P. 66
Tuesday 24 November 2015
Liberia seeks US help to determine cause of new Ebola cases
J. LAYLEH officer and acting head the entire outbreak, which
of Liberia’s Ebola Case was concentrated in Libe-
Associated Press Management System. The ria, Sierra Leone and Guin-
first of the latest patients ea, according to WHO. The
MONROVIA, Liberia (AP) — is a boy from the capital, first cases were confirmed
Monrovia, who officials ini- in March 2014.
Two experts from the U.S. tially said was 10 but now Liberia was first declared
say is 15. The boy’s father Ebola-free on May 9,
Centers for Disease Control and brother also have but new cases emerged
tested positive for Ebola in June resulting in two
and Prevention are set to and have been taken to deaths. WHO declared the
the same treatment center country Ebola-free again
travel to Liberia to try to de- along with his mother and on Sept. 3.
two siblings. The new cases in Liberia
termine the cause of new More than 150 people were announced just days
have been identified as after Guinea, the country
Ebola cases confirmed potentially at risk of con- where the epidemic start-
tracting the disease in ed, said it had no more
last week, more than two connection with the new Ebola patients and was
cluster of cases, includ- beginning a 42-day count-
months after the country ing about a dozen health- down toward being de-
clared free of Ebola trans-
had been declared free mission. Guinea had been
the last country with any
of Ebola transmission for cases after Sierra Leone
was declared Ebola-free
a second time, a Liberian on Nov. 7.q
health official said Mon- A unidentified family member, right, of a 10-year old boy that
contracted Ebola, has her temperature measured by a health
day. worker before entering the Ebola clinic were the child is being
treated on the outskirts of Monrovia, Liberia. Health authorities
Liberia requested U.S. assis- are reporting one confirmed Ebola case, a 10-year boy who
is currently being attended to at the treatment center on the
tance after three new cas- outskirts of Monrovia, the capital. (AP Photo/ Abbas Dulleh)
es were reported on Friday,
said Dr. Francis Kateh, the
country’s chief medical
Kenya president Kenyatta declares care workers “who are at than 4,800 deaths during
corruption national security threat high risk and under pre- the worst Ebola outbreak
cautionary observation,” in history, according to the
TOM ODULA es nobody should hold the health ministry said in a World Health Organization.
Associated Press their breath (for change) statement. More than 11,300 deaths
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Ke- lest they faint,” Githongo Liberia has recorded more have been recorded for
nya’s president on Mon- said.
day declared corruption Kenyatta said among the
a national security threat measures to be taken
and he presented a raft of against graft include the
measures to fight the graft vetting of customs and
that is endemic in East Af- revenue officers, whom
rica’s largest economy. the government believes
“I believe that corruption are denying the country
is a standing threat to our revenue by taking bribes to
national security,” Presi- overlook individuals’ and
dent Uhuru Kenyatta said institutions’ tax obligations.
in televised remarks. “The The country’s spy agency,
bribe accepted by an offi- the National Intelligence
cial can lead to successful Service, has also been or-
terrorist attacks that kill Ke- dered to help track down
nyans. It can let a criminal the corrupt, Kenyatta said.
off the hook for them to re- Banks that break anti-
turn to crime and harming money-laundering laws
Kenyans.” and regulations will, at a
The president’s announce- minimum, lose their bank-
ment was received with ing licenses, Kenyatta said,
skepticism by analysts. and directors and senior
“This president has made officials at those banks
the best speeches about will also be held culpable
fighting corruption but his for abetting money laun-
credibility is very low,” said dering. Kenyatta’s nearly
John Githongo, a former three-year-old regime has
Kenyan government ad- come under heavy criti-
viser who exposed millions cism for inaction against
of dollars in government graft which American Am-
corruption in the previous bassador to Kenya Robert
regime. Godec earlier this month
“Going by the past speech- described as a crisis.q