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                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 25 June 2024
            Dearica Hamby replaces Sparks teammate Cameron Brink on US

            3x3 Olympic team

            By DOUG FEINBERG                                                                                                    she’s come as a player.
            AP Basketball Writer                                                                                                “I’m grateful to be a part of
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Before                                                                                          it and they considered me.
            the  season  started,  Deari-                                                                                       I wasn’t in the pool growing
            ca Hamby wrote her goals                                                                                            up,  I  was  96  out  of  100  as
            down on a basketball.                                                                                               a  high  school  player,”  she
            On the list was making the                                                                                          said. “So to be part of the
            U.S. 3x3 Olympic team.                                                                                              5 on 5 and 3 on 3 pool this
            She  didn’t  initially  achieve                                                                                     year was special to me.”
            that  because  she  wasn’t                                                                                          And now she can check off
            one of the four members of                                                                                          one of the goals on the ball,
            the squad chosen earlier this                                                                                       that Hamby said she carried
            month. Now she can check                                                                                            around in the preseason but
            that off after replacing Los                                                                                        was  then  relegated  to  a
            Angeles  Sparks  teammate                                                                                           closet with her laundry. Now
            Cameron  Brink,  who  tore                                                                                          it’s time to bring it back out.
            the ACL in her left knee last                                                                                       “I  had  a  moment  of  clar-
            week.                                                                                                               ity before the season, and
            “My  heart  breaks  for  her.                                                                                       wrote my goals on it for the
            When she got the news she                                                                                           year,” she said.
            made it and I got the news   Los Angeles Sparks forward Dearica Hamby dribbles down the court during the first half of a WNBA   Other goals on the ball in-
                                         basketball against the Minnesota Lynx, game Sunday, June 11, 2023, in Minneapolis.
            I didn’t originally, we cried                                                                      Associated Press  clude  getting  at  least  one
            together,” Hamby told The                                                                                           MVP vote, taking the Sparks
            Associated Press in an inter-  secutive Olympics that the  “I  think  that  should  have  Dearica  Hamby’s  addition  to  the  playoffs  and  shoot-
            view. “It’s kind of an ironic  U.S.  team  had  to  replace  been  something  original-  to  the  USA  3x3  Women’s  ing over 55% from the field.
            situation.  I’m  sure  if  she  one  of  its  original  players.  ly  done.  Cam  and  I  both  National Team and we look  Hamby also wants to aver-
            wanted  to  have  anybody  Katie Lou Samuelson missed  should  have  been  on  that  forward to getting to work as  age  18  points  and  10  re-
            replace  her,  she’d  want  it  the Tokyo Games after she  team,” she said. “I thought  a squad very soon,” said Jay  bounds.
            to be me.”                   caught COVID-19 right be-    it was a no-brainer, but the  Demings, USA Basketball 3x3  Setting  goals  also  rubbed
            She  joins  Hailey  Van  Lith,  fore the Olympics. She was  committee  is  the  commit-  national team director and  off  on  her  older  daughter
            Cierra  Burdick  and  Rhyne  replaced by Jackie Young,  tee.”                          member of the USA Basket-    Amaya.
            Howard on the squad that  who helped the team go on  Hamby was MVP of the 2023  ball 3x3 women’s selection  “She  made  her  ball,  too,
            will  compete  at  the  Paris  to win a gold medal.       3x3 AmeriCup and was part  committee. “USA Basketball  and she made her goal to
            Games next month. The U.S.  Hamby said she was initially  of the national team camp  continues to keep Cameron  meet  Taylor  Swift,”  Hamby
            won the inaugural 3x3 Olym-  upset  when  she  first  didn’t  in  Springfield,  Massachu-  Brink in our thoughts as she  said laughing. “All the stuff
            pic gold medal in Tokyo in  make the roster, feeling she  setts, in April.             focuses on her recovery.”    on her ball is Taylor’s songs
            2021.  It’s  the  second  con-  deserved to be on the team.  “It is an honor to announce  Hamby reflected on how far  and stuff about Taylor.”q

            Mets closer Edwin Díaz faces a 10-game suspension after being

            ejected for foreign substance on hand

             CHICAGO (AP) — New York  Carlos  Mendoza  said  the  grip on the ball.”               through it, you know? We’ll  we’ll get guys here that are
             Mets closer Edwin Díaz is fac-  umpire  said  he  thought  He’s the third Mets pitcher  continue to piece it togeth-  going to be able to get us
             ing  a  10-game  suspension  the  pitcher  had  too  much  to  be  ejected  for  such  an  er and, yeah, guys are go-  to the finish line when he’s
             after  being  ejected  from  of  a  combination  of  rosin,  offense in the last year.  ing to have to step up. And  out.”q
             the team’s 5-2 win over the  sweat and dirt on his throw-  Smith, who was ejected and  I’m  pretty  confident  that
             Chicago  Cubs  on  Sunday  ing hand.                     suspended  10  games  last
             night  for  having  a  foreign  “The rules are the rules and  year for a similar offense, got
             substance on his hand.      they made the decision to  two  outs  in  place  of  Díaz.
             Díaz  would  be  the  eighth  throw  him  out,”  Mendoza  Jake  Diekman  then  came
             pitcher suspended for sticky  said.                      in and struck out pinch-hitter
             stuff  since  MLB  cracked  Carapazza, the crew chief,  Patrick Wisdom for his third
             down on pitchers attempt-   said  in  a  pool  report  after  save for the Mets, who have
             ing to use foreign substanc-  game  it  “definitely  wasn’t  won four straight series.
             es to improve their grip and  rosin and sweat” on Díaz’s  New  York  has  won  10  of
             spin rates in 2021. Three of  hand.                      13 and is 13-6 in June and
             them  have  been  Mets,  in-  “We’ve checked thousands  might need to find a tempo-
             cluding  Max  Scherzer  and  of these,” Carapazza said.  rary closer for the next two
             Drew Smith last year.       “I know what that feeling is.  weeks.
             The  right-hander  came  on  This was very sticky.”      The Mets begin a two-game
             in the ninth to try to seal the  Díaz, who said he was “real-  series  against  the  visiting
             victory for the Mets, but was  ly surprised” by the ejection,  Yankees on Tuesday before
             tossed  by  third-base  um-  was  not  certain  whether  hosting  Houston  for  three   New York Mets relief pitcher Edwin Díaz, right, reacts after being
             pire Vic Carapazza before  he’ll appeal the suspension.  games.                       ejected by their base umpire Vic Carapazza as manager Carlos
             throwing  a  pitch  after  an  “I  use  the  same  thing  al-  “Look, we’ve been through   Mendoza  looks  down  as  he  walks  to  the  dugout  during  the
             inspection of his glove and  ways,” Díaz said. “I rub rosin  a  lot  this  year,”  Mendoza   ninth inning of a baseball game against the Chicago Cubs in
             throwing hand.              and sweat and put my hand  said.                          Chicago, Sunday, June 23, 2024.
             Both  Díaz  and  manager  in the dirt a little bit to get a  “We’ll  find  a  way  to  get                                    Associated Press
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