Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20220811
P. 26

a26     obituario/world news
                Diahuebs 11 augustus 2022

                                                                  Iranian operative charged in plot to murder

                                                                                                John Bolton

                                                              (AP)  —  An  Iranian  operative  has  been
                                                              charged in a plot to murder former U.S. na-
                                                              tional  security  adviser  John  Bolton  in  pre-
               Laga tur loke ta spera mi ta bunita            sumed  retaliation  for  a  U.S.  airstrike  that
               Laga tur locual cu mi encontra na caminda ta   killed the country's most powerful general,
               bunita                                         offering  $300,000  to  "eliminate"  the  Trump
               Laga tur locual cu mi laga atras keda bunita y  administration  official,  the  Justice  Depart-
               Laga esakinan termina den tur buniteza.        ment said Wednesday.
               Cado Wever.
                                                              Shahram Poursafi, identified by U.S. officials as
                                                              a  member  of  Iran's  paramilitary  Revolutionary
                                                              Guard, is currently wanted by the FBI on charges
                                                              related to the murder-for-hire plot.

                                                              Prosecutors say the scheme unfolded more than
                                                              a  year  after  Qassem  Soleimani,  the  head  of  the
                                                              Revolutionary  Guard's  elite  Quds  Force  and  an
                                                              architect  of  Tehran's  proxy  wars  in  the  Middle
                                                              East, was killed in a targeted airstrike as he trav-
                                                              eled from Baghdad's international airport in Janu-
                                                              ary 2020. After the strike, Bolton, who by then   to  have  Bolton  killed,  according  to  an  affidavit
                                                              had  left  his  White  House  post,  tweeted,  "Hope   unsealed  Wednesday.  Law  enforcement  officials
                                                              this is the first step to regime change in Tehran."
                                                                                                              located photographs of him in fatigues and with
               Señora vuida Marcela Rosalia                   The FBI believes that Poursafi was acting on be-  posters of Iran and Soleimani in the background
                          Britten- Webb                       half of the Revolutionary Guard when he sought   to back up their allegation that he is a uniformed
                 Mihor conoci como “Chela, mama Chela”                                                        Revolutionary Guard member.

               Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues                                                       The Justice Department traces the plot to the fall
                                                                                                              of  2021,  when  Poursafi,  an  Iranian  citizen  who
                                                                                                              officials say has never visited the United States,
                                                                                                              asked an unidentified person he met through so-
                                                                                                              cial media and who was living in the U.S. to take
                                                                                                              photographs of Bolton for a book he said he was
                                                                                                              The  person  introduced  Poursafi  to  an  associate
                                                                                                              who  could  take  the  requested  photos  and  vid-
                                                              Na een werels leven ben ik begonnenmet mijn     eos.  After  the  two  connected,  Poursafi  encour-
                                                              reis naar wolk 1665.                            aged that person, who was actually a confidential
                                                              Treur niet om mij ik he been prima leven        source working with the FBI, to hire someone to
                                                              gehad met een lieve                             kill  Bolton  and  offered  to  pay  $300,000  for  the
                The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in    Vrouw die 47 jaar aan mijn zijde heeft gestaan.  job. Poursafi told the person that he wanted "the
                want. he restores my soul. He guides me in    We zeiden bij het ja word; tot de doo dons      guy" to be purged or eliminated.
                paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.   scheidt.
                Even though I walk through the valley of the   Die dag is nu voor mij gekomen.                Poursafi provided the person with Bolton's office
                shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you                                                 address, including the name and contact informa-
                are with me; your rod and your staff, they                                                    tion for someone who worked in the office, and
                comfort me. Psalm 23                                                                          took  screenshots  of  surveillance  photographs  of
                                                                                                              Bolton's office, the FBI affidavit says.
                With deep sorrow we announce the passing
                away of:                                                                                      In 2011, for instance, the FBI and Justice Depart-
                                                                                                              ment revealed a disrupted plot engineered by the
                                                                                                              Iranian government to assassinate the Saudi am-
                                                                                                              bassador to the U.S. while the ambassador was in
                                                                                                              the U.S.

                                                                                                              In  his  own  statement,  Bolton  thanked  the  FBI
                                                                                                              and Justice Department for their work in devel-
                                                                                                              oping the case and the Secret Service for provid-
                                                                                                              ing protection.

                                                                                                              Iran's mission to the United Nations did not im-
                                                                                                              mediately respond to request for comment.
                                                                 Wilhelmus J. Van der Steen                   The unsealing of the complaint comes two days
                                                                *Nederland 14 Februari 1947 - † Aruba 10      after negotiators seeking to revive the Iran nucle-
                                                                             Augustus 2022                    ar accord in Vienna closed on a "final text" of an
                                                                                                              agreement, with parties now consulting in their
                                                              Crematie plechtigheid  zal plaatsvinden op      capitals on whether to agree to it it.
                                                              zaterdag 13 Augustus 2022 tussen 2 uur en       The  2015  deal  granted  Iran  sanctions  relief  in
                     George Winston Gilkes                    4 uur ‘s middags te Aurora Funeral Home,        exchange for tight curbs on its atomic program.
                        Sunrise February 10th, 1950           Oranjestad.                                     Since the U.S. withdrew from the agreement un-
                          Sunset: July 16th, 2022                                                             der  President  Donald  Trump,  Iran  has  sped  up
                                                              s.v.p. gekleurde kleding.                       its nuclear enrichment program. Bolton has been
                Date and place of funeral will be announced   Geen bloemen.                                   among the most hawkish critics of the deal and
                later.                                        Geen bezoek aan huis.                           efforts by the Biden administration to rejoin it.
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