised lower amid a broad slowdown in the global          though some still think the
back on hiring in August        tion,” says Nariman Beh-                                                                         Fed will begin raising rates
and September as China’s        ravesh, chief economist          economy. The Labor Department says employers added just         in December — a step that
economy slowed, global          at IHS. “It’s wait and see. If                                                                   would eventually send con-
markets sank and foreigners     things stabilize, we could       142,000 jobs in September 2015 as manufacturers and oil         sumer and  business  bor-
bought fewer U.S. goods.        see hiring come back.”                                                                           rowing rates up.
Friday’s monthly jobs report    On Friday, the Dow Jones         drillers shed workers. 			     (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)             Some analysts, like Michael
from the government sug-        industrial average fell                                                                          Gapen, chief U.S. econo-
gested that the U.S. econ-      about 200 points soon after      whether to raise rates from    to see further hiring and pay    mist at Barclays Capital,
omy, which has been out-        the jobs report was issued       record lows. Fed Chair Ja-     growth for reassurance that      say they remain confident
shining others around the       before recovering to close       net Yellen has said that the   inflation is edging toward       in the economy’s resilience.
world, may be weakening.        up 200. The yield on the 10-     job market is nearly healed.   the Fed’s 2 percent target.      Gapen notes that the
Lackluster growth overseas      year Treasury note dipped        But she’s also said she wants  Average hourly wages are         threats from overseas re-
has reduced exports of U.S.     below 2 percent, a sign that                                                                     semble earlier periods in the
factory goods and cut into      investors anticipate sluggish                                                                    economic recovery when
the overseas profits of large   growth and low inflation.                                                                        anxiety about Europe’s fi-
companies. Canada, the          Over the past year, the dol-                                                                     nancial crisis slowed hiring
largest U.S. trading partner,   lar has risen about 15 per-                                                                      and roiled U.S. markets.q
is in recession. China, the     cent against overseas cur-
second-largest economy          rencies, making U.S. goods
after the United States, is     costlier overseas and im-
growing far more slowly.        ports cheaper. Declining
And emerging economies,         exports have led many an-
from Brazil to Turkey, are      alysts to slash their growth
straining to grow at all.       estimates for the July-Sep-
A result is that economists     tember quarter to a subpar
now expect the Federal          1.5 percent annual rate or
Reserve to delay a long-        less.
awaited increase in inter-      Heavy equipment maker
est rates, possibly until next  Caterpillar has said it will
year.                           cut up to 5,000 jobs by
Employers added just            year’s end. Lower oil prices
142,000 jobs in September,      have hurt its sales of drilling
and the government sharp-       equipment, and overseas
ly lowered its estimate of      sales of its construction ma-
gains in July and August by     chines have fallen.
a combined 59,000. Month-       Hershey has said it will shed
ly job growth averaged a        300 positions in the U.S. this
mediocre 167,000 in the         year after sales in China
July-September quarter,         plunged.
down from 231,000 in the        A host of other companies
April-June period.              have announced layoffs
The unemployment rate re-       in recent weeks, including
mained a low 5.1 percent,       Wal-Mart, the world’s larg-
but only because many           est retailer; ConAgra Foods,
Americans have stopped          which makes Chef Bo-
looking for work and are        yardee and Slim Jims; and
no longer counted as un-        Chesapeake Energy, which
employed. The proportion        has been hurt by lower oil
of adults who either have a     prices.
job or are looking for one is   The tepid pace of hiring
at a 38-year low.               clouds the picture for the
U.S. stock prices have tum-     Fed, which is considering
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