Page 24 - Min.TTC Dec 30, 2014
P. 24
Tuesday 30 December 2014
Big Group of Families Honored at the Divi Tamarijn Resort!
family of Lexington, Mas- restaurants, and to meet
sachusetts, the Mc Don- every year with their won-
nell family of South Dennis, derful Aruban friends. The
Massachusetts, and the certificate was presented
Bradshaw family of Berk- by Mr. Ernest Giel repre-
ley, Massachusetts. All the senting the Aruba Tourism
families are loyal guests of Authority together with
the Divi Tamarijn Resort and Management and staff
they love Aruba very much members of the Divi Tama-
for the climate, beaches, rijn Beach Resort. q
EAGLE BEACH - Recently Resort, as Distinguished visit Aruba for 10-to-19 and
the Aruba Tourism Author- Visitors and Ambassador 20-or-more consecutive
ity had the great pleasure of Goodwill. The symbolic years. The honorees come
of honoring a group of nice honorary title is presented from the Walsh family of
families whom are loyal in the name of the Minister Winchester, Massachusetts,
and friendly visitors of Aru- of Tourism as a token of ap- the Zukerman family of To-
ba, at the Tamarijn Beach preciation to guests who ronto, Ontario, the Nasson
Tuesday 30 December 2014
Big Group of Families Honored at the Divi Tamarijn Resort!
family of Lexington, Mas- restaurants, and to meet
sachusetts, the Mc Don- every year with their won-
nell family of South Dennis, derful Aruban friends. The
Massachusetts, and the certificate was presented
Bradshaw family of Berk- by Mr. Ernest Giel repre-
ley, Massachusetts. All the senting the Aruba Tourism
families are loyal guests of Authority together with
the Divi Tamarijn Resort and Management and staff
they love Aruba very much members of the Divi Tama-
for the climate, beaches, rijn Beach Resort. q
EAGLE BEACH - Recently Resort, as Distinguished visit Aruba for 10-to-19 and
the Aruba Tourism Author- Visitors and Ambassador 20-or-more consecutive
ity had the great pleasure of Goodwill. The symbolic years. The honorees come
of honoring a group of nice honorary title is presented from the Walsh family of
families whom are loyal in the name of the Minister Winchester, Massachusetts,
and friendly visitors of Aru- of Tourism as a token of ap- the Zukerman family of To-
ba, at the Tamarijn Beach preciation to guests who ronto, Ontario, the Nasson