Page 13 - HOH
P. 13
LOCAL Tuesday 12 april 2022
At Radisson Blu Aruba:
Wednesdays are Winesdays
PALM BEACH, ARUBA – it’s mid- to discover. Go and find out why
week and you need some me time Sunset Bistro is the next hotspot for
with your love, friend, sister, broth- a bite, a drink or more.
er. Where to go to relax your mind,
indulge in good vibes with a great Unwind with local prices a singing
drink and tasty bites? We have the angel
new thing for you: Winesday @ roof- Sunset Bistro offers a nice selection
top Sunset bistro. The new resort of wines and each Wednesday
invites you to their contemporary you will only pay in Florins. You de-
Sunset Bistro to enjoy live music cide whether you wish to start at
by Amy Sorinio and wine bottles in lunch or dinner or even stay for the
Florins instead of Dollars. Yes, that whole ride. It is all possible. The bis-
is correct, 43% discount of the nor- tro is already a fav spot for its ‘bits
mal price. Hear us out. and bites’, an amazing rooftop
terrace where you can chat in all
We welcome you to the modern privacy while enjoying the mind-
setting by the hotel’s infinity rooftop blowing panorama of the Carib-
pool with amazing ocean views. bean Sea and the infinity pool.
The chef and his team are clearly The Dollar to Florin deals on wine
dedicated to making you come bottles start from 12NOON every Latin… name a style and she can Radisson Blu Aruba
back presenting you tasty tapas Wednesday. Now it gets even bet- do it. Her passion led her travelling J.E. Irausquin Boulevard 97-A
items or full entrée offerings. One ter because from 7PM you can en- all around the world and you will Palm Beach, Aruba
thing must be said: the hotel’s staff joy the amazing voice of local sing- feel her experience and genuine Tel.: +297 526 5000
makes a difference. Real smiles, er Amy Sorinio. The all-round per- love for music. Email: concierge@radissonblua-
real attention and real enthusiasm former has a unique voice and a
is what you encounter. Here we are great energy. She easily connects Make sure you reserve your Wines- Website: https://www.radissonho-
experiencing something new, and with her public and enchants you day table at 526 5000.q
a new place has new vibes, for you with jazz, easy listening, pop, soul, radisson-blu-aruba
Camping season has finally started!
Oranjestad - A reporter for Bon Dia could be seen at Eagle, Boca harm to the areas. this year we can experience the
Aruba toured around the Island Catalina, and Arashi. The only part same, so we can help our tourism
visiting different camping sites that did not have much movement Bon Dia Aruba spoke to a camper, and our economy,” he expressed.
where campers were already as of yesterday was Fisherman Huts who mentioned that he considers
beginning with preparations and where some campers have no yet camping something important Cuerpo di Polis di Aruba (local
setting up for the coming week received their permits to be able to for tourism and the development authorities) published in a press
with many expectations. camp in these areas. of our economy as well. “We release that the last day for
organize very well. We never camping will be the 24th of april.
“Finally!” is the word that was heard The camping season is one of the got any complaints or fines for
the most after for 2 consecutive only moments during the year anything. We keep the area clean, After the camping season
years camping was suspended for where Arubans can escape the we look for an adequate place for ends, all objects will have to be
reasons related to the COVID-19 daily routine to enjoy vacation the bathroom placement and set removed from the beach. If any
pandemic. Now, locals as well as days. During these days, you up where we will do the cooking. campers don’t comply, the police
our visitors can enjoy of various can see the unity that exists for This way we can keep the area will remove the objects at the
vacation days at the beach. community to come together and looking organized, so that tourists camper’s cost. “We call out to all
enjoy of Aruba’s beaches, always can come to us and spend time our campers and ask them to keep
During the visits, it was clear to see with the responsibility to care for with us, and often times even eat our beaches clean. Dispose of all
that in Bushiri there were already our nature, to keep our beaches fresh fish with us. They also enjoy this trash accordingly.” q
many trailers set up, the same clean and make sure to cause no tradition with us and we hope that