Page 11 - MIN TTC DEC 12 2014
P. 11
Friday 12 December 2014

Celebrating their one year anniversary in the Caribbean:
Therapists from “Kalypso Therapy Sessions” back on Aruba!

EAGLE BEACH - The annu- With the warranted fasten- Onyx, Mother of Pearl, Ab- Rech. They are having the advantage of this fantastic
ally “Kalypso therapy ses- ing system, you simply twist alone, Czech Crystal and time of their lives. Last night ground floor opportunity
sion” on Aruba was held at and lock it into place. It is more. the famous Kukoo Kunuku to build your own exciting
the Divi Village and was at- Invigorating and thera- On the picture taken at the party bus showed them jewelry business “created
tended by ladies of all ages peutic, bright and full of fabulous Papiamento Res- around our beautiful island. in the Caribbean”
and from all over the world. color, and the first direct taurant, you see Mr. Wayne By hosting parties called Not only does the qual-
While enjoying a little wine, sales jewelry company to & Mrs. Cheryl McAlarney, ”group therapy sessions” ity supersede other party
cheese and crackers, a ever partner with the World the founders of “Kalypso yourself being called a plan jewelry, but it also be-
twenty minute presenta- Renowned Fenton Glass TwistZ”, with Cheryl being hostess, you will not only comes an heirloom to pass
tion and demonstration of Company. With Fenton the CEO. President is Mrs. love what you do, but you along generation to gen-
the beautiful jewelry kept Glass, they have created Bobbie Gingilonsky. Presi- will show off amazing jew- eration at an affordable
the invited guests atten- the most exquisite, colorful dent Corporate Operations elry that will practically sell price. For more information
tion, knowing that after the beads to accommodate is Kaitlyn McAlarney. And itself with fun and laughter on Founding Therapist Po-
demonstration it would be all types of jewelry lovers! four of the best therapists along the way. You will be sitions in the USA you can
time to try it on and create “Kalypso TwistZ” jewelry in the USA are: Deborah compensated and reward- contact visit: www.kalyp-
amazing combinations! features a precision align- Emmons, Sandy Wright, Su- ed unlike any other party or locally you
This is how it works: simply ing mechanism so you get zette Masters and Meagan plan in the industry. Take may call: 597-7803.q
twist blueberry off the ring many gorgeous looks from
and replace with plum, one piece of jewelry. It is
then try on the key lime or about how you feel and
bubble gum color on the knowing YOU are the one
bracelet, matching it up in charge. It is great to
with the earrings. So many know you can match your
combinations are possible. jewelry to the color you are
Not to mention that most of wearing! Elegant in the
the ladies ended up order- morning to WOW at night!
ing interchangeable jew- All colors of the rainbow
elry sets. are available.
This fantastic, Marietta, Kalypso TwistZ product line
Ohio, USA based compa- consists of several 925 Ster-
ny, who officially launched ling Silver ring bases, ban-
“Kalypso TwistZ” on De- gles, pendants, and ear-
cember first of 2013, sells ring bases. Currently there
true 925 Sterling Silver, inter- are over 100 Xpressions to
changeable jewelry, using choose from with new de-
a variety of rings, pendants, signs being designed and
bangles and earrings that introduced quarterly. The
allow interchangeability Xpressions are set in 925
by simply choosing a top- Sterling Silver with stones
per called an “Xpression”. made from Quartz, Topaz,
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