Page 8 - HOH
P. 8
LOCAL Thursday 17 November 2022
Marine Spatial Planning Workshop initiates the conversation about
marine resource planning
ORANJESTAD - On Novem- This workshop is a continu-
ber 15, 2022, the Ministry of ation of the efforts by the
Nature organized a Marine Ministry of Nature to reorga-
Spatial Planning workshop. nize marine planning. The
first step was to create an
The workshop's objective inventory of water sports.
is to highlight the impor- The ministry also works on
tance of sustainable plan- introducing a sustainable
ning for our resources, like policy for the fishery, start-
the ocean surrounding our ing a national platform for
island. The Ministers and fishermen, and adjusting,
Members of Parliament among others, the laws rel-
had the opportunity to evant to spearfishing.
come together and open
the discussion for the future Through the Marine Spatial
national policies for Aruba. Planning workshop, they
can focus on the need for
An expert from the Minis- more changes in respon-
try of Infrastructure of the sible planning.
Netherlands in collabora-
tion with UNESCO created On Wednesday, Novem-
the workshop Marine Spa- ber 16, 2022, there will be
tial Planning. The expert another, more extensive
came to Aruba on his own, workshop with multiple lo-
provided all material pro cal stakeholders in the field
bono, and guided those re- of marine management,
sponsible for policy-making namely Santa Rosa, ATA,
in Aruba. National Arikok Park, and
the DNM.
During the workshop, the
participants learned more The Minister of Nature, Ur-
about Marine Spatial Plan- sell Arends, is grateful to all
ning. They discussed the participants and the Dutch
Maritime Economy, Energy expert who contributed to
Transition, and the effects a more sustainable marine
of climate change. policy in Aruba.q