Page 13 - AHATA
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Wednesday 3 February 2021 locAl
Frequently asked questions- Covid testing
ORANJESTAD — Aruba’s health and safety pro- Tests that are accepted: Upload any of these, or an inauthentic test re-
tocols are being revisited and reevaluated on Accepted Molecular test types: sult, and you will be required to retake the PCR
an ongoing basis. Based on the ever-changing • PCR / RT-PCR / ddPCR / Rapid PCR (Poly- test on arrival at the Aruba airport at your ex-
situation, we recommend all visitors to check merase Chain Reaction) pense. frequently for any changes to dates, • NAA / NAAT (Nucleic Acid Amplification)
markets, required procedures and more. • AMP PRB (Amplified Probe) Additional important safety measures & up-
• LAMP (Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplifi- dates
If taking the PCR test in Aruba, are we quaran- cation) The government of Aruba has also implement-
tined to our room in the hotel or just the hotel? • TMA (Transcription-mediated Amplification) ed additional island-wide measures to further
Can we still go to facilities in the hotel such as • Accepted Molecular test brands, such as, maintain the health and safety of visitors. As
the beach and pool? but not limited to: Abbott ID NOW - Only with all of Aruba’s procedures and protocols,
If your test was administered on the island upon when results include the original thermal this will be monitored and is subject to change
arrival, you are required to quarantine in your receipt / sticker, or results are verifiable as the situation develops.
room at your booked accommodation until through an email or patient portal.
you receive your test result. The quarantine will • Quidel Lyra PCR From January 7th 2021 until further notice the
be up to 24 hours and the Aruba Department • Abbott Realtime PCR following will be in effect:
of Health will make every effort to have results • Cobas Qualitative PCR • Curfew starting at 11:00 pm until 5:00 am.
in 6-8 hours, in order to minimize visitors’ time in • FTD PCR • In addition to the curfew, there are “restrict-
quarantine. Visitors are required to stay in their • Xpert Xpress ed zones” that are off-limits between the
rooms to ensure the safety of fellow guests and • Simplexa Direct PCR hours of 7pm-5am. Restricted zones include
Arubans. • Vault Health all beaches and public parking lots.
• All establishments are currently required to
If I tested positive while in Aruba, do I need to Tests that are NOT accepted: close by 10:00 pm at the latest.
test negative before I can return to my country? • Any at-home kits (the sample needs to be • This is not applicable for establishments at
Yes. If you test positive, you must remain in isola- collected by licensed medical staff) With hotel properties, however is applicable for
tion until declared recovered. the exception of Vault Health hotel Casinos.
• Any test that does not rely on a nasal swab, • Closing times per hotel may differ, please
Do children need to be tested as well? such as: Sputum, saliva and spit collection check with your hotel for more information.
Children 14 and under are not required to take (spit in a cup, etc) Gargle, oral rinse, etc • Tables at restaurants can have a maximum
or submit a PCR test. Oral swab without a nasal swab With the of four seats indoor and outdoor (excluding
exception of Vault Health children under the age of 12). Tables must
Why is Aruba requesting that travelers upload a • All Antigen (Ag) tests (including Quidel So- be at least 1.5 m apart.
certified negative PCR test result within 72 to 12 phia, Abbott BinaxNOW and Rapid Antigen • All bars, rum shops, and nightclubs are
hours of traveling to the island? Tests) closed until further notice. Restaurant bars
We are requiring a negative test to minimize the • All Antibody tests (such as IgG, IgA, IgM and can serve at tables only. There will be no
chances of an individual contracting the virus Rapid Antibody Tests) bar stools and no standing at bars.
ahead of travel to Aruba. This is for the safety of • All blood tests (such as fingerstick, veni- • Hotel bars can serve at the bar for only reg-
Aruba’s visitors and local community. Any Co- puncture) istered hotel guests.
vid-19 testing done prior to travel to Aruba must • All plasma tests
show a certified negative test result conducted • All serum tests For more information go to
within 3 days of your departure flight to Aruba • All lateral flow tests and click on health requirements.q
(the last leg of your trip). The negative test re- • All fever checks
sults must then be uploaded as part of the ED • All temperature checks
card process no later than 12 hours prior to your • Any Doctor's note
departing flight to Aruba (the last leg of your
Can COVID-19 antibody test results be used as
a replacement for a PCR test?
An antibody test cannot be used as a replace-
ment for a PCR test, as antibody tests do not re-
flect whether a person is currently infected with
Testing before your return flight
Some countries/states/cities require returning
travelers to undergo mandatory quarantine or
present a negative COVID-19 test upon arrival.
There are currently 3 clinics that perform CO-
VID-19 tests for departing travelers:
MedCare Clinic: - (+297) 280-0630
- WhatsApp (+297) 562-4440 - info@medcare.
MedLab: - (+297) 586-1600 - Cell/What-
sApp (+297) 597-5544 -
Horacio Oduber Hospital: (US$ 75) https://www. - servicecenter@hoharu- - (+297) 597-4522 (Call or WhatsApp)
Get in contact with the test provider to make
an appointment, get details on the exact test
performed and their procedures.