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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diahuebs 11 augustus 2022

                          Trump says he took the Fifth in New York civil investigation

            (AP)  —  Donald  Trump                                                                                              “pleased to have had the op-
            invoked his Fifth Amend-                                                                                            portunity to tell my side” last
            ment  protection  against                                                                                           October in a lawsuit brought
            self-incrimination       as                                                                                         by protesters who say his se-
            he  testified  under  oath                                                                                          curity  guard  roughed  them
            Wednesday  in  the  New                                                                                             up  outside  Trump  Tower  in
            York  attorney  general’s                                                                                           2015.
            long-running  civil  inves-
            tigation  into  his  business                                                                                       However,  Trump  invoked
            dealings, the former presi-                                                                                         the Fifth Amendment to re-
            dent said in a statement.                                                                                           fuse  to  answer  97  questions
                                                                                                                                in a 1990 divorce deposition.
            About  an  hour  after  arriv-
            ing  at  Attorney  General  Le-                                                                                     Messages  seeking  comment
            titia  James’  Manhattan  of-                                                                                       were left with James’ office.
            fices, Trump announced that
            he  “declined  to  answer  the                                                                                      Wednesday’s  events  unfold-
            questions  under  the  rights                                                                                       ed two days after FBI agents
            and privileges afforded to ev-                                                                                      searched  Trump’s  Mar-a-
            ery citizen under the United                                                                                        Lago estate in Florida as part
            States Constitution.”                                                                                               of an unrelated federal probe
                                                                                                                                into  whether  he  took  classi-
            “I  once  asked,  ‘If  you’re  in-                                                                                  fied records when he left the
            nocent,  why  are  you  taking                                                                                      White House.
            the Fifth Amendment?’ Now
            I  know  the  answer  to  that   attorney  general  was  squan-  him in a parallel criminal in-  Trump  had  done  so,  given   New  York’s  investigation  is
            question,” the statement said.   dering time investigating him  vestigation by the Manhattan  his previous experience with   led  by  James,  a  Democrat
            “When  your  family,  your   instead of attending to crime  district  attorney.  The  Fifth  depositions,  a  legal  term  for   who has said in court filings
            company,  and  all  the  people   in New York.            Amendment  protects  people  sworn  testimony  that’s  not   that her office has uncovered
            in  your  orbit  have  become                             from  being  compelled  to  be  given in court.           “significant”  evidence  that
            the  targets  of  an  unfounded   But after leaving around 3:30  witnesses  against  themselves                     Trump’s  company  misled
            politically  motivated  Witch   p.m.,  he  described  the  en-  in a criminal case.    “Jousting with lawyers at de-  lenders  and  tax  authorities
            Hunt  supported  by  lawyers,   counter  as  “very  profession-                        positions, while avoiding ly-  about the value of prized as-
            prosecutors  and  the  Fake   al” and added a plug for his  Also, if the attorney general’s  ing, is something he’s proud   sets like golf courses and sky-
            News  Media,  you  have  no   “fantastic” company.        investigation  leads  to  a  civil  of,” Gillers said. “Perhaps his   scrapers.
            choice.”                                                  case  against  Trump  and  it  lawyers feared that his impet-
                                         As  vociferous  as  Trump  has  went to trial, jurors could be  uosity would imperil him.”  The  company,  the  Trump
            During more than six hours   been  in  defending  himself  told that he invoked his pro-                            Organization,  even  exag-
            at the office building, Trump   in written statements and on  tection  against  self-incrimi-  Trump has undergone many   gerated  the  size  of  Trump’s
            used Truth Social, the social   the  rally  stage,  legal  experts  nation.            depositions, dating to his ca-  Manhattan penthouse, saying
            media  platform  he  founded,   said  answering  questions  in                         reer as a real estate developer.   it  was  nearly  three  times  its
            to review the decor — “very   a  deposition  was  risky  be-  New  York  University  law  He  has  sometimes  seemed   actual size — a difference in
            plush,  beautiful  and  expen-  cause anything he said could  professor  Stephen  Gillers  to  relish  giving  answers:   value of about $200 million,
            sive”  —  and  to  suggest  the   potentially  be  used  against  said  he  was  surprised  that  For example, he said he was   James’ office said.

                              Biden signs ‘burn pits’ help for vets; a personal win, too

                                                                      of affected troops run to 3.5  Danielle  Robinson  said.  “So  president has publicly drawn
                                                                      million.                     many  military  families  have  between  Beau’s  fatal  brain
                                                                                                   had to fight this terrible emo-  cancer  and  burn  pits.  The
                                                                      “So  many  of  you  here  to-  tional battle. So many veter-  president  made  addressing
                                                                      day  remind  us  that  we  have  ans are still battling burn pit  the  problem  one  of  his  pri-
                                                                      fought  for  this  for  so  many  illnesses today.”       orities during his State of the
                                                                      years,”  he  said  during  an                             Union address in March.
                                                                      emotional   White   House  After  the  Robinsons  took
                                                                      ceremony  that  reflected  the  their seats for the president’s  “I was going to get this done,
                                                                      struggles of military families  remarks,  Biden  addressed  come hell or high water,” he
                                                                      —  and  the  president’s  per-  Brielle directly.         said Wednesday.
                                                                      sonal experience.
                                                                                                   “I know you miss your dad-   Sen.  Jon  Tester,  D-Mont.,
                                                                      Biden  was  introduced  by  dy. But he’s with you all the  who chairs the Senate Com-
                                                                      Danielle Robinson, the wid-  time,”  he  said.  “He’s  inside  mittee  on  Veterans’  Affairs,
            (AP)  —  President  Joe  the  steel.  You’re  the  sinew.  ow  of  Sgt.  1st  Class  Heath  you. He’s going to whisper in  said Biden was a driving force
            Biden,  whose  elder  son  You’re  the  very  fiber  that  Robinson, who died of can-  your ear when you have hard  behind the legislation, which
            Beau died of cancer years  makes  this  country  what  it  cer two years ago. The legis-  decisions to make.”       passed last week.
            after  deploying  to  Iraq,  is.”                         lation is named for him.
            signed    legislation   on                                                             Then  he  pointed  out  that  “He was continually pushing
            Wednesday       expanding  The  law,  which  Biden  de-   She  described  her  late  hus-  Brielle was sitting next to his  because whether Beau died of
            federal  health  care  ser-  scribed as long overdue, caps  band  as  “a  soldier  as  strong  grandson,  the  son  of  Beau  this or not, I think Joe thinks
            vices for millions of veter-  a years-long battle to ensure  as  an  ox”  but  also  “the  ulti-  Biden.            that it had some impact, and
            ans who served at military  treatment for chronic illness-  mate cuddler” for his daugh-                            so  he  wanted  this  fixed,”
            bases  where  toxic  smoke  es that veterans have blamed  ter Brielle, who stood to her  “His daddy lost to the same  Tester said. “And because he
            billowed from huge “burn  on  burn  pits,  which  were  mother’s  side  clutching  a  burn  pits,”  Biden  said.  “He  thinks it was the right thing
            pits.”                       used  to  dispose  of  chemi-  stuffed figurine wearing mili-  knows  what  you’re  going  to do. So different president,
                                         cals,  tires,  plastics,  medical  tary camouflage.       through.”                    different set of priorities, this
            “We  owe  you,”  Biden  said.  equipment and human waste                                                            would  have  probably  never
            “You’re the backbone. You’re  on  military  bases.  Estimates  “Ours  is  just  one  story,”  It was the most direct link the  happened.”
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