Page 26 - MIN TTC 15 MAART 2016
P. 26


LOCALTuesday 15 March 2016

Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa Working Together with Aruba Doet

                            MANCHEBO BEACH - On            beautiful turquoise col-
                            Friday March 11 2016, Man-     ored ocean. Main goal
                            chebo Beach Resort & Spa       was to socialize and enjoy
                            and Aruba Doet teamed          themselves.
                            up together for the fourth     The success of ARUBA
                            time in a row. The team        DOET is made possible by
                            organized a special day        the commitment and as-
                            for the elderly folks of Cen-  sistance of a large amount
                            tro di Cuido SABA and the      of participants; individual
                                                           volunteers and families,
                                                           companies, schools and
                                                           ARUBA DOET has also be-
                                                           come successful thanks
                                                           to the commitment and
                                                           organizational skills of all
                                                           coordinators. Institutions
                                                           benefit greatly from the
                                                           manpower and also the
                                                           donations that most of
                                                           them have received.
                                                           ARUBA DOET is organized
                                                           by CEDE ARUBA in part-
                                                           nership with Oranje Fonds.
                                                           CEDE Aruba is a develop-
                                                           ment and co-financing
                                                           organization that supports
                                                           programs and projects in
                                                           the field of welfare in Aru-
                                                           ba. The Oranje Fonds is the
                                                           biggest national fund in the
                                                           social area and showcas-
                                                           es the best of the Kingdom
                                                           has to offer. Every year the
                                                           foundations support orga-
                                                           nizations and initiative that

                            ELIEZER Foundation, name-      strengthen social cohesion
                            ly clients of Alianza Nobo     in the Netherlands and Ca-
                            stichting ELIEZER.             ribbean. The Prince of Or-
                            The event started at 10:00     ange and Princess Máxima
                            am with coffee and cake        are the protectors of the
                            followed by a nice lunch       foundation.
                            together with musical en-      Manchebo’s Voluntary
                            tertainment from Robert        contributions are the heart
                            Thiel. This fun get-together   and soul of many charita-
                            took place at the intimate     ble events held at the Re-
                            boutique resort’s beach        sort and shows how much
                            pavilion overlooking the       FUN IT CAN BE!
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