Page 27 - MIN TTC 15 MAART 2016
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                                                                                                                    Tuesday 15 March 2016

                                                            CHTA Caribbean Performance & Outlook Study
                                                            Shows Tourism Growth Driving Increases In
                                                            Employment and Investments; 2016 Promising

Deadline for CHTA Education
Foundation Scholarships is on
March 31, 2016: Apply Now!

ORANJESTAD - The dead-       awards to Caribbean na-        ORANJESTAD - CHTA has          try stakeholders. Growth in   formance throughout 2015
line is fast approaching to  tionals who demonstrate a      released the results of the    occupancies and revenue       with optimistic forecasts
apply for the CHTA Educa-    strong commitment to the       first annual Industry Perfor-  stimulated job growth and     for 2016 despite prevalent
tion Foundation (CHTAEF)     industry. CHTAEF scholar-      mance and Outlook survey,      increased capital expendi-    concerns over profitability
scholarships. Applications   ships range, on average,       indicating a cautious, but     tures by hoteliers through-   due to increased costs out-
will be accepted until       from $500 - $5,000 and are     positive assessment as re-     out the region. The majority  pacing average daily rate
March 31, 2016. CHTAEF       exclusively used towards       ported by the region’s hos-    of respondents indicate a     (ADR) growth in a globally
provides academic, pro-      tuition costs. For the guide-  pitality and tourism indus-    strong to moderate per-       competitive industry.
fessional development,       lines and application, visit:
tourism and hospitality      http://caribbeanhoteland-
teachers, work experience
placements and internship    cation.php.
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