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                                                                                         world news Diamars 26 OctOber 2021

                          Plan for UK coal mine brings hope to some, horror to others

            (AP) — In the patchwork                                   while  opening  a  new  coal
            of hills, lakes and sea that  The  proposed  deep  mine  mine might look bad at first
            make up England’s north-     symbolizes  a  dilemma  fac-  glance, the Cumbria County
            west  corner,  most  people  ing  the  British  government:  project  aims  to  be  different
            see  beauty.  Dave  Crad-    It aims to generate all of the  be design.
            duck sees broken dreams.     U.K.’s electricity from clean
                                         energy  sources  by  2035  and  “Showing  these  mines  can
            The  coal  mine  where  the  to  reach  net-zero  carbon  be made by law…to capture
            74-year-old once worked has  emissions by 2050. But Con-  greenhouse  gas  emissions
            long  closed.  The  chemical  servative Prime Minister Bo-  and  required  to  offset  any
            factory  that  employed  thou-  ris Johnson has also pledged  residual  impact…is  true  en-
            sands  is  gone.  The  nuclear  to  boost  prosperity  in  Eng-  vironmental  leadership,”  he
            power plant is being decom-  land’s  neglected  north  with  said.
            missioned.                   new factories, roads, railways
                                         and other infrastructure that  Environmentalists  scoff  at
            To Cradduck, a plan for a new  environmentalists  say  is  at  that idea.
            coal  mine  that  could  bring  odds  with  the  government’s                          for new nuclear plants mov-  kie, says it will be “transfor-
            hundreds of jobs is a sign that  green agenda.            “It’s  blindingly  obvious  that  ing at a crawl, the U.K. gov-  mational.”
            “at least someone’s interested                            the quickest way to stop these  ernment  is  still  considering
            in the area” and an opportu-  West  Cumbria  Mining,  the  carbon emissions and to make  new fossil-fuel projects.  The British government, un-
            nity “for people who have got  company  hoping  to  build  radical changes — which we                               der pressure from opponents
            mining in their blood.”      Britain’s first deep coal mine  have to do in the next 10 years  In  the  North  Atlantic,  west  and  its  own  environmental
                                         in  three  decades,  wants  to  — is to stop opening any new  of the Shetland islands, Shell  commitments, intervened in
            But  environmentalists  view  extract coking coal — a type  coal mines,” said Maggie Ma-  and Siccar Point Energy plan  March  and  ordered  an  in-
            the proposed mine with hor-  used  to  make  steel  rather  son, a local opponent of the  to extract 170 million barrels  quiry  by  a  planning  inspec-
            ror. They say it sends a disas-  than for fuel — from under  mine. “The same is true for  of  oil  from  the  Cambo  oil-  tor.  The  inspector  says  he
            trous message as the United  the Irish Sea. It plans to pro-  oil wells and gas wells.”  field.  Environmental  groups  will make a recommendation
            Kingdom  welcomes  world  cess the coal on the site of a                               are trying to force the British  around  the  end  of  the  year.
            leaders, advocates, diplomats  shuttered  chemical  plant  in  Nature  and  industry  have  government to stop the drill-  Then  the  U.K.  government
            and  scientists  to  Glasgow,  Whitehaven,  340  miles  (550  long  vied  for  supremacy  in  ing. Johnson’s administration  will make a final decision —
            Scotland,  for  a  United  Na-  kilometers)  northwest  of  this part of England. White-  is reluctant to intervene, say-  well after COP26 has ended.
            tions  Climate  Change  Con-  London.                     haven sits on the edge of the  ing “sources like Cambo are
            ference that starts Oct. 31.                              Lake  District  National  Park,  still  required”  to  meet  Brit-  Local supporters of the mine
                                         The  company  describes  the  an  area  whose  beauty  in-  ain’s energy needs as it shifts  believe  they  are  the  silent
            Many  scientists  and  activ-  project as a new kind of mine,  spired  William  Wordsworth  to a low-carbon economy.  majority,  at  risk  of  being
            ists  consider  the  two-week  far  removed  from  the  dirty,  and Beatrix Potter. The area                        drowned  out  by  environ-
            COP26  conference  a  last  dangerous behemoths whose  also once was home to indus-    “We  need  to  transition  our  mental  activists.  Some  ral-
            chance to nail down carbon-  brick and steel skeletons dot  tries  that  offered  hard,  dirty  existing oil and gas sector to  lied  at  the  site  this  month,
            cutting  promises  that  could  the  region’s  landscape.  West  jobs in factories and mines.  a  decarbonized  platform,”  holding signs that read “Part
            keep  global  warming  within  Cumbria Mining says it will                             Business  Secretary  Kwasi  of  the  answer,  not  part  of
            manageable limits.           be  the  world’s first  net-zero  These  days,  wind  turbines  Kwarteng said last month in  the problem” and “Cumbria
                                         coal mine, with all of its car-  spin beside the sea — a sign of  the House of Commons, ac-  coke is the real thing.”
            “The U.K. sets itself out as a  bon  emissions  reduced  or  Britain’s transition from fos-  cusing Cambo opponents of
            leader, but it’s building a coal  offset by credits to the Gold  sil fuels to renewable energy,  wanting “a complete eclipse”  “It’s  been  very  simplified  in
            mine, which is the most pol-  Standard Foundation, an en-  which last year produced al-  of  the  oil  and  gas  industries  the press that it’s jobs against
            luting thing that you can do,”  vironmental   organization.  most  half  of  the  country’s  “with 250,000 jobs vanishing  the climate,” said John Grea-
            Rebecca  Willis,  a  professor  Plans  show  curved  modern  electricity. That share shrank  overnight.”            sley,  who  helps  run  a  Face-
            of energy and climate gover-  buildings that  blend in with  this year, however, partly due                         book page in support of the
            nance  at  Lancaster  Univer-  the surrounding hills.     to a lack of wind.           In  West  Cumbria,  the  local  mine.  “And,  of  course,  the
            sity, said. “It sends a signal to                                                      authority approved the mine  climate  is  going  to  win  ev-
            the rest of the world that the  Alexander  Greaves,  a  lawyer  With  the  cost  of  imported  a  year  ago.  The  area’s  Con-  ery time. But it’s deeper than
            U.K. isn’t actually serious.”  for the mining company, said  natural gas soaring and plans  servative  mayor,  Mike  Star-  that.”

