Page 9 - Min.TTC 24 March'15
P. 9
Tuesday 24 March 2015
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Divi Phoenix Beach Resort
PALM BEACH - Recently 10-to-19 and 20-to-34 con- Pasco and Rita Santilli weather, the beaches, the
the Aruba Tourism Author- secutive years. brought the whole fam- restaurants and the casi-
ity had the great pleasure The honorees were Mr. Yury ily with them to Aruba to nos. The guests say Aruba
of honoring a huge group and Mrs. Galina Gugel of celebrate Pasco’s 80th feels like a second home
of loyal and friendly visitors Brooklyn New York, Mr. Frank birthday, their children and where the people are like
of Aruba at the Divi Phoe- and Mrs. Debra Walsh of grandchildren and great family to them, and the
nix Beach Resort as Distin- Stoneham, Massachusetts, granddaughter were all Divi Phoenix Beach Resort
guished Visitors and Am- and Mr. Pasco and Mrs. Rita present for the great cel- is their ‘vacation home-
bassadors of Goodwill! The Santilli of Coventry, Rhode ebration. All the honorees away-from-home.’ The cer-
symbolic honorary titles are Island and their daughter are loyal members of the tificates were presented by
presented in the name of and granddaughters Mrs. Divi Phoenix Beach Re- Mr. Ernest Giel represent-
the Minister of Tourism as Patricia Paolucci, Ms. Eliza- sort and they love Aruba ing the Aruba Tourism Au-
a token of appreciation to beth Paolucci and Ms. Lau- very much because of thority together with a big
guests who visit Aruba for ren Morehouse. the friendly people, the group of the Santilli Family,
Mrs. Avril, Mrs. Pearl Lake
and Mr. Gerrit Griffith, GM
at the Divi Phoenix Beach
Tuesday 24 March 2015
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Divi Phoenix Beach Resort
PALM BEACH - Recently 10-to-19 and 20-to-34 con- Pasco and Rita Santilli weather, the beaches, the
the Aruba Tourism Author- secutive years. brought the whole fam- restaurants and the casi-
ity had the great pleasure The honorees were Mr. Yury ily with them to Aruba to nos. The guests say Aruba
of honoring a huge group and Mrs. Galina Gugel of celebrate Pasco’s 80th feels like a second home
of loyal and friendly visitors Brooklyn New York, Mr. Frank birthday, their children and where the people are like
of Aruba at the Divi Phoe- and Mrs. Debra Walsh of grandchildren and great family to them, and the
nix Beach Resort as Distin- Stoneham, Massachusetts, granddaughter were all Divi Phoenix Beach Resort
guished Visitors and Am- and Mr. Pasco and Mrs. Rita present for the great cel- is their ‘vacation home-
bassadors of Goodwill! The Santilli of Coventry, Rhode ebration. All the honorees away-from-home.’ The cer-
symbolic honorary titles are Island and their daughter are loyal members of the tificates were presented by
presented in the name of and granddaughters Mrs. Divi Phoenix Beach Re- Mr. Ernest Giel represent-
the Minister of Tourism as Patricia Paolucci, Ms. Eliza- sort and they love Aruba ing the Aruba Tourism Au-
a token of appreciation to beth Paolucci and Ms. Lau- very much because of thority together with a big
guests who visit Aruba for ren Morehouse. the friendly people, the group of the Santilli Family,
Mrs. Avril, Mrs. Pearl Lake
and Mr. Gerrit Griffith, GM
at the Divi Phoenix Beach