Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20220811
P. 32
A32 sports
Diahuebs 11 augustus 2022
Real Madrid beats Eintracht Frankfurt 2-0 for UEFA Super Cup
(AP) — This time, there Kamada, who was onside be-
were only two goals. Da- fore Courtois blocked his ef-
vid Alaba and Karim Ben- fort. They were to be Frank-
zema scored in each half furt's only real chances.
for Real Madrid to win the
UEFA Super Cup with a Vinícius Júnior had Madrid's
2-0 victory over Eintracht first big opportunity, but Bra-
Frankfurt on Wednesday. zilian compatriot Tuta slid in
to deny him.
Alaba prodded the opener Frankfurt keeper Kevin Trapp
home from close range in the produced a fine save to stop
37th minute when Casemiro the next Vinícius Júnior ef-
cushioned Benzema's head- fort in the 37th, but Madrid
er back after a corner. The scored from the resultant
French star then sealed Ma- corner when Benzema and
drid's record-equaling fifth Casemiro combined to give
Super Cup title in the 65th Alaba an easy finish.
thanks to an assist from the
lively Vinícius Júnior. Benzema went close shortly
afterward as Madrid ended
It was Benzema's 324th goal the first half in the ascendan-
for Madrid, overtaking club Cup final, when Alfredo Di who celebrated another win. the Bundesliga opening game cy, and Vinícius Júnior tested
legend Raúl. Only Cristiano Stéfano scored three goals The three veterans embraced last Friday. Trapp again early in the sec-
Ronaldo has more after scor- and Ferenc Puskás chipped warmly when they met be- ond.
ing 450 goals for the club be- in with four to give Madrid a fore kickoff. Frankfurt's Jesper Lindström
tween 2009-18. 7-3 win and fifth consecutive drew a save from Thibault The Brazilian cut inside to set
European crown. Madrid coach Carlo Ancelot- Courtois early on, though up Benzema's goal, when the
But the game between the ti started with his established the flag went up for offside, French forward let fly with a
Champions League winners, Frankfurt goal-scorer Erwin players, forcing new signings giving the Danish midfielder direct shot past Trapp.
Madrid, and Europa League Stein and teammate Dieter Antonio Rüdiger and Aure- the distinction of being the
champions, Frankfurt, failed Stinka were in Helsinki for lien Tchouameni to watch first in a European club com- Comforted by the two-goal
to match the spectacle of the rematch 62 years later, from the bench. petition to force UEFA's new cushion, the Spanish cham-
their previous meeting. but it was the 93-year-old semi-automated offside tech- pions began turning on the
José Santamaria — the only Frankfurt was keen to make nology into action. style with intricate passing
Their only other competitive remaining Madrid player amends for a 6-1 rout at combinations — albeit with-
game was the 1960 European from that final in Glasgow — home to Bayern Munich in Lindström then set up Daichi out adding to their tally.
Kobe Bryant crash photos lawsuit to be heard by LA jury
(AP) — Kobe Bryant was ties, firefighters, and mem- harm she may suffer.
one of the most photo- bers of the public have
genic sports figures in gawked at gratuitous images A law prompted by the crash
Los Angeles, and images of her deceased husband and makes it a crime for first re-
of him seen by millions child," according to the law- sponders to take unauthor-
around the world — smil- suit. "She lives in fear that she ized photos of deceased peo-
ing in victory, grimacing or her children will one day ple at the scene of an accident
in agony — keep his mem- confront horrific images of or crime.
ory alive. their loved ones online."
The county already agreed
But some photos of him Kobe Bryant, his 13-year-old to pay $2.5 million to settle
should never be seen, his daughter Gianna, and other a similar case brought by two
widow says, and she's seeking parents and players were fly- families whose relatives died
unspecified millions in com- ing to a girls basketball tour- in the Jan. 26, 2020, crash.
pensation for snapshots taken nament when their chartered Vanessa Bryant did not settle
of the NBA star's corpse that helicopter crashed in the her case, indicating she is
were circulated after he was Calabasas hills west of Los seeking more.
killed in a helicopter crash and shared them with fire- firefighter showed them off- Angeles in fog. Federal safety
with their daughter and sev- fighters who responded to duty colleagues. officials blamed pilot error The litigation has at times
en others in 2020. the crash scene. The lawsuit for the wreck. been ugly.
said a deputy showed the "Mrs. Bryant feels ill at the
Vanessa Bryant's invasion of photos to bar patrons, and a thought that sheriff's depu- Vanessa Bryant has also sued When the county sought a
privacy trial against the Los the helicopter charter com- psychiatric evaluation of Bry-
Angeles County sheriff's pany and the deceased pilot's ant to determine if she suf-
and fire departments began estate. fered emotional distress be-
Wednesday in a U.S. District cause of the photos, her law-
Court just over a mile from The county has argued that yers criticized the "scorched-
where Kobe Bryant played Bryant has suffered emotion- earth discovery tactics" to
most of his career with the al distress from the deaths, bully her and other family
Lakers. A jury was promptly not the photos, which were members of victims to aban-
seated in the case, and open- ordered deleted by Sheriff don their lawsuits.
ing statements were sched- Alex Villanueva. They said
uled to start in the afternoon. the photos have never been The county responded by
in the media, on the internet saying they were sympathetic
Vanessa Bryant claims depu- or otherwise publicly dis- to Bryant's losses but dis-
ties did not take the photos seminated and that the law- missed her case as a "money
for investigative purposes suit is speculative about any grab."