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Dialuna, 3 October 2022 AWEMainta Internacional
Den pio drama den historia di futbol mundial Mientras tasnto FIFA ya caba a manda pidi autoridadnan di futbol
180 fanatico a fayece den stadion un rapport di e incidente caminda ya caba polisnan a mustra cu
a bende un total di 42 mil carchi pa e wega aki mientras cu capa-
na Indonesia despues di un wega cidad oficial di e stadion, ta di 38 mil hende, pues a bende 4 mil
carchi di mas. Segun reglamento di FIFA, polis y otro oficialnan
di siguridad no ta wordo permiti pa haci uzo di gas lagrimogeno
UN di e pio dramanan den historia di futbol mundial, a tuma luga of arma di candela y pa tal motibo ta exigi claridad riba e inci-
diasabra na Indonesia den e ciudad di Malang ora cu disturbio dente aki. E disturbionan no a finalisa mesora ya cu entre otro
a start despues cu e ekipo local, Arema FC a perde contra su fanaticonan a destrui dos bus di polis cu tabata den e stadion y
eterno rival, esta e ekipo di Persebaya Surabaya cu ta procedente a bringa basta largo cu oficialnan di ley, principalmente fanati-
di Soerabaja. Te cu ayera nochi autoridadnan a anuncia cu 174 conan hoben.
fanatico a perde nan bida di cual dos tabata oficialnan di polis pero Ayera durante weganan den futbol Europeo, den mayoria di e
ayera mainta autoridadnan a confirma cu en total 300 persona weganan a tene un minuut di silencio relaciona cu e tragedia
a perde nan bida den e tragedia aki di cual segun informacion increibel aki.
divulga, 34 a muri den
e stadion pa motibo cu
nan a stik y e otronan a
fayece durante di trans-
porte pa hospital y
otronan na hospital mes
durante di tratamento. PUBLIC AUCTION
Un total di 190 hende
a wordo trata den
hospital y mayoria di e T H U R S D A Y
fayecidonan ta debi na
falta di oxigeno, ora cu 3 N O V E M B E R , 2 0 2 2
un masa grandi a trata
di bandona e stadion ora
cu polisnan a cuminsa On Thursday, 3 November, 2022 at 11am, at the Chamber of Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned in public
lansa gas lagrimogeno (executoriale verkoop) pursuant to art. 3:268 and 3:254 Civil Code of Aruba:
riba un grupo cu a envadi
e tereno di wega. Rooi Koochi 27-M
Loke ta haci e drama A residential house situated on three parcels of property land situated at Rooi Koochi in Aruba with a total
aprox. 758 m2 in size, which all three parcels derive from a property recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as
ainda mas increibel y Third Division Section H number 282, with index numbers D7050, D7048 and D7049.
realmente sin sentido, Starting bid: Afl. 465.000,00
ta e hecho cu e derota
di 3-2 di e ekipo local, Safir 6
ta su prome derota na A residential house on a right of long lease until 04 April 2060, on a parcel domein land with a measurement of
715 m2, situated at Westpunt in Aruba, recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section A
cas contra su rival di number 865;
mas grandi den futbol Starting bid: Afl. 818.500,00
Indones den 23 aña,
pues no tabatin motibo Pastoor Hendrikstraat 84
A residential house situated on two parcels of property consisting of:
pa fanaticonan di e ekipo 1. a parcel of land, in total 96 m2 in size, situated at Pastoor Hendrikstraat in Aruba, recorded in the in the Title
Arema reacciona di e 2. Registry of Aruba as measurement letter number 81 of 1980, and
a parcel of land, in total 172 m2 in size, situated at Pastoor Hendrikstraat in Aruba, recorded in the in the Title
forma aki. Registry of Aruba as measurement letter number 26 of 1972,
Ora cu fanaticonan a Starting bid: Afl. 264.000,00
cuminsa ataca oficialnan
di polis mesora nan a Boegoeroei 11-Z
bay over na actua cu An apartment complex, situated on a full ownership property of 5.830 m2 , situated at Tanki Flip in Aruba,
recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as First Division Section K number 151.
man duro y ora cu mas
fanatico a subi tereno, Starting bid: T.B.D.
polisnan a bay over na De La Sallestraat 13
core cu e fanaticonan An apartment complex, situated on a full ownership property of 1.140 m2 , situated at De La Sallestraat in Aruba,
recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba as First Division Section E number 336.
bek pa tribuna uzando
gas lagrimogeno. Starting bid: T.B.D.
Esaki a pone cu den AUCTION NOTARY: Th.R. JOHNSON
tribuna caminda tabatin ·The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and special auction conditions which will be
miles di fanaticonan aki, determined by civil law notary Th.R. Johnson.
tur esakinan rapidam- ·Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at its sole discretion.
·The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
ente a core bay pa salida ·Each bidder must submit a bank guarantee and/or letter of credit issued by a bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid
di e stadion pero esaki a increased with an amount equal to the auction costs.
percura pa un situacion ·A signed and dated private bid can be submitted until 19 October , 2022, 5 PM. A bidding form can be downloaded on our
hopi dificil caminda den
e proceso aki, cantidad
di hende no por a hala For more information visit:
rosea, entre nan varios WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM
mucha chikito.