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P. 14

                      Tuesday 25 June 2024
            Veronika Slowikowska worked toward making it as an actor for

            years. Then she went viral

            By KRYSTA FAURIA                                                                                                    came enraged when they
            Associated Press                                                                                                    did  it.  “Don’t  put  my  face
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — When                                                                                             in the cake and don’t film it
            Veronika Slowikowska grad-                                                                                          and don’t make it go viral,”
            uated from college in 2015,                                                                                         she teases.
            she did what conventional                                                                                           They finally cave. Now cov-
            wisdom says aspiring actors                                                                                         ered in frosting, Slowikowska
            should  do:  Work  odd  jobs                                                                                        immediately pulls an about-
            to pay the bills while audi-                                                                                        face, as her cheery laughter
            tioning for commercials and                                                                                         morphs into tears, and she
            background  roles,  hoping                                                                                          storms out.
            you eventually make it.                                                                                             In another skit, she’s found
            And although the Canadi-                                                                                            lying  face  down  in  a  tan-
            an actor and comedian has                                                                                           trum on a driveway. When
            had  a  host  of  affirmations                                                                                      the person behind the cam-
            from  Hollywood  that  have                                                                                         era asks what’s wrong, she
            kept her going, including a                                                                                         mutters that she wasn’t in-
            recurring role in the FX series                                                                                     vited to be in the new Charli
            “What We Do in the Shad-                                                                                            XCX music video.
            ows,” Slowikowska inadver-                                                                                          “All the hottest girls on the
            tently  took  a  kind  of  back                                                                                     internet  were  in  it,  and  I
            door to augment her fame                                                                                            seemed  to  have  missed
            when  she  began  regularly                                                                                         the invite,” she says of the
            posting filmed skits on social   Canadian actor and comedian Veronika Slowikowska poses for a portrait on Friday, May 17,   buzzy  “360”  music  video
            media last year.             2024, in Los Angeles.                                                 Associated Press  that  dropped  in  May,
            It  didn’t  take  long  for  her                                                                                    which  boasts  stars  like  Ju-
            to go viral, and her videos  spot in this year’s star-stud-  from  The  Second  City  im-  roommates and collabora-  lia Fox,Rachel Sennott and
            have  since  caught  the  at-  ded Netflix is a Joke Festival  prov  school  in  Toronto,  set  tors Kyle Chase and Michael  Chloë Sevigny.
            tention of fellow comedians  lineup in Los Angeles, which  her  apart  from  many  con-  Rees,  with  whom  she  splits  “We  (expletive)  up,”  the
            like  Jack  Black,  as  well  as  she did amid a live comedy  tent creators.           profits  from  ads  or  views.  music video’s director, Aid-
            other  celebrities  including  show tour.                 “Because I was trained and  They’ll  often  brainstorm  a  an  Zamiri,  commented  on
            Justin  Bieber.  “You  don’t  Often improvised and miss-  because  I  acted  before,  I  general  premise  for  a  skit,  Instagram.
            have  quite  the  stamp  of  ing an obvious punch line,  think people always saw me  then improvise the dialogue  “Big  time,”  Charli  XCX  re-
            approval from the industry,”  her videos encapsulate an  as a little bit of both. Where-  once the camera is rolling.  sponded.
            she said during a recent in-  absurdist, internet-saturated  as I think maybe sometimes  In one of her first videos to  A feature of Slowikowska’s
            terview with The Associated  millennial and Gen Z humor  if you start as a content cre-  blow up, the trio is celebrat-  comedy that was an impor-
            Press as she reflected on the  that surely leave many view-  ator and then you’re trying  ing Slowikowska’s birthday.  tant  realization  for  her  is  a
            weirdness of internet fame.  ers  scratching  their  heads  to  book  something,  it’s  a  She begs the men to push  willingness to look ugly when
            But   the   attention   has  in confusion. But her chops  little harder,” she mused.   her head in a cake, but they  she’s  in  character,  some-
            opened  doors  for  the  and  training  as  an  actor  Although the clear star, she  protest, claiming she asked  thing  she  struggled  with  in
            28-year-old,  including  a  and  comedian,  including  makes  her  videos  with  her  for  this  last  year  and  be-  her early days of improv.q

            Music record labels sue AI song-generators Suno and Udio for

            copyright infringement

            BOSTON (AP) — Big record  generators  Suno  and  Udio  startups  are  exploiting  the  gitate pre-existing content”  life’s  work  and  exploit  it
            companies  are  suing  ar-   for  copyright  infringement,  recorded  works  of  artists  and doesn’t allow users to  for  their  own  profit  without
            tificial  intelligence  song-  alleging  that  the  AI  music  from Chuck Berry to Mariah  reference specific artists.  consent  or  pay  set  back
                                                                      Carey.                       Shulman  said  his  Cam-     the promise of genuinely in-
                                                                      The   Recording    Industry  bridge,     Massachusetts-   novative AI for us all.”
                                                                      Association   of   America  based  startup  tried  to  ex-  AI has been a heated topic
                                                                      announced  the  lawsuits  plain  this  to  labels  “but  of conversation in the mu-
                                                                      Monday brought by labels  instead      of   entertaining  sic  industry,  with  debates
                                                                      including Sony Music Enter-  a  good  faith  discussion,  ranging  from  the  creative
                                                                      tainment, UMG Recordings  they’ve  reverted  to  their  possibilities of the new tech-
                                                                      and Warner Records.          old lawyer-led playbook.”    nology to concerns around
                                                                      One case was filed in fed-   Udio didn’t immediately re-  its  legality.  In  March,  Ten-
                                                                      eral court in Boston against  spond to requests for com-  nessee  became  the  first
                                                                      Suno  AI,  and  the  other  in  ment.                     U.S. state to pass legislation
                                                                      New York against Unchart-    RIAA  Chairman  and  CEO  to protect songwriters, per-
                                                                      ed  Labs,  the  developer  of  Mitch Glazier said in a writ-  formers and other music in-
                                                                      Udio AI.                     ten statement that the mu-   dustry professionals against
                                                                      Suno AI CEO Mikey Shulman  sic  industry  is  already  col-  the  potential  dangers  of
                                                                      said  in  an  emailed  state-  laborating with responsible  artificial  intelligence.  Sup-
                                                                      ment  that  the  technology  AI developers but said that  porters  said  the  goal  is  to
             Chuck  Berry  performs  at  the  John  F.  Kennedy  Presidential   is  “designed  to  generate  “unlicensed  services  like  ensure that AI tools cannot
             Library and Museum on Feb. 26, 2024, in Boston.          completely  new  outputs,  Suno  and  Udio  that  claim  replicate  an  artist’s  voice
                                                     Associated Press  not to memorize and regur-  it’s ‘fair’ to copy an artist’s  without their consent.q
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