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A30 world news
Diasabra 21 augustus 2021
Afghan president latest leader on the run to turn up in UAE
(AP) — Afghanistan’s sure protection — as does an but it paid off,” said Cinzia
president, driven out by autocratic grip on power. Bianco, Gulf research fellow
the Taliban, is the latest at the European Council on
leader on the run to turn It’s perhaps why Afghan Foreign Relations.
up in the United Arab President Ashraf Ghani sur-
Emirates. Others who faced in Abu Dhabi after the “Now, Qatar is well-posi-
found refuge here include Taliban swept into Kabul on tioned to be the first contact
Spain’s disgraced former Sunday and why the Tal- point for regional and inter-
king and two Thai prime iban’s political leaders have national players who want
ministers. for years resided in Qatar. to explore the possibility of
engaging with the Taliban
In nearby Qatar, meanwhile, The UAE announced late ... without compromising
the Taliban’s political leaders Wednesday it had accepted themselves,” she added.
have been given refuge for hosting Ghani and his family,
years. citing humanitarian grounds The Taliban’s capture of
— even as members of his Kabul was so swift that by
Qatar and the UAE have own government slammed nightfall the same day, gun-
much in common, despite the Afghan president for his toting Taliban commanders crisis,” said senior Mideast Afghanistan’s ambassador to
their sharp political differ- escape from Kabul. were seated at Ghani’s desk adviser at Crisis Group, Dina Tajikistan accused Ghani on
ences. The two Gulf Arab in the presidential palace. Esfandiary. Wednesday of stealing $169
states have close security Over the past year, Qatar Meanwhile, thousands of Af- million from state coffers and
partnerships with the United has hosted talks between the ghan citizens and foreigners She says that while Qatar’s said he’d call for his arrest via
States and both have taken in Taliban and the Afghan gov- are still scrambling to flee the bet as “regional mediator” Interpol. Russia’s embassy
political fugitives and exiled ernment, and before that, country. seems to have paid off, it re- in Kabul alleged that Ghani
leaders on the run. between the Taliban and the mains to be seen how it will fled Kabul with four cars
United States as Washington Just this week, a senior U.S. work out in the long term. and a helicopter full of cash.
The skylines of Doha, Abu hashed out the terms of its military commander met For its part, the UAE aims He had so much money he
Dhabi and Dubai offer an withdrawal from Afghanistan face-to-face with the Taliban to show its ally the United couldn’t fit it all, and left cash
array of stunning high-rise and an end to its 20-year war. in Doha to negotiate the safe States that it too is a reliable lying on the tarmac, Rus-
towers and opulent five-star Top Taliban political leader passage of thousands of peo- partner, she said. sia’s state news agency RIA
hotels. Man-made coastlines Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar ple wanting to leave Afghani- Novosti quoted the embassy
provide reclusive, palatial wa- returned to Afghanistan this stan, underscoring the crucial From his new base in the spokesperson as saying.
terfront properties — plenty week from his residence in role Qatar is playing amid the UAE, Ghani released a video
of options for political ex- Qatar. muddled U.S. exit. statement Wednesday, for the The AP could not indepen-
iles looking for privacy and a first time since escaping Ka- dently verify the claims. The
place to park their money. The role the UAE and Qatar The UAE and Qatar are also bul. He made a point of men- Western-backed Afghan gov-
have played as hosts to want- staging grounds for key U.S. tioning he was forced to leave ernment he presided over has
But most importantly, these ed politicians and top figures military operations. Qatar’s Afghanistan “with one set of long been rife with corrup-
cities built by vast under- gives them potential leverage al-Udeid Air Base hosts some traditional clothes, a vest and tion.
ground reserves of oil and — political chips that can be 10,000 American troops. the sandals” he was wearing.
gas provide near-guaranteed played or held for a later date. Americans also fly out of the Ghani joins a roster of high-
security to controversial, al-Dhafra Air Base near Abu To live in the UAE, how- profile exiles who’ve sought
once powerful figures. Iris- “Qatar has positioned itself Dhabi. ever, he’ll need a lot more shelter in the UAE in past
scanning technology at the as the go-to mediator with than that. The country’s cost years. Some have resided
airport, untold numbers of the Taliban. It was a risky bet, “Each country is positioning of living is as sky-high as its in Abu Dhabi, others in the
security cameras, and wide- especially considering the itself in the best way possible towers, even if some support UAE’s commercial and tour-
spread surveillance helps en- optics with the wider public, to pursue its interests in this is offered. ism hub of Dubai.
Malaysian king picks ex-deputy PM as nation’s new leader
(AP) — Malaysia’s lon- needs Muhyiddin’s party for
gest-governing political Sultan Abdullah said in a enough support to lead.
party reclaimed the pre- statement that he hopes Is-
miership it lost in a shock mail’s appointment will Angry Malaysians had
2018 election defeat, after bring an end to the country’s launched an online petition
the king on Friday named political turmoil. He urged to protest Ismail’s candidacy,
its candidate, Ismail Sabri lawmakers to set aside their with more than 340,000 sig-
Yaakob, as the country’s political differences and unite natures collected so far. Many
new leader. to tackle the country’s wors- believe Ismail’s choice will
ening pandemic. restore the status quo, with
Ismail was the deputy prime its perceived failed response
minister under the govern- “Ismail’s appointment was to a worsening pandemic.
ment of Muhyiddin Yassin, not unexpected. With this,
who resigned Monday after UMNO is now back in the Malaysia has one of the
less than 18 months in office driver’s seat,” said James world’s highest infection
as infighting in his coalition Chin, an Asian expert at Aus- rates and deaths per capita,
cost him majority support. tralia’s University of Tasma- despite a seven-month state
dollar financial scandal. nia. of emergency and a lock-
Ismail’s appointment essen- The announcement came down since June. Daily new
tially restores Muhyiddin’s King Sultan Abdullah Sul- after the monarch met state Ismail’s 114 votes exceed the infections have more than
alliance. It also brings back tan Ahmad Shah said Ismail Malay rulers who advised 111 needed for a simple ma- doubled since June to hit a
the rule of the United Ma- had secured the backing of him on the appointment. jority but is close to the back- new record of 23,564 on Fri-
lays National Organization, 114 lawmakers for a slender The king’s role is largely cer- ing Muhyiddin had and was day, bringing the country’s
which had led Malaysia since majority. He said Ismail, 61, emonial in Malaysia, but he unable to keep. Ismail is from total to over 1.5 million cases.
independence from Britain in will be sworn in as Malaysia’s appoints the person he be- UMNO, the larger party in Deaths have surged to above
1957 but was ousted in 2018 ninth prime minister on Sat- lieves has majority support in the alliance, leaving him on 13,000.
elections over a multibillion- urday. Parliament as prime minister. firmer ground, but he still