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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 25 June 2024
            Railroads must provide details of hazardous cargo immediately

            after a derailment under new rule

            By JOSH FUNK                                                                                                        of American Railroads trade
            Associated Press                                                                                                    group estimates some 2.3 mil-
            OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — A new                                                                                            lion first responders now have
            federal rule finalized Monday                                                                                       access to that information as
            aims to ensure first responders                                                                                     a result of the effort to ex-
            can  find  out  what  hazard-                                                                                       pand into dispatch centers.
            ous chemicals are on a train                                                                                        The six biggest railroads also
            almost immediately after a                                                                                          make  train  cargo  informa-
            derailment so they can re-                                                                                          tion  immediately  available
            spond appropriately.                                                                                                through the chemical indus-
            Too often in past disasters like                                                                                    try’s hazardous materials ho-
            last year’s fiery Norfolk South-                                                                                    tlines in the U.S. and Canada
            ern derailment in East Pales-                                                                                       known as the CHEMTREC and
            tine, Ohio, firefighters risked                                                                                     CANUTEC, emergency call
            their lives trying to extinguish                                                                                    centers.
            a blaze without knowing the                                                                                         But the new federal rule also
            right way to respond. The lo-                                                                                       applies to the hundreds of
            cal fire chief in charge of the                                                                                     smaller railroads that aren’t
            response said it took him 45                                                                                        involved in AskRail.
            minutes to learn exactly what                                                                                       Even railroads that only have
            was in the 11 burning tank                                                                                          one or two employees now
            cars on the train, but some                                                                                         must have a plan to get the
            firefighters from neighboring                                                                                       crucial details of their cargo
            departments that came to     A view of the scene Feb. 24, 2023, as cleanup continues at the site of a Norfolk Southern freight   to the local fire department
                                         train derailment that happened on Feb. 3, in East Palestine, Ohio.
            help said they didn’t know                                                                         Associated Press  quickly, even if its as simple
            what they were dealing with                                                                                         as having the fire chief’s cell
            until two hours after the Feb.  big of an evacuation zone  tional Transportation Safety  freight railroads developed  phone number at the ready.
            3, 2023, crash.              might be required to protect  Board’s final hearing on the  an app called AskRail roughly  Railroads also must test their
            First responders need to know  the public.                East  Palestine  derailment,  a decade ago that enables  plan at least once a year.
            exactly which hazardous ma-  “There are so many different  where  they  will  discuss  ex-  firefighters to quickly look up  “In a hazmat incident, fire-
            terials are on a train so they  types of hazardous materi-  actly what caused that crash  the details of what each train  fighters and first responders
            can look it up in the govern-  als being transported across  and  recommend  steps  to  carries.  But  not  every  fire-  arriving  on  scene  need  to

            ment’s  official  guidebook  the country on any given day  prevent similar disasters.  fighter had the app, and cell  know what kind of hazard-
            and  make  sure  they  have  one in 10 goods that move  Train crews have long carried  phones don’t always have a  ous materials are present so
            the  right  protective  gear  across the United States  and  lists of their cargo in the cabs  signal strong enough to work  they can protect themselves
            and  firefighting  tools,  said  each one, poses unique risks  of their locomotives, but in  in a disaster.         and their communities,” U.S.
            Tristan Brown, deputy admin-  and hazards, certainly to the  the middle of the chaos after  Regulators want the railroads  Transportation Secretary Pete
            istrator of the Pipelines and  folks who are running towards  a derailment those engineers  to continue expanding ac-  Buttigieg said.
            Hazardous Materials Safety  a fire,” Brown said. “But cer-  and conductors, who might  cess to that app, including  It’s  not  clear  how  this  rule
            Administration agency that  tainly  as  well  for  anybody  have moved their locomo-   to 911 centers, so information  might  have  changed  the
            proposed the rule.           who may be living or work-   tives miles down the track,  reaches first responders soon-  outcome  in  East  Palestine,
            Knowing  what  chemical  is  ing in that vicinity.”       can’t always be found right  er. The railroads have been  but more information could
            involved and how much of  The rule was published just  away.                           expanding access over the  have helped responding fire-
            it is aboard also affects how  one day ahead of the Na-   That’s part of why the largest  past  year.  The  Association  fighters. q

            After FBI raid, defiant Oakland mayor says she did nothing wrong

            and will not resign

            OAKLAND,  Calif.  (AP)  —  very  public  raid  was  suspi-  the  NAACP  in  an  emailed  statement. “It is telling that  no other city officials have
            In  her  first  public  remarks  cious as it came days after                                                        defended  the  mayor,  nor
            since  federal  authorities  backers of a mayoral recall                                                            do any of them even seem
            raided her home last week,  were  informed  by  the  city                                                           to be in contact with her,”
            a defiant and furious mayor  clerk  that  they  had  col-                                                           she said.
            of Oakland, California, said  lected  enough  signatures                                                            It appears Thao and her son
            she  did  not  do  anything  to  qualify  for  the  ballot,                                                         were home Thursday morn-
            wrong  and  she  has  no  likely  in  November.  Back-                                                              ing during the raid. She said
            plans to resign from office.  ers of the recall say public                                                          her first priority was to make
            Mayor  Sheng  Thao  read  safety and economic vital-                                                                sure they were safe.
            from a prepared statement  ity  have  worsened  under                                                               Thao, 38, took office in 2023.
            and  took  no  questions  the  politically  progressive                                                             She  is  of  Hmong  descent
            Monday, four days after FBI  mayor, and that she should                                                             and says she grew up poor.
            agents carried boxes out of  not have fired Police Chief                                                            “And  when  my  parents
            the  home  she  shares  with  LeRonne Armstrong.                                                                    came  to  this  country  flee-
            her son and partner as part  The city desperately needs                                                             ing  genocide,  they  never
            of  an  investigation  that  in-  “active,   engaged   and                                                          could  have  imagined  that
            cluded  searches  of  two  competent  leadership”  in     Oakland  Mayor  Sheng  Thao  makes  remarks  to  the  media  at   their  daughter  would  one
            other houses owned by an-    this trying time, wrote Cyn-  Oakland  City  Hall  in  Oakland,  Calif.,  Monday,  June  24,  2024,   day be mayor of Oakland.
            other family.                thia  Adams,  president  of   following an FBI raid on her home and three others last week.  I am my ancestors’ wildest
            Thao said the timing of the  the  Oakland  chapter  of                                             Associated Press  dream,” she said. q
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