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                  Tuesday 17 January 2023

            On King’s holiday, daughter calls for bold action over words

                                                                                                                                storm.  Maine’s  first  Black
                                                                                                                                House  speaker  urged  resi-
                                                                                                                                dents  Monday  to  honor
                                                                                                                                King’s memory by joining in
                                                                                                                                acts of service.
                                                                                                                                “His unshakable faith, pow-
                                                                                                                                erful  nonviolent  activism
                                                                                                                                and  his  vision  for  peace
                                                                                                                                and  justice  in  our  world
                                                                                                                                altered  the  course  of  his-
                                                                                                                                tory,”  Rachel  Talbot  Ross
                                                                                                                                said in a statement. Talbot
                                                                                                                                Ross is also the daughter of
                                                                                                                                Maine’s first black lawmak-
                                                                                                                                er, and a former president
                                                                                                                                of the Portland NAACP.
                                                                                                                                “We  must  follow  his  ex-
                                                                                                                                ample  of  leading  with
                                                                                                                                light and love and recom-
                                                                                                                                mit  ourselves  to  building  a
                                                                                                                                more  compassionate,  just
                                                                                                                                and  equal  community,”
                                                                                                                                she added.
                                                                                                                                At   Ebenezer,   Warnock,
                                                                                                                                who has led the congrega-
                                                                                                                                tion for 17 years, hailed his
                                                                                                                                predecessor’s role in secur-
                                                                                                                                ing ballot access for Black
                                                                                                                                Americans. But, like Bernice
                                                                                                                                King,  the  senator  warned
                                                                                                                                against a reductive under-
            President Joe Biden speaks at the National Action Network's Martin Luther King, Jr., Day breakfast, Monday, Jan. 16, 2023, in Washington.
                                                                                                               Associated Press   standing of King.
                                                                                                                                “Don’t  just  call  him  a  civil
                                                                                                                                rights  leader.  He  was  a
            Continued from Front         cy over autocracy, or com-   mayor of Boston, said edu-   highlighted  Temple  Uni-    faith   leader,”   Warnock
                                         munity  over  chaos?  Love  cation  restores  trust.  Quot-  versity  Hospital’s  “Fighting  said.  “Faith  was  the  foun-
            “He  was  God’s  prophet  over  hate?”  Biden  asked  ing  King,  she  called  for  Chance”  program  and  in-      dation  upon  which  he  did
            sent  to  this  nation  and  Monday.  “These  are  the  overcoming the “fatigue of  cluded materials to enable  everything  he  did.  You
            even the world to guide us  questions  of  our  time  that  despair” to enact change.  immediate response to vic-   don’t face down dogs and
            and forewarn us. ... A pro-  I ran for president to try to  “It  is  sometimes  in  those  tims at the scene of gunfire,  water  hoses  because  you
            phetic  word  calls  for  an  help  answer.  ...  Dr.  King’s  moments  when  we  feel  organizers  said.  Recipients  read Nietzsche or Niebuhr.
            inconvenience  because  it  life  and  legacy  —  in  my  most  tired,  most  despair-  are to be trained in the use  You  gotta  tap  into  that
            challenges  us  to  change  view — shows the way for-     ing, that we are just about  of  the  materials,  which  in-  thing, that God he said he
            our  hearts,  our  minds  and  ward.” Other commemora-    to break through,” Wu told  clude  tourniquets,  gauze,  met  anew  in  Montgomery
            our behavior,” Bernice King  tions echoed Bernice King’s  attendees  at  a  memorial  chest seals and other items  when someone threatened
            said. “Dr. King, the inconve-  reminder  and  Biden’s  al-  breakfast.                 to  treat  critical  wounds,  to bomb his house and kill
            nient  King,  puts  some  de-  lusions  that  the  “Beloved  Volunteers  in  Philadelphia  they said.               his wife and his new child.”
            mands on us to change our  Community”  —  Martin  Lu-     held a “day of service” fo-  In Selma, Alabama, a semi-   King,  Warnock  said,  “left
            ways.”                       ther King’s descriptor for a  cused on gun violence pre-  nal  site  in  the  civil  rights  the  comfort  of  a  filter  that
            President  Joe  Biden  was  world  in  which  all  people  vention. The city has seen a  movement,  residents  were  made  the  whole  world  his
            scheduled  Monday  to  ad-   are free from fear, discrimi-  surge in homicides that saw  commemorating  King  as  parish,”  turning  faith  into
            dress  an  MLK  breakfast  nation,  hunger  and  vio-     516  people  killed  last  year  they recover from a deadly  “the  creative  weapon  of
            hosted  in  Washington  by  lence — remains elusive.      and  562  the  year  before,  storm  system  that  moved  love and nonviolence.”
            the  Rev.  Al  Sharpton’s  Na-  In  Boston,  Mayor  Michelle  the highest total in at least  across the South last week.  While   echoing   Bernice
            tional   Action   Network.  Wu talked about a fight for  six decades.                  King was not present at Sel-  King’s  call  for  bolder  pub-
            Sharpton  got  his  start  as  a  the truth in an era of hyper-  Some  participants  in  the  ma’s Edmund Pettus Bridge  lic  policy,  Warnock  noted
            civil  rights  organizer  in  his  partisanship  and  misinfor-  effort’s  signature  project,  for the initial march known  some progress in his lifetime.
            teens  as  youth  director  of  mation.                   led  by  Children’s  Hospital  as “Bloody Sunday,” when  As  he’s  done  through  two
            an  anti-poverty  project  of  “We’re battling not just two  of  Philadelphia,  worked  to  Alabama state troopers at-  Senate  campaigns,  War-
            King’s  Southern  Christian  sides  or  left  or  right  and  a  assemble gun safety kits for  tacked  and  beat  march-  nock noted he was born a
            Leadership Conference.       gradient  in  between  that  public  distribution.  The  kits  ers  in  March  1965.  But  he  year after King’s assassina