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                                                                                                           local Thursday 17 November 2022

            San Nicolas must remain a different

            product compared to other tourist areas

                                                                                                   of  all  the  murals  and  the  main as a different product
                                                                                                   activities during those days  compared  to  Palm  Beach
                                                                                                   that are visible in the area.  –  to  mention  an  area  that
                                                                                                   “It is the intention of ATA to  is  specifically  very  touristic.
                                                                                                   continue with this, but also  This  is  precisely  what  we
                                                                                                   to  think  on  how  ATA  also  want  to  see  for  San  Nico-
            ORANJESTAD  –  Yesterday  Croes  said  that  “it  is  not  a  uct. Think here about the in-  started  the  Carubbian  fes-  las,  and  this  can  require
            morning, San Nicolas Busi-   secret that SNBA is also very  frastructural  aspect,  which   tival  which  later  became  another type of training, fo-
            ness Association (SNBA) to-  involved in different devel-  is outlined in the MOU.     Island Fest, which is also on  cusing more on cultural as-
            gether  with  Aruba  Tourism  opments  going  on  right  She  also  mentioned  that    schedule  for  next  year  re-  pects but also a bit deeper
            Authority  (ATA)  and  Aruba  now.”  Often  ATA  will  give  the ministry of Tourism is also   garding ways to bring more  in the history of San Nicolas
            Excellence      Foundation  an opinion on projects, but  very  involved  in  the  proj-  movement  and  culture  in  and its surroundings”, Croes
            signed  a  Memorandum  of  also  they  are  trying  to  in-  ects  in  collaboration  with   San Nicolas.”          said.
            Understanding  (MoU)  to  volve  the  community  be-      the  Department  of  Public
            bring  continuation  to  the  fore executing certain proj-  Works  and  Department  of   Education  and  training  is  Shadey  Figaroa,  president
            development  in  San  Nico-  ects.                        Infrastructure and Planning   currently  in  preparation  to  of supervisory board of Aru-
            las.                                                      as  key  organizations  for   improve  the  work  of  pro-  ba Excellence Foundation,
                                         The MOU is basically the for-  these projects.            viding  information  in  the  said that she advocates a
            The  signing  of  the  MOU  malization  of  various  com-                              tourism sector, which is also  good  and  correct  educa-
            represents  a  great  oppor-  ponents, a topic regarding  In the project at Sero Colo-  tied to projects in the pipe-  tion  for  the  community  of
            tunity  for  San  Nicolas  as  it  branding.  Already  before  rado,  in  which  ATA  is  inte-  line. Thought is given to ac-  Aruba,  particularly  those
            involves  extension  of  the  the pandemic, Croes said,  grally  involved,  there  are   commodation but also the  in  the  hotel  industry,  the
            development currently tak-   they  were  working  on  a  weekly  works  taking  place   policy  that  is  desired  for  service  industry.  “It  is  very
            ing place in the area. New  specific  branding  identi-   to achieve results.          San Nicolas. In this regard,  important  for  us  that  our
            president of SNBA, Errol de  fying  San  Nicolas.  There  is  ATA  is  also  involved  in  the   a few years ago Aruba Ex-  community  is  well  educat-
            Freitas pointed out that the  Aruba  as  an  image  and  restoration  of  the  pier  at   cellence  Foundation  was  ed on the history of Aruba
            union between these orga-    brand,  but  they  think  that  Rodgers  Beach  and  re-  established. This foundation  and  all  the  ongoing  proj-
            nizations  is  very  important  San Nicolas – according to  cently  the  steps  at  Rodg-  encompasses  Aruba  Cer-  ects in San Nicolas. We are
            to  achieve  this  develop-  Forbes  Magazine,  is  “The  ers  beach,  which  were     tification  Program  (ACP),  very  happy  that  together
            ment.                        Art  Capital  for  the  Carib-  fixed  and  will  get  an  artis-  among  others.  Croes  said  with ATA and SNBA we can
                                         bean”.  This  also  demands  tic  touch  as  well.  2023  will   that   Aruba   Excellence  sign an MOU to provide the
            He said that there are cur-  from  ATA  not  only  to  con-  see a continuation of these   Foundation  was  included  necessary training for com-
            rently  three  ongoing  proj-  tinue  the  trajectory  of  giv-  projects  for  which  SNBA  is   in the MOU to explore pos-  merce and the community
            ects  in  Sero  Colorado,  but  ing  content  to  this  brand,  very important.        sibilities  to  enhance  San  of San Nicolas. Our goal is
            there  is  also  the  improve-  btu also to work on a sepa-                            Nicolas, but also to explore  to  have  the  whole  of  San
            ment of the entire area of  rate  branding  from  Aruba,  The  cultural  aspect  is  also   specific training that will be  Nicolas 100% ACP Certified,
            San Nicolas which will take  to position San Nicolas dif-  included  in  the  MOU.  Art   needed  seeing  the  devel-  and we hope that we can
            place in the short term. “For  ferently.                  Fair,  a  cultural  event,  also   opment of San Nicolas.   achieve that together with
            us, the MOU means an op-     “We not only see it as a part  involves  infrastructure,  ac-                          the parties”, she said.q
            portunity  to  partner  with  of  Aruba  and  a  city  that  cording to Croes, because   “San  Nicolas  needs  to  re-
            these two organizations for  enhances  the  experience,
            positive  development  for  but it can even convert into
            San  Nicolas.  We  are  very  a point of attraction to de-
            proud  of  this”,  De  Freitas  cide to visit Aruba, and this
            commented.                   is  tied  to  the  MOU”,  Croes
            Ronella Croes, CEO of ATA
            said  that  this  process  took  They  will  continue  focus-
            years and in the middle of  ing  on  informing  our  visi-
            it,  the  pandemic  came,  tors  through  the  Visitor  In-
            which  didn’t  help.  ATA  as  formation  Center,  but  also
            member  of  SNBA  thanked  through signs, monumental
            everyone for their collabo-  and cultural attributes.
                                         Croes  said  that  a  very  im-
            Recently,  ATA  and  SNBA  portant  part  is  recognizing
            had a meeting to continue  also the other organizations
            the conversation on differ-  that have a key role in the
            ent  topics,  for  example,  development  of  the  prod-
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