Page 8 - HOH
P. 8
LOCAL Tuesday 12 July 2022
Honoring of loyal visitors at Hyatt Hotel
EAGLE BEACH - Recently,
Aruba Tourism Authority This symbolic honorary title
representative Ms. Marous- is presented on behalf of
ka Heyliger had the great the Minister of Tourism as
pleasure in honoring many a token of appreciation to
loyal Aruba visitors with the guests who visit Aruba
their distinctive certificates. between the 10-20-35 and
These certificates are a more consecutive year
way to say “Masha Danki” mark.
for continuously choosing
Aruba as a favorite vaca- The couple loves com-
tion destination. The titles ing to the island for the
are as following: 10+ years friendly and warm local
“Distinguished Visitor”, 20+ people, beautiful beaches
years “Goodwill Ambassa- and water, the always per-
dor” and 36+ years “Emer- fect weather and facilities,
ald Ambassador”. amazing restaurants and
the fun, helpful and friendly
The honorees were Antho- people of Aruba. over some presents and
ny and Mary Ann Savoca, also thanked them for
who are residents of Mil- Heyliger together with Mr. choosing Aruba as their fa-
ford, CT and have been Avery Shipley of Hyatt Hotel vorite vacation destination
honored as Goodwill Am- presented the certificates and as their home-away-
bassadors. to the honorees, handed from-home.q
Aruba to Me
like to portrait you! By in-
viting you to send us your
favorite vacation picture
while enjoying our Happy
Island. Complete the sen-
tence: Aruba to me is …….
Send your picture with that
text (including your name
and where you are from)
and we will publish your
vacation memory. Isn’t
that a special way to keep
your best moments alive?
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er materials, you give per- terials, as well as names, book page! Thank you for
mission to The Aruba Today likeness, etc. for promotion- supporting our free news-
Newspaper, al purposes without com- paper, we strive to make
pensation. you a happy reader every
Caribbean Speed Print- day again.q
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