                              German court sentences IS woman to 10 years in prison

            (AP) — A German convert  day  on  charges  that,  as  a  Iraq, she allowed a 5-year-   husband  chained  the  young
            to Islam was sentenced to  member  of  the  extrem-       old Yazidi girl she and her  Yazidi girl in a courtyard and  German media reported that
            10  years  in  prison  Mon-  ist Islamic State group in  husband kept as a slave to  left her to die of thirst.     she  made  her  way  to  Iraq
                                                                      die of thirst in the hot sun.                             through Turkey and Syria in
                                                                                                   The  child  was  “defenseless  2014 to join the IS. In 2015,
                                                                      The  Higher  Regional  Court  and  helplessly  exposed  to  as a member of the extrem-
                                                                      in  Munich  convicted  the  the situation,” judge Joachim  ist group’s “morality police,”
                                                                      30-year-old,  identified  only  Baier said on Monday, adding  she patrolled parks in Fallu-
                                                                      as  Jennifer  W.  in  line  with  that W. “had to reckon from  jah  and  Mosul,  armed  with
                                                                      privacy  rules,  of  —  among  the beginning that the child,  an assault rifle and a pistol as
                                                                      other things — membership  who was tied up in the heat  well as an explosive vest and
                                                                      of  a  terrorist  organization  of the sun, was in danger of  looking for women who did
                                                                      abroad,  aiding  and  abetting  dying”.                   not  conform  with  its  strict
                                                                      attempted  murder,  attempt-                              codes of behavior and dress,
                                                                      ed  war  crimes  and  crimes  However,  she  had  done  prosecutors said.
                                                                      against  humanity,  German  nothing to help the girl — al-
                                                                      news agency dpa reported.    though  this  had  been  “pos-  She  was  taken  into  custody
                                                                                                   sible and reasonable” for her,  while  trying  to  renew  her
                                                                      Federal  prosecutors  had  ac-  Baier said, according to dpa.  identity  papers  at  the  Ger-
                                                                      cused the woman, from Loh-                                man  embassy  in  Ankara  in
                                                                      ne in Lower Saxony, of stand-  W. grew up as a Protestant but  2016,  and  deported  back  to
                                                                      ing  by  in  Iraq  as  her  then-  converted to Islam in 2013.  Germany.
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