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                  Monday 5 deceMber 2022
            Iran morality police status unclear after ‘closure’ comment

            By JACK JEFFERY                                                                                                     doing our best to come up
            Associated Press                                                                                                    with  a  thoughtful  solution
            CAIRO  (AP)  —  An  Iranian                                                                                         to  deal  with  this  phenom-
            lawmaker     said   Sunday                                                                                          enon that hurts everyone’s
            that  Iran’s  government  is                                                                                        heart,”   said   Montazeri,
            “paying  attention  to  the                                                                                         without offering details.
            people’s  real  demands,”                                                                                           Saturday’s  announcement
            state  media  reported,  a                                                                                          could signal an attempt to
            day after a top official sug-                                                                                       appease  the  public  and
            gested  that  the  country’s                                                                                        find a way to end the pro-
            morality police whose con-                                                                                          tests in which, according to
            duct helped trigger months                                                                                          rights  groups,  at  least  470
            of  protests  has  been  shut                                                                                       people  were  killed.  More
            down.                                                                                                               than  18,000  people  have
            The role of the morality po-                                                                                        been  arrested  in  the  pro-
            lice, which enforces veiling                                                                                        tests and the violent secu-
            laws,  came  under  scrutiny                                                                                        rity  force  crackdown  that
            after  a  detainee,  22-year-                                                                                       followed, according to Hu-
            old  Mahsa  Amini,  died  in                                                                                        man Rights Activists in Iran,
            its  custody  in  mid-Septem-                                                                                       a  group  monitoring  the
            ber.  Amini  had  been  held                                                                                        demonstrations.
            for  allegedly  violating  the                                                                                      Ali Alfoneh, a senior fellow
            Islamic   Republic’s   strict                                                                                       at the Arab Gulf States In-
            dress codes. Her death un-   In this photo taken by an individual not employed by the Associated Press and obtained by the   stitute  in  Washington,  said
            leashed  a  wave  of  unrest   AP outside Iran, Iranians protests the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini after she was detained by   Montazeri’s   statement
                                         the morality police, in Tehran, Oct. 1, 2022.
            that has grown into calls for                                                                      Associated Press  about  closing  the  moral-
            the downfall of Iran’s cleri-                                                                                       ity  police  could  be  an  at-
            cal rulers.                  protests.                    The  Associated  Press  has  ecutor, provided no further  tempt  to  pacify  domestic
            Iran’s chief prosecutor Mo-  “Both  the  administration  been unable to confirm the  details  about  the  future  of  unrest  without  making  real
            hamed  Jafar  Montazeri  and  parliament  insisted  current status of the force,  the  morality  police  or  if  its  concessions to protesters.
            said  on  Saturday  the  mo-  that  paying  attention  to  established in 2005 with the  closure  was  nationwide  When  asked  about  Mon-
            rality  police  “had  been  the people’s demand that  task  of  arresting  people  and  permanent.  However  tazeri’s  statement,  Iranian
            closed,”  the  semi-official  is  mainly  economic  is  the  who  violate  the  country’s  he  added  that  Iran’s  ju-  Foreign  Minister  Hossein
            news  agency  ISNA  report-  best way for achieving sta-  Islamic dress code.          diciary  will  ‘’continue  to  Amirabdollahian  gave  no
            ed.  The  agency  did  not  bility  and  confronting  the  Since September, there has  monitor  behavior  at  the  direct answer. ‘’Be sure that
            provide  details,  and  state  riots,”  he  said,  following  a  been a reported decline in  community level.’’     in  Iran,  within  the  frame-
            media    hasn’t   reported  closed  meeting  with  sev-   the number of morality po-   In  a  report  by  ISNA  on  Fri-  work  of  democracy  and
            such a purported decision.   eral  senior  Iranian  officials,  lice  officers  across  Iranian  day, Montazeri was quoted  freedom, which very clear-
            In a report carried by ISNA  including  President  Ebra-  cities  and  an  increase  in  as  saying  that  the  govern-  ly exists in Iran, everything is
            on  Sunday,  lawmaker  Ne-   him Raisi.                   women  walking  in  public  ment  was  reviewing  the  going  very  well,’’  Amirab-
            zamoddin     Mousavi    sig-  Mousavi  did  not  address  without  headscarves,  con-  mandatory  hijab  law.  “We  dollahian  said,  speaking
            naled a less confrontation-  the reported closure of the  trary to Iranian law.        are  working  fast  on  the  is-  during  a  visit  to  Belgrade,
            al  approach  toward  the  morality police.               Montazeri,  the  chief  pros-  sue  of  hijab  and  we  are  Serbia.q

                                                                      El Salvador sends 10,000 police, soldiers

                                                                      to seal off town

                                                                      money  from  businesses  of homicides in late March.  ing or leaving the town was
                                                                      and ruled many neighbor-    Rights  groups  have  criti-  questioned  or  searched.
                                                                      hoods  of  the  capital,  San  cized  the  mass  roundups,  About  50  suspects  were
                                                                      Salvador.                   saying  they  often  sweep  detained in two days.
                                                                      The  troops  blocked  roads  up  young  men  based  “It  worked,”  Bukele  said.
                                                                      going  in  and  out  of  the  on  their  appearance  or  The government estimates
                                                                      township  of  Soyapango,  where they live.               that  homicides  dropped
                                                                      checking  people’s  docu-   It was part of what Bukele  38% in the first 10 months of
                                                                      ments. Special teams went  had called in late Novem-     the year compared to the
                                                                      into  the  town  looking  for  ber  “Phase  Five”  of  the  same period of 2021.
             A resident looks out from her doorway as a soldier takes part   gang suspects.       crackdown.  Bukele  said  Bukele  requested  Con-
             in an operation in search of gang members, in Soyapango, El   “Starting  now,  the  town-  such tactics worked in the  gress  grant  him  extraordi-
             Salvador, Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022.                        ship  of  Soyapango  is  town  of  Comasagua  in  nary  powers  after  gangs
                                                     Associated Press  completely  surrounded,”  October.                      were  blamed  for  62  kill-
                                                                      Bukele  wrote  in  his  Twitter  In  October,  more  than  ings  on  March  26,  and
              SAN  SALVADOR,  El  Salva-  for gang members.           account.  He  posted  vid-  2,000  soldiers  and  police  that  emergency  decree
              dor  (AP)  —  The  govern-  The  operation  was  one  eos  showing  ranks  of  rifle-  surrounded  and  closed  has  been  renewed  every
              ment  of  El  Salvador  sent  of  the  largest  mobiliza-  toting soldiers.         off  Comasagua  in  order  month  since  then.  It  sus-
              10,000  soldiers  and  police  tions yet in President Nay-  More  than  58,000  people  to  search  for  street  gang  pends  some  Constitution-
              to  seal  off  a  town  on  the  ib  Bukele’s  nine-month-  have  been  jailed  since  a  members accused in a kill-  al  rights  and  gives  police
              outskirts  of  the  nation’s  old  crackdown  on  street  state  of  emergency  was  ing.  Drones  flew  over  the  more powers to arrest and
              capital Saturday to search  gangs  that  long  extorted  declared following a wave  town, and everyone enter-    hold suspects.q
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