Page 14 - MIN TTC DEC 12 2014
P. 14

LOCALFriday 12 December 2014

CBP Aruba Preclearance Streamlines Process:

New kiosks to automate functions, reduce wait times

ORANJESTAD - U.S. Cus- Protection places a signifi- amples of these mutually Aruba Airport Authority in experience.”
toms and Border Protection cant value on our public- beneficial partnerships.” modernizing a growing re- The Aruba Minister of Tour-
Aruba Preclearance facility private partnerships and Grimes joined Aruba Minis- gional airport and improv- ism expressed his congratu-
officially launched its new we continue to collaborate ter of Tourism Otmar Odu- ing the departure process, lations to the Aruba Airport
Automated Passport Con- on innovations to improve ber, Aruba Airport Author- said James Fazio, CEO of Authority and CBP in inau-
trol and Global Entry kiosks the passenger process,” ity CEO James Fazio and Aruba Airport Authority, gurating this project prior
on Dec. 8 at the Queen said CBP’s Port Director of Vancouver Airport Author- “We look forward to our to the start of the winter
Reina Beatrix Airport in Preclearance Aruba James ity Vice President Anthony continued collaboration holiday season by provid-
Oranjestad, Aruba. Grimes. “The Automated Gugliotta to officially cut with our airport stakehold- ing passengers with a more
U.S. Customs and Border Passport Control and Glob- the ribbon at the airport. ers and CBP to continue streamlined U.S. inspection-
Protection’s processing of al Entry kiosks are prime ex- “This is the first step by the to enhance the passenger al process.q
passengers at Queen Reina
Beatrix International Airport
will become more efficient
with the unveiling of 10 Au-
tomated Passport Control
and four Global Entry kiosks
in the Aruba Preclearance
These kiosks automate ad-
ministrative functions of the
border inspection process,
reducing wait times and al-
lowing CBP officers to focus
more on the law enforce-
ment mission.
“U.S. Customs and Border
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