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                      Tuesday 25 June 2024
            Endangered House candidates grapple with how closely to run

            with Biden and Trump

            Continued from Front                                                                                                family and let it be."
                                                                                                                                The   Rangers   celebrate
            "It  pains  me  that  this  re-                                                                                     Mexican  heritage  during
            mains  an  issue  (after)  all                                                                                      a  game  in  June  and  also
            these years."                                                                                                       have nights throughout the
            Painful enough, McDonnell                                                                                           season dedicated to other
            said,  that  he  considered                                                                                         ethnic  groups  along  with
            not  attending  the  parade                                                                                         Boy  Scouts/Girl  Scouts,  first
            with his boyfriend when the                                                                                         responders,  teachers  and
            Rangers  celebrated  their                                                                                          the  military.  The  team  rec-
            first World Series champion-                                                                                        ognizes  universities  from
            ship  last  fall.  Ultimately,  he                                                                                  around    the   Dallas-Fort
            decided to go.                                                                                                      Worth area and the state.
            McDonnell,  the  commu-                                                                                             Those  celebrations  make
            nications  and  advocacy                                                                                            the absence more glaring,
            manager  for  the  Resource                                                                                         Johannessen said.
            Center,  says  the  Rangers                                                                                         "I  think  that  the  issue  here
            invited  his  group  to  help                                                                                       is not whether they are los-
            them  develop  a  policy  of                                                                                        ing every game or whether
            inclusion  about  five  years                                                                                       they are World Series cham-
            ago.                                                                                                                pions," he said. "It's a matter
            The team has sent employ-                                                                                           of  whether  or  not  having
            ees  to  volunteer  for  pro-                                                                                       a  Pride  Night  is  something
            grams  in  an  organization                                                                                         that  the  ownership  of  the
            that  grew  out  of  the  AIDS                                                                                      Rangers is supportive of.
            crisis in the 1980s and advo-                                                                                       "There may be deeply held
            cates for marriage equality                                                                                         beliefs  of  why  they  don't
            and transgender rights.      Rep. Mike Garcia, R-Calif., speaks during the House Select Committee on Intelligence annual   want  to  do  that,"  Johan-
            While  he  has  continuing   open hearing on world wide threats at the Capitol in Washington, March 9, 2023.        nessen  said.  "And,  we're
            conversations  with  mem-                                                                          Associated Press  very respectful of that, but
            bers  of  the  Rangers  staff,                                                                                      also have to advocate for
            McDonnell says he doesn't                                                                                           our  community.  Because
            recall  any  since  the  five-  the rest of MLB with a Pride  our  fans  and  our  employ-  sen not to," Lockhart said. "I  it's  kind  of  an  embarrass-
            game victory  over the Ari-  Night.                       ees,"  the  team  said.  "We  think that's where I take the  ment  to  the  city  of  Arling-
            zona Diamondbacks in last  At the same time, McDon-       deliver  on  that  promise  bigger  issue,  is  they  have  ton  that  their  team  is  the
            year's Fall Classic.         nell  and  Johannessen  say  across our many programs  actively chosen not to par-     only one that doesn't have
            "For a long time, I've thought  the  catalyst  for  change  to  have  a  positive  impact  ticipate in it."         a Pride Night."
            that it might be somebody  might have to be new own-      across  our  entire  commu-  Lockhart  says  she  doesn't  The  Rangers  raised  eye-
            very high up in the organi-  ership. Johannessen said he  nity."                       see  Pride  Night  as  a  politi-  brows  when  the  slogan
            zation  who  is  opposed  to  hasn't  requested  to  speak  The Rangers' stance doesn't  cal issue, but acknowledg-  on  the  home  page  of
            this  for  some  reason  that  with majority owner Ray C.  keep  Misty  Lockhart,  who  es  there  would  be  more  their  website  changed  to
            is  not  clearly  articulated,"  Davis to discuss Pride.  lives near the ballpark, from  pressure  on  the  Rangers  if  "Straight  Up  Texas"  from
            McDonnell  said.  "To  say  "I have not because, quite  attending about 35 games  they had a downtown sta-          "Run  it  Back"  sometime
            that the Rangers aren't do-  honestly, that's just not go-  a  year.  Also  a  big  Dallas  dium in the heart of Dallas  around  June  1.  The  team
            ing  anything  for  the  com-  ing to happen," Johannes-  Stars  fan,  she  was  at  the  County,  where  the  major-  has  used  the  "Straight  Up
            munity, well, they have. But  sen  said.  "I'd  love  to  meet  NHL  team's  Pride  Night  in  ity  of  elected  officials  are  Texas"  slogan  in  previous
            the hill that they are choos-  with  Mr.  Davis  and  talk  March at the American Air-  Democrats. Tarrant County,  years, and said the change
            ing to stake themselves out  about  why  it's  important.  lines  Center  in  downtown  home to Arlington and Fort  had  nothing  to  do  with
            on is no Pride Night."       But I don't think that's on his  Dallas.                  Worth,  is  generally  more  Pride Month.
            Several years ago, MLB di-   priority list right now."    Lockhart  was  wearing  a  conversative.                  Still,   the   attention   the
            versity  officer  Billy  Bean,  Through a spokesman, the  No.  91  Tyler  Seguin  Pride  Will Davis — a Rangers fan  change received on social
            who  came  out  as  gay  af-  Rangers declined a request  jersey that had been worn  from  Marble  Falls,  about  media  illustrated  the  scru-
            ter  a  six-year  playing  ca-  by The Associated Press to  during warmups in a previ-  200  miles  southwest  of  the  tiny  the  Rangers  have  in-
            reer,  said  he  believed  a  interview Davis.            ous  year  and  was  signed  stadium in Central Texas —  vited as the only MLB team
            Pride   Night    eventually  The  team  issued  a  state-  by  the  Stars  forward.  The  does see it as a political is-  without a Pride Night.
            would come to Globe Life  ment  similar  to  one  from  Stars logo on the front was  sue. He attended a recent  "The  Texas  Rangers  have
            Field,  the  Rangers'  retract-  a  year  ago,  listing  various  in rainbow colors.   game  with  his  son's  youth  reached  out  to  us  about
            able  roof  home  that  will  organizations  they  have  While  she  doesn't  believe  baseball team.               working  with  us  and  pro-
            host  next  month's  All-Star  sponsored  and  steps  they  the Rangers risk losing fans  "I think it's a private organi-  viding  services  and  volun-
            Game.  MLB  did  not  have  have  taken  internally  to  over their stance on Pride,  zation.  And  if  they  don't  teers,"  said  Johannessen,
            comment when asked last  "create  a  welcoming,  in-      Lockhart  would  prefer  the  want to have it, I don't think  whose  organization  has
            week  about  the  Rangers'  clusive, and supportive en-   Rangers complete the MLB  they  should  be  forced  to  provided  health  services
            Pride Night status.          vironment for fans and em-   picture  on  something  that  have it," Davis said.       among  other  things  in  the
            McDonnell  and  DeeJay  ployees."                         is believed to have started  "In something like this, this is  LGBTQ+  community  for  30
            Johannessen  —  chief  ex-   "Our longstanding commit-    with  the  Chicago  Cubs  in  a way for people to go as  years.
            ecutive of the HELP Center,  ment  remains  the  same:  2001.                          a state. We don't want the  "That  actually  hasn't  hap-
            an  LGBTQ+  organization  To  make  everyone  feel  "I think if it were something  political stuff shoved down  pened  yet.  When  they
            based  in  Tarrant  County,  welcome  and  included  in  where MLB said, 'We're not  our throats one way or the  asked what they could do,
            where the Rangers play —  Rangers  baseball  —  in  our  participating in this,' but the  other,  left  or  right.  We're  the  first  thing  I  said  was,
            also  say  they  believe  the  ballpark,  at  every  game,  MLB  does  participate  in  it.  coming  out  here  to  have  'Let's  talk  about  a  Pride
            Rangers some day will join  and in all we do — for both  And the Rangers have cho-     a good time with friends or  Night.'"q
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