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                    Tuesday 14 March 2023
            Biden OKs Alaska oil project, draws ire of environmentalists

            Continued from Front

            The order, one of the most
            significant of Interior Secre-
            tary Deb Haaland’s tenure,
            was not signed by her but
            rather by her deputy, Tom-
            my  Beaudreau,  who  grew
            up  in  Alaska  and  briefed
            state  lawmakers  on  the
            project  Monday.  Haaland
            was  notably  silent  on  the
            project, which she had op-
            posed  as  a  New  Mexico
            congresswoman       before
            becoming  Interior  secre-
            tary two years ago.
            Climate  activists  were  out-
            raged that Biden approved
            the project, which they say
            puts  his  climate  legacy  at
            risk.  Allowing  the  drilling
            plan  to  go  forward  marks
            a  major  breach  of  Biden’s
            campaign promise to stop
            new  oil  drilling  on  federal
            lands, they say.
            However, administration of-
            ficials were concerned that   President Joe Biden waves before boarding Air Force One for a trip to San Diego to meet with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and
            ConocoPhillips’  decades-    Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Monday, March 13, 2023, in Andrews Air Force Base, Md.
            old leases limited the gov-                                                                                                     Associated Press
            ernment’s  legal  ability  to  and for our friends and al-  project.                   feel  their  voices  were  not  opposition,  worried  about
            block the project and that  lies,”  Murkowski  said.  “The  John Leshy, who was a top  heard,’’ Goldfuss said.      impacts to caribou and her
            courts  might  have  ruled  in  administration  listened  to  Interior Department lawyer  Anticipating   that   reac-  residents’  subsistence  life-
            the company’s favor.         Alaska voices. They listened  in  the  Clinton  administra-  tion among environmental  styles. “My constituents and
            Monday’s  announcement  to  the  delegation  as  we  tion,  said  Biden’s  climate  groups,  the  White  House  community  will  bear  the
            is  not  likely  to  be  the  last  pressed  the  case  for  en-  goals aren’t the only factor  announced   on   Sunday  burden  of  this  project  with
            word,  with  litigation  ex-  ergy  security  and  national  in an environmental review  that  Biden  will  prevent  or  our  health  and  our  liveli-
            pected  from  environmen-    security.”                   process that agencies must  limit  oil  drilling  in  16  million  hoods,’’ she said.
            tal groups.                  Fellow   Republican    Sen.  follow.                      acres  in  Alaska  and  the  But  there  is  “majority  con-
            The  Willow  project  could  Dan  Sullivan  said  condi-  Leshy,  a  professor  at  the  Arctic  Ocean.  The  plan  sensus”  in  the  North  Slope
            produce up to 180,000 bar-   tions attached to the proj-  University of California Col-  would  bar  drilling  in  nearly  region supporting the proj-
            rels of oil a day, create up  ect should not reduce Wil-  lege of the Law, San Fran-   3 million acres of the Beau-  ect,  said  Nagruk  Harcha-
            to  2,500  jobs  during  con-  low’s ability to produce up  cisco,  called  the  decision  fort Sea — closing it off from  rek, president of the group
            struction and 300 long-term  to 180,000 barrels of crude  on Willow defensible, add-   oil  exploration  —  and  limit  Voice of the Arctic Iñupiat,
            jobs,  and  generate  billions  a  day.  But  he  said  it  was  ing: “I think it reflects a bal-  drilling in more than 13 mil-  whose  members  include
            of  dollars  in  royalties  and  “infuriating” that Biden also  ancing  of  the  things  they  lion  acres  in  the  National  leaders  from  across  much
            tax revenues for the feder-  had  moved  to  prevent  or  have  to  balance,  which  is  Petroleum Reserve.         of that region.
            al, state and local govern-  limit oil drilling elsewhere in  the  environmental  impact  The  withdrawal  of  the  off-  The  conservation  actions
            ments, the company said.     Alaska.                      and  the  lease  rights  that  shore area ensures that im-  announced  Sunday  block
            The project, located in the  Environmental activists who  Conoco has.’’                portant habitat for whales,  drilling  in  the  Beaufort  Sea
            federally  designated  Na-   have  promoted  a  #Stop-    Christy  Goldfuss,  a  former  seals, polar bears and other  and  build  on  President
            tional  Petroleum  Reserve-  Willow  campaign  on  so-    Obama  White  House  of-     wildlife “will be protected in  Barack Obama’s actions to
            Alaska,  enjoys  widespread  cial media were fuming at  ficial  who  now  is  a  policy  perpetuity  from  extractive  restrict drilling there and in
            political  support  in  the  the  approval,  which  they  chief  at  the  Natural  Re-  development,”  the  White  the Chukchi Sea.
            state.  Alaska’s  bipartisan  called a betrayal.          sources  Defense  Council,  House said in a statement.    Separately,  the  adminis-
            congressional      delega-   “This  decision  greenlights  said  she  was  “deeply  dis-  The   conservation   an-  tration  moved  to  protect
            tion  met  with  Biden  and  92%  of  proposed  oil  drill-  appointed’’ at Biden’s de-  nouncement  did  little  to  more than 13 million acres
            his  advisers  in  early  March  ing (by ConocoPhllips) and  cision  to  approve  Willow,  mollify activists.       within  the  petroleum  re-
            to plead their case for the  hands  over  one  the  most  which  the  BLM  estimates  “It’s  a  performative  action  serve,  a  23-million  acre
            project, and Alaska Native  fragile, intact ecosystems in  would produce more than  to make the Willow project  chunk  of  land  on  Alaska’s
            state  lawmakers  recently  the world to” the oil giant,  239  million  metric  tons  of  not look as bad,” said Elise  North  Slope  set  aside  a
            met  with  Haaland  to  urge  said  Earthjustice  President  greenhouse  gases  over  Joshi,  the  acting  execu-   century  ago  for  future  oil
            support.                     Abigail Dillen. “This is not cli-  the  project’s  30-year  life,  tive  director  of  Gen-Z  for  production.  Areas  to  be
            Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alas-  mate leadership.’’          roughly equal to the com-    Change, an advocacy or-      protected include the Tes-
            ka, said Monday the deci-    Biden  understands  the  ex-  bined  emissions  from  1.7  ganization.                 hekpuk  Lake,  Utukok  Up-
            sion  was  “very  good  news  istential  threat  of  climate  million passenger cars.  City  of  Nuiqsut  Mayor  lands,  Colville  River,  Kas-
            for the country.”            change, “but he is approv-   “This decision is bad for the  Rosemary  Ahtuangaruak,  egaluk Lagoon and Peard
            “Not only will this mean jobs  ing a project that derails his  climate,  bad  for  the  envi-  whose community of about  Bay  Special  Areas,  which
            and  revenue  for  Alaska,  it  own  climate  goals,’’  said  ronment  and  bad  for  the  525 people is closest to the  serve  as  habitat  for  grizzly
            will  be  resources  that  are  Dillen, whose group vowed  Native  Alaska  communi-    proposed    development,  and  polar  bears,  caribou
            needed  for  the  country  legal  action  to  block  the  ties  who  oppose  this  and  has been outspoken in her  and migratory birds.q
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