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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 14 March 2023

            US. government ponders the meaning of race and ethnicity

            By MIKE SCHNEIDER                                                                                                   “This  is  certainly  a  singular
            Associated Press                                                                                                    moment  and  opportunity
            Nyhiem  Way  is  weary  of                                                                                          to greatly improve and en-
            people    conflating   Afri-                                                                                        hance  the  accuracy  and
            can  American  and  Black.                                                                                          completeness of the data,”
            Shalini Parekh wants a way                                                                                          Mario Beovides, director of
            for  South  Asian  people  to                                                                                       policy and legislative affairs
            identify  themselves  differ-                                                                                       for the NALEO Educational
            ently than East Asians with                                                                                         Fund, said during a recent
            roots in places like China or                                                                                       forum.
            Japan.  And  Byron  Haskins                                                                                         The   proposed    changes
            wants the U.S. to toss racial                                                                                       would  create  a  new  cat-
            and ethnic labels altogeth-                                                                                         egory for people of Middle
            er.                                                                                                                 Eastern  and  North  African
            “When you set up catego-                                                                                            descent, also known by the
            ries that are used to place                                                                                         acronym  MENA,  who  are
            people in boxes, sometime                                                                                           now classified as white but
            you miss the truth of them,”                                                                                        say  they  have  been  rou-
            said Haskins, who describes                                                                                         tinely undercounted.
            himself  as  African  Ameri-                                                                                        The  process  also  would
            can.                                                                                                                combine  the  race  and
            Way,  Parekh  and  Haskins’                                                                                         ethnic origin questions into
            voices  are  among  more                                                                                            a  single  query,  because
            than    4,600   comments     Nyhiem Way, of Athens, Ga., poses for a portrait on Thursday, March 9, 2023, in Athens.   some  advocates  say  the
            pending  before  the  Biden                                                                        Associated Press  current  method  of  asking
            administration  as  it  con-                                                                                        about race and separately
            templates  updating  the     The  idea  of  revising  cate-  of  Management  and  Bud-  ing  sub-national  identities,   about  ethnic  origin  often
            nation’s  racial  and  ethnic   gories for ethnic and racial  get is set to decide on new  the  government  further   confuses  Hispanic  respon-
            categories for the first time   identities,  both  in  the  cen-  classifications  next  year  contributes  to  the  decline   dents.  With  the  revisions,
            since 1997.                  sus  and  in  gathering  de-  and  is  hosting  three  virtual  of  one  national  American   the  government  would  try
            There’s a lot to consider.   mographic information be-    town  halls  on  the  subject  identity,”  wrote  Mike  Gon-  to  get  more  detailed  an-
            Some     Black   Americans   tween  head  counts,  have  this week.                    zalez, a senior fellow at The   swers on race and ethnicity
            want  their  ancestors’  en-  fueled editorials and think-  Some  conservatives  ques-  Heritage Foundation, in his   by asking about country of
            slavement  recognized  in    tank essays as well as thou-  tion  the  process  itself,  say-  personal  comment  posted   origin.
            how  they  are  identified.   sands of written comments  ing  the  overarching  prem-  on  the  OMB  web  page      Another  proposal  recom-
            Some  Jewish  people  be-    by individuals in what is al-  ise  that  Americans  need  seeking public input.       mends  striking  from  fed-
            lieve  their  identity  should   most  a  Rorschach  test  for  more ethnic categories will  That view contrasts sharply   eral government forms the
            be  seen  as  its  own  ethnic   how  Americans  identify  only  accelerate  Balkaniza-  with  those  who  say  previ-  words  “Negro”  and  “Far
            category  and  not  only  a   themselves.                 tion.                        ous  categories  have  over-  East,” now widely regarded
            religion.                    The  White  House’s  Office  “By creating and deepen-     looked nuances.              as pejorative. q

             Vice President Harris to visit Africa in latest U.S. outreach

            By CHRIS MEGERIAN            to travel to Africa later this  dents of each of the three
            Associated Press             year. However, Harris will be  countries she’s visiting, Har-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice  closely watched as the first  ris plans to talk with “young
            President Kamala Harris will  Black vice president in U.S.  leaders,  business  represen-
            spend  a  week  in  Africa  at  history and the first woman  tatives, entrepreneurs, and
            the  end  of  March  as  the  to hold the position.       members of the African Di-
            United  States  deepens  its  She  plans  to  be  in  Ghana  aspora,” Allen said.
            outreach  to  the  continent  from March 26 to 29, then in  The  White  House’s  con-
            amid  global  competition,  Tanzania from March 29 to  certed  outreach  to  the
            notably with China.          31. Her final stop is Zambia,  continent  began  with  the
            “The  trip  will  strengthen  on March 31 and April 1.    U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit,
            the  United  States’  partner-  Harris  has  a  personal  con-  which it hosted in Decem-
            ships   throughout   Africa  nection to the third country  ber.  China  has  invested
            and  advance  our  shared  on  her  itinerary.  Her  ma-  heavily in Africa, but Wash-
            efforts on security and eco-  ternal  grandfather  worked  ington is pitching itself as a
            nomic  prosperity,”  said  a  in  Zambia  years  ago,  and  better partner than Beijing.
            statement  from  the  vice  she  visited  him  there  as  a  “Our  administration  will  be   Vice  President  Kamala  Harris  speaks  to  the  African  Diaspora
            president’s  spokesperson,  young girl.                   guided not by what we can    Young Leaders Forum, Dec. 13, 2022, at the Smithsonian National
            Kirsten  Allen.  Harris’  plans  Allen  said  the  vice  presi-  do  for  Africa  but  what  we   Museum of African American History and Culture, in Washington.
            follow  visits  by  first  lady  Jill  dent’s agenda will include  can  do  with  Africa,”  Harris                              Associated Press
            Biden  and  Treasury  Secre-  promoting     democracy,  said during the summit.
            tary Janet Yellen. Secretary  climate  adaptation,  wom-  Although  competition  be-   policy, the Democratic ad-   tinent don’t feel as though
            of  State  Antony  Blinken  is  en’s  economic  empower-  tween  the  U.S.  and  China  ministration is trying to cali-  they’re being caught in the
            going this week, and Presi-  ment and food security.      has  been  the  backdrop  brate  its  approach  to  Af-   middle  of  a  geopolitical
            dent Joe Biden is expected  Besides  meeting  the  presi-  of much American foreign  rica so leaders on the con-    contest.q
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