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                                                                       obituario/ Diahuebs 15 Juli 2021

                                                                Judge delays sentencing after twists in Mollie

                                                                                               Tibbetts case

                                                              (AP) — A judge on Wednesday delayed sen-       day before his lawyers revealed newly obtained in-
                                                              tencing  for  the  man  convicted  of  killing  formation that they say calls his guilt into question.
                                                              University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts
                                                              after defense lawyers said they needed time  Judge Joel Yates ruled Wednesday the sentencing
                 M i   n o   a   m u ri ,   p es e y  m i   n o   a   b i sa   a yo .    to investigate new information pointing to  would  be  delayed  until  after  he  holds  hearings
                 M i   a   d j i s  h a b r i   m i   h a l a n a n   y  b u l a   b a i
                                 k ei ro .                    other potential suspects.                      on  the  defense’s  requests  to  compel  prosecutors
                  Bo so   a   k ed a   a t ra s.   No   l a g a   t ri st esa                                to  release  information  about  other  suspects  and
                             d o m i n a   b o so .           Cristhian Bahena Rivera, 27, was scheduled to be  to order a new trial. Yates said he would hold the
                   Ked a   u n i   u n   cu   o t ro   p a   m i   a lm a .    sentenced to life in prison without parole Thurs-  first hearing Thursday at the Poweshiek County
                         Es ey   l o   t a   u n   a l eg ri a .
                       Re co rd a m i   cu   h o p i   a m o r.                                              Courthouse in Montezuma and set a later date for
                                                                                                             the hearing on a new trial.
                  C u  i n me n s o   t ri st es a  y   d ol o r  n a  n o s
                c u ra s o n,   p e r o  c o nf o r me   c u  b ol u n t a d  d i                            Prosecutors remain confident in Bahena Rivera’s
               Di os ,   n os   t a  a n u n ci a  f ay ec i me n t o  di   n o s
                  es p o s a,   ma m a ,   o ma   y   r u ma n   sti ma :                                    guilt  and  were  expected  to  respond  in  court  fil-
                                                                                                             ings later Wednesday, state attorney general’s office
                                                                                                             spokesman Lynn Hicks said.

                                                                                                             A jury in May found Bahena Rivera guilty of first-
                                                                                                             degree murder in the stabbing death of Tibbetts,
                                                                                                             20, who vanished while out for a run in her home-
                                                                                                             town of Brooklyn, Iowa, in July 2018.
                                                               Maar ik mag door Uw grote liefde Uw
                                                               huis binnengaan, van ontzag vervuld           Prosecutors built their case on surveillance video
                                                                 mij buigen naar Uw heilige tempel.          showing  Bahena  Rivera  driving  in  the  vicinity
                                                               Leidt mij langs mijn belagers, HEER,          of  where  Tibbetts  disappeared  while  jogging,  on
                                                               door Uw gerechtigheid, maak effen de          DNA evidence showing that her blood was found
                                                                         weg die U mij wijst.                in his car’s trunk, and on a partial confession in
                     Glenda B eatriz  Kro zendij k                                                           which Bahena Rivera led investigators to a remote
                     e/ v  d e  S o u s a  F e rn an d es  P ern a      Psalmen 5:8–9 (NBV)                  cornfield where her body was found a month after
                   *1 8   j an u a ri   1 9 5 3   –   †   1 3   j u l i   2 0 2 1                            she disappeared.

                                                                Treur niet om mij, maar gedenk mij
                 ACTO DI ENTIERO LO W ORDO                        met een glimlach, want er is nog           Bahena Rivera, a dairy farm worker, claimed pub-
                       ANUNCIA DESPUES                            zoveel licht. Veeg de tranen uit je        licly for the first time while testifying at his trial
                                                                                 ogen.                       that two masked men were responsible for the kill-
                                                                                                             ing and had forced him to drive them around and
                                                                    Breng een lach op je gezicht.            dispose of Tibbetts’ body at gunpoint. A native of
                                                                                                             Mexico who illegally came to the U.S. as a teen-
                                                               Met diepleedwezen maken wij bekend            ager, he has been jailed since his 2018 arrest.
                                                               dat van ons is heengegaan, onze lieve
                                                               moeder, schoonmoeder, grootmoeder,            Defense lawyers Chad and Jennifer Frese request-
                                                                         overgrootmoeder en                  ed a new trial last week, saying two witnesses re-
                                                                        betovergrootmoeder:                  cently came forward independently of one another
                                                                                                             to  partially  support  Bahena  Rivera’s  testimony.
                                                                                                             The witnesses told investigators that a 21-year-old
                                                                                                             man with a history of violence against women had
                “ But seek first the kingdom of God and                                                      claimed responsibility for killing Tibbetts.
                    His righteousness strengthens,
                                                                                                             One of the witnesses said the man told him while
                 and all these things shall be added to                                                      they were at a county jail that Tibbetts had been
                                                                                                             kidnapped and brought to a “trap house” used for
                             Matthew 6:33                                                                    sex trafficking before she was killed, according to
                                                                                                             Bahena Rivera’s lawyers.
                Cu inmenso tristesa na nos curason nos
                      ta anuncia fayecimento di :                                                            The  man  told  the  witness  that  the  house  was
                                                                                                             owned by a 50-year-old who was running the traf-
                                                                                                             ficking  ring  and  decided  to  have  Tibbetts  killed
                                                                                                             after the publicity surrounding her disappearance
                                                                                                             got too big. The man allegedly said he and an asso-
                                                                   Wilma Gertrude van Ree op de              ciate followed through with a plan devised by the
                                                                  gezegende leeftijd van 90 jaar.            50-year-old to stab Tibbetts and frame a Hispanic
                                                                    Weduwe van Franklin Pinas                man for the death.

                                                                              Kinderen,                      The Freses said they learned Tuesday about a crim-
                                                                         Wijlen Roy van Ree,                 inal  investigation  that  centered  on  a  50-year-old
                                                                       Ernand van der Kuyp,                  man who allegedly met one of his sex trafficking
                                                                        Roland van der Kuyp                  victims in May 2018 at a gas station in Brooklyn,
                                                                                                             Tibbetts’ hometown of 1,700 people that is rough-
                   Sra. Phyllis Elaine Maria Mingo-                   en Henna van der Kuyp.                 ly 50 miles (80 kilometers) west of Iowa City.
                               Geerlings                                 met hun gezinnen.
                                                                                                             The woman told investigators that the man lured
                   Mihor conoci como Jufr. Geerlings           De gelegenheid tot afscheid nemen en          her to a house in the nearby town of New Sharon,
                                                                de crematie vindt plaats op zaterdag         where she was repeatedly drugged, raped, and held
                      *17-09-1953 - †10-07-2021
                                                                17 Juli 2021 van 09:00 a.m. –11:00           against her will until August 2018, court records
                                                                  a.m. in het crematorium Aurora.            show. The woman said she sometimes would hear
                                                                        Adres : Cumana #76                   other women’s voices in the home.
               Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.
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