Page 13 - AHATA
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                                                                                                                           Thursday 7 November 2019

            Presentations, Workshops and Excursions Provide New Nature

            Conservation Drive in Participants

            KRALENDIJK,  BONAIRE  —  During  accessible  it  is  made  through  the
            the 2019 edition of the Dutch Ca-   developed  methodologies.”  Jes-
            ribbean  Nature  Alliance  (DCNA)  sica Berkel (STENAPA-St. Eustatius).
            convention  held  on  Bonaire  ear-
            lier  this  week,  biologists  from  the  Public lecture creates mixed feel-
            region  met  to  thoroughly  discuss  ings amongst attendees
            coral restoration, the Coral Action  The  public  lecture  held  on  Mon-
            Plan, the (citizen) science platform  day  night  caused  mixed  feelings
   and the next call  amongst  those  in  attendance.
            for  research  proposals  from  the  Based  on  scientific  standards,  the
            Dutch  Organization  for  Scientific  status of the coral reefs in the Dutch
            Research (NWO).                     Caribbean is moderate to very un-
                                                favorable.  This  means  that  urgent
            In addition to attending presenta-  measures need to be taken.
            tions and workshops, the biologists  The main consideration is that the
            from, among others, the six nation-  status  of  the  coral  reefs  are  cru-
            al  parks  of  the  Dutch  Caribbean  cial  for  the  sustainable  prosperity
            also went on an excursion to gain  of the islands in the long term. The
            first-hand experience on the coral  willpower to take action and pre-
            restoration  work  of  the  Reef  Re-  vent  further  decline  of  coral  reefs  tion  organization.  They  represent  to give input for possible future in-
            newal Foundation on Bonaire.        is therefore very strong at this mo-  a useful source of knowledge and  ter- island collaboration possibilities
                                                ment.  In  the  coming  years,  the  contribute to the protection of the  with  the  BES-islands.  Optimization
            In-depth  information  on  coral  re-  DCNA  will  also  focus  on  coral  re-  reported  species.  For  more  infor-  of  New  Research  Projects  Joseph
            covery                              covery.  Hans  Verdaat  presented  mation,  contact  research@dcna-      Stuefer  and  Niels  van  den  Berg
            The park biologists are now better  how the free website DutchCarib-                          from  the  Dutch  Organization  for
            informed on when and how to ap- and related                                         Scientific  Research  (NWO)  gave
            ply coral restoration methods since  apps could be used by the nature  Exploring inter-island collaboration  an  update  on  the  upcoming  call
            the  presentations  and  workshops  conservation  organizations  of  the  possibilities                      for scientific research proposals in
            represented a unique opportunity  Dutch Caribbean. This free website  Arjan de Groene of World Wildlife  the  Dutch  Caribbean.  This  work-
            to  learn  from  each  other’s  knowl-  and these free apps can be used  Fund  (WWF-NL)  gave  a  workshop  shop  also  provided  a  valuable
            edge and experiences. This newly  not  only  by  biologists  but  also  by  on the Nature Policy Plan including  platform for local organizations to
            gained knowledge will undoubted-    all  citizens  to  report  animals  and  the Coral Action Plan that is under  discuss the desired approach and
            ly benefit the work carried out on  plants.                             development  for  the  BES  islands.  results of research projects through
            the other islands. “It is very inspiring  They  are  furthermore  available  in  The workshop provided a valuable  which they can improve the man-
            to see what is already being done  more than 40 languages. The web-     platform for the participants to give  agement of nature parks and pro-
            on  Bonaire  and  to  learn  from  the  site is now also being translated to  input on how to successfully imple-  tect vulnerable areas and animals.
            experiences of the other islands. It  Papiamentu.  The  species  reports  ment  this  plan  and  for  the  other  For more information, please con-
            is also very insightful to learn about  by  local  communities  are  very  three  Dutch  Caribbean  islands  tact DCNA: (+599) 717-5010 or re-
            the available knowledge and how  valuable for the nature conserva-      Aruba,  Curaçao  and  St.  Maarten q

              Join the locals for a night full of culture, arts and fun

              SAN  NICOLAS  —  Join  the  locals                                                                       authentic  local  and  Caribbean
              for a night full of culture, arts and                                                                    dishes. There is also a great assort-
              fun in Aruba’s Sunrise City for the                                                                      ment  of  local  snacks  and  lots  of
              monthly event ‘Meet San Nicolas’.                                                                        Aruban-style cakes and sweets.
              This  free  entrance  event  starts  at                                                                  Mingle with the locals and enjoy
              06:30 PM till 10 PM in the prome-                                                                        some  food,  drinks,  art,  dancing
              nade of San Nicolas.                                                                                     and  feel  the  good  vibes!  Take
                                                                                                                       a  walk  and  admire  the  amaz-
              San Nicolas is Aruba's most south                                                                        ing  murals  created  by  Aruba  Art
              eastern  district,  called  by  many                                                                     Fair. Dance the night away at the
              "Chocolate City" or "Sunrise City".                                                                      sound  of  the  Steelband  and  the
              It's where you will find and meet                                                                        Carnival dancers.
              the most Caribbean atmosphere                                                                            Head  up  to  San  Nicolas  tonight
              that  Aruba  has  to  offer.  The  sole                                                                  and see for yourself why they call
              purpose of this event is to gather                                                                       this  ‘The  people’s  choice  public
              our visitors and locals and let them                                                                     gathering event’.
              get to know the real San Nicolas.
              Here you will find a great variety  souvenirs,  most  of  it  made  and  The promenade will be lined with  For  more  information  check  out
              of the best homemade food, pas-    prepared by San Nicolas residents  arts & crafts tables and a variety  the  Facebook  page  Meet  San
              tries  and  real  local  handmade  themselves.                        of  food  vendors,  most  offering  Nicolas. q
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