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                                                                                                           local Tuesday 12 July 2022
            Minister of Culture in dialogue with interest group to preserve

            Aruba’s cultural inheritance

            Aruba must also talk about slavery and its impact on our present in the Kingdom of the Netherlands

            On  the  first  of  July,  Min-                                                                                     in Aruba, according to the
            ister  of  Culture,  Xiomara                                                                                        minister.
            Maduro,  together  with  Mr.
            Luc Alofs, Mr. Clifford Rosa,                                                                                       “It  is  important  for  us  to
            Ms.  Nadia  Dresscher  and                                                                                          be  aware  of  all  that  hap-
            Ms.  Yolanda  Richardson                                                                                            pened,  so  that  we  can
            reflected  over  the  topic  of                                                                                     accept  that  this  is  a  dark
            slavery  in  Aruba.  This  past                                                                                     part of the shared history of
            first  of  July  marked  159                                                                                        the  Kingdom  of  the  Neth-
            years  since  the  Nether-                                                                                          erlands  so  we  can  avoid
            lands  abolished  slavery  in                                                                                       repeating   this   mistakes
            the  colonies  of  Suriname                                                                                         against  humanity,  which
            and Netherlands Antilles.                                                                                           currently  are  still  reflected
                                                                                                                                through discrimination and
            Slavery  and  its  impact  on                                                                                       distinction.
            the  present  is  a  current
            topic in the Kingdom of the                                                                                         A long journey begins with
            Netherlands,  which  also                                                                                           just  one  step,  and  for  this
            needs  to  receive  the  nec-  Aruba.                     conducted  on  this  topic,  cess  that  must  take  place  reason  minister  Maduro
            essary  attention  in  Aruba.                             to explore the possibility for  in  order  that  one  day  ‘an  considers   the   meeting
            To  start  the  necessary  dia-  The  objective  of  the  dia-  more  research,  and  also  act of apologies’ can take  which was held with the in-
            logue  for  Aruba,  Maduro  logue  is  to  share  with  the  to  provide  information  on  place, as well as a way in  terest group as one of the
            met with this interest group,  community  the  informa-   the  dialogue  that  is  being  which  compensation  can  steps to open the dialogue
            which  carries  out  research  tion  that  came  out  of  the  carried out within the King-  be  given  for  the  historical  on  slavery  and  its  conse-
            on  the  topic  of  slavery  in  research  that  was  already  dom,  as  well  as  the  pro-  pain,  which  was  also  lived  quences in Aruba.”q

            Six therapists will be introduced in the social sector

            On the basis of ‘multi-dimensional family therapy’

            ORANJESTAD  –  Recently,  vice  to  the  community  as  seeing  that  the  method
            the  minister  of  Justice  and  soon as possible.        used  is  quite  practical,  so
            Social  Affairs,  Mr.  Rocco  It is the case that the Social  it  will  help  the  family  not
            Tjon  held  a  meeting  with  Security Council meets reg-  only through accentuating
            the Social Security Council  ularly. It is a platform where  the bad parts, but more so
            (Sociaal  Veiligheidsraad),  all agencies come togeth-    correcting  them,  in  order
            during  which  he  received  er, including Veiligheidshuis  to truly help these families.
            a thorough presentation of  (safety  house),  the  De-    MDFT professionals from the
            the new method which will  partment  of  Social  Affairs,  Netherlands  will  come  to
            be introduced, namely the  Voogdijraad (Child Protec-     Aruba specially to give this
            Multi-dimensional   Family  tion  Services),  Family  Jus-  course to the six therapists.
            Therapy (MDFT).              tice  Center,  KIA  (prison),  The  good  part  is  that  this
                                         Police  Force,  Fundacion  method  is  sufficiently  flex-
            This  involves  a  system-   Guiami.  During  this  meet-  ible, that can be adapted
            atic  therapy  method  for  ing, all these agencies indi-  to the culture of Aruba.
            young  people  with  one  or  cated that his method has
            more behavioral problems,  added  value,  because  it  Finally,  an  agreement  was
            which mainly involve prob-   is not only focused on one  made  that  Veiligheidshuis
            lems of delinquency or sub-  person  but  on  the  whole  will  remain  as  point  of  co-
            stance addiction. This ther-  family  and  the  whole  sys-  ordination, which will make
            apy  method  will  provide  tem.  Aside  from  this,  the  sure  that  when  the  cases
            lasting  help  to  the  families  return on investment is that  are  presented,  these  can
            of these young people. This  after a while, these people  be assigned to one of these
            method  will  seek  to  miti-  will  not  fall  back  into  the  therapists, and this way can
            gate the risk that the young  system,  but  they  will  be  be  guaranteed  that  they
            person  can  be  locked  up;  helped  and  they  will  re-  receive the necessary help.
            and will also provide guid-  ceive lasting help.
            ance  to  the  family  so  that                           Thus  according  to  a  gov-
            when the young person re-    The course will have the du-  ernment  press  release,  it
            covers  their  freedom,  they  ration  of  one  year,  mean-  was  a  very  positive  meet-
            can  reintegrate  back  into  ing it will begin this upcom-  ing towards a better future
            the  family,  and  the  family  ing  September  and  it  will  for the social chain, which
            itself can guide the person.   finish  next  June,  in  2023.  will result in a reduced case
            Shortly, six therapists will be-  It  is  intended  to  start  with  load for some of the agen-
            gin  this  course,  in  order  to  some cases in order to put  cies, with the help of these
            be able to provide this ser-  it into practice right away,  six therapists.q
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