Page 11 - aruba-today-20230301
P. 11
local Wednesday 1 March 2023
Elliott Loonstra PLY brings Gold back home
key placing Loonstra, once
again, in 5th place.
After the Turkish competi-
tions, Elliott Loonstra PLY
and his coach Luciano
Mazzeo headed to Cairo
for the first Egypt Paratae-
kwondo Open. In his first
match Loonstra fought an
Egyptian athlete scoring
34-4 against his opponent
sending him to the finals. In
(Oranjestad)—Elliott Loon- Mexico managed to make the finals Loonstra fought
stra left Aruba on February two kicks in the last 20 sec- against another Egyptian.
1st to participate in three onds of the match, placing The stadium during the fi-
tournaments overseas, two Loonstra in 5th place over- nal match was filled with knowledge about the sport ed over his career, Romina
in Istanbul, Turkey and one all. screams for the Egyptian and a great capacity for Martinez of Rorofitness who
in Cairo, Egypt. The two athlete but in the end this coaching. has helped Loonstra with
tournaments in Istanbul In the Turkish Paratae- match ended in favor for his physical training over
were the European Presi- kwondo Open, Loonstra Loonstra, 12-2, resulting in Elliott Loonstra PLY is ex- the past two years and
dent’s Cup and the Turkish fought against Turkey after Loonstra standing at the tremely happy with the re- BodyZone Aruba that spon-
ParaTaekwondo Open. In being seeded in the quar- top of the podium with the sults of these tournaments sors Loonstra providing him
the President’s Cup, Loon- terfinals. This match started Gold Medal. and with the points granted with a space to train and
stra fought against Ger- off in favor of Loonstra but During the awards ceremo- he has moved up in rank- improve his abilities both in
many winning 9-0 in his first eventually ended up go- ny Coach Luciano Mazzeo ing to once again be 7th Taekwondo and his over-
fight. His second fight was ing to golden round as won a trophy for the sec- globally. Elliott Loonstra PLY all physical performance.
against Mexico (currently Turkey managed to even ond best male coach at would like to thank his fam- A special thank you to the
rank 6th globally) in which up the score. The golden the tournament showing ily for the overwhelming people of Aruba for always
it was a very even fight but round went in favor of Tur- that he has an outstanding support they have provid- giving their support.q
Heart-Centered Leadership Foundation helps young adults make
their dreams come true
(Oranjestad)—The Heart- further guide them in the that are designed for the able to have the skills to vi-
Centered Leadership Foun- future. development of both vol- sualize these dreams is one
dation (HCLF) promotes op- unteers and staff. I always of my biggest goals, and
portunities for young adults Meet fellow HCLF volun- felt proud after talking to this is thanks to HCLF. Get-
between 18 and 29 years teer, Alyeska Lake, better the teens during school ting to know myself better
old to start a training jour- known by her nickname activities. A moment that really helped my mental-
ney as a volunteer, where “Aly”. She is a 26-year-old stood out for me was when ity and the direction that
they from part of the foun- young woman raised in I assisted as a group leader I want to go in life—per-
dation during its activities San Nicolas, and who now during the Impact Cafés at sonally and professionally.
for teenagers of 13 to 17 lives in The Netherlands, John Wesley High school, I know exactly who I am,
years of age. where she just completed Filomena College Mavo who I want to be, where I
her Masters in Clinical Child and Abraham de Veer want to go, what I want to
These volunteers that do and Adolescent Psycholo- High school. This was when do and with whom. I be-
brave work with HCLF are gist at Leiden University. we discussed the topic lieve I already had this in
called Heart-Centered Im- Alyeska shared her experi- of mental health. The ses- me, but it was through the ingful work in the lives of
pact ence as a Heart-Centered sions were very interactive challenges that HCLF gave teens from San Nicolas, and
Coaches (HCIC) and they Impact Coach, which and the teens could feel me that I was able to real- at the same time want to
contribute in the organi- helped her become the comfortable to share their ize my full potential and make significant impact in
zation’s goal to empower version of herself she al- thoughts on the matter and take action.” your own life, join the Heart-
and inspire young people. ways dreamed of. other related points about Centered Leadership Foun-
A HCIC is able to com- mental health. What is the most valu- dation as a volunteer.”
municate, motivate and How was your experience able part of volunteering at
provide support for young as a volunteer at HCLF? How did volunteering at HCLF? Did Alyeska’s experience
people on a social and ac- “I always enjoyed my time HCLF impact your personal “The most valuable part is motivate you to become
ademic level during work- with HCLF and I have no and professional life? that HCLF recognizes you a Heart-Centered Impact
shops, seminars and other regrets. My favorite mem- “I discovered that I had for who you are, not for Coach? If you are between
HCLF activities. This oppor- ory at HCLF is the sense of more skills that I initially what you show them. They 18 and 29 years old, like
tunity allows young adults belonging I got and the thought. With the support see you as a whole person to give back to the com-
to form connections and family that I made from from HCLF, I had the op- and your potential.” munity and are interested
make a positive impact in the moment I started do- portunity to develop more in further developing your
someone’s life. Personal ing voluntary work. I con- skills and talents, and also Would you recommend personal and professional
and professional develop- nected deeply with other put these in practice.” other young adults to vol- life, please contact HCLF
ment is crucial for a young volunteers and members unteer at HCLF? at 5841211 (Whatsapp) or
adult to get to know their of staff during various ac- “I see myself as a dreamer “If you want to be a part of send an e-mail at hclfaru-
skills and purpose that will tivities and social moments with big ambitions. To be a group that does mean-