Page 12 - AHATA
P. 12
LOCAL Wednesday 3 February 2021
World Wetland Day
SANTA CRUZ— Each year on the 2nd of Febru- billion by 2050, we will require 55% more wa- As the world painfully realizes throughout the
ary, the international community celebrates ter. While this quantity is enormous, the quality COVID19 pandemic, access to safe water and
World Wetlands - a day to put a spotlight on the of freshwater requires urgent attention as well. soap for handwashing can help stave off dis-
state of our wetlands globally. Organized by Many water sources are polluted due to chemi- ease and keep our economies functioning. To
the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, the 2021 cals, plastic waste, or untreated wastewater, actually ‘Build Back Better’ we must recognize
theme focuses on the intrinsic link between leaving 2.2 billion people drinking unsafe water. and include the vital need to provide clean
wetlands and freshwater, highlighting the role Wetlands can play a vital role in supporting the water and protect the natural systems that pro-
wetlands play in the quantity and quality of efforts towards more and safe freshwater and vide it, such as wetlands. Wetlands are a source
freshwater on our planet. in reaching Sustainable Development Goal 6: of life!q
‘Ensuring availability and sustainable manage-
With a world population projected to reach 10 ment of water and sanitation for all’. Source: Aruba National Park
Foundation Ajudo Na Aruba (FANA):
Volunteers reach out to feed the Arubans in need
ORANJESTAD — In an in- most of the Aruban regis- tremendous effort of them
terview with the Dutch An- tered are now out of their as they –together with our
nelot Muijres, founder of the saving money and still are fantastic donors - make
official Foundation Ajudo unemployed plus without this foundation a success.”
Na Aruba (FANA) mean- the financial support of the The volunteers work long
ing helping Aruba, Aruba government. Many also days and take precious
Today heard about the inform her that the official time away from their fami-
growing poverty of the lo- food bank and the Red lies to help Ajudo na Aruba
cal people due to the CO- Cross are full so are unable reach out, Muijres says. If
VID-19 crisis and the finan- to register them and they you would like to join their
cial situation on the island. consequently turn to FANA. fantastic team, please
“We feed 12.000 mouths “Our requests for registra- contact the organization
per month, the requests for tions rise while our dona- through the contact page
help are skyrocketing while tions are decreasing. Ajudo on their website https://
the donations are falling na Aruba is run completely
behind. by donations, whether it’s contact and they will reach
food or money (to buy out to you.
The 12.000 mouths per food), diapers, formula or
month come from 400 even toys and clothing, Refugees Netherlands, recently an- sic necessities like diapers,
to 450 families per week every single item donated FANA collaborates with nounced to support FANA baby formula, soap etc.
which are provided with is valuable to them. If you HIAS, a Jewish American by advertising online how Have a look at Aruba To-
week packages by FANA, would like to join this good nonprofit organization that to donate to the founda- day’s video about the foun-
Muijres says. “We have cause and support Aruba, provides humanitarian aid tion. dation on our Facebook
families between two and feel free to donate or con- and assistance to refugees. Muijres started this initia- page and website: Co-
nine persons so all different. tact the organization if Muijres informed Aruba To- tive by preparing home- rona Street Talk – Ajudo na
Notable is the baby boom you require more informa- day before that she esti- cooked meals from her Aruba https://www.face-
right now, approximately tion. ALL of the donations mates there are between home, but she soon real-
nine months after carnival. are used to help families in 25.000 and 30.000 illegals ized this was not enough. videos/2315084928799246/.
We have many newborns need. on the island. The total (le- The grassroots organization
which costs a lot of money gal) population of Aruba is became an official foun- FANA
and many young mothers Powered by volunteers about 106.000 inhabitants. dation with president An- Av. Milio Croes 70
cannot provide. FANA of- “We are doing this all with “These refugees have no nelot Muijres, secretary Lizzy Oranjestad, Aruba
fers breast feeding assis- love and the help of our medical insurance, no jobs Jansen and treasurer Xan- Facebook: FANA Funda-
tance, baby formula and fantastic volunteers. We and are in immediate need der Muijres. They help all cion Ajudo na Aruba, Web-
pampers and therefore thank you all from the of food and baby milk.” The people in need, not only by site: https://www.ajudo-
we need donations really bottom of our hearts. The Arubahuis, the official rep- providing meals or grocer- naaruba.comq
bad.” She also notices that project depends on the resentative of Aruba in the ies, but also support in ba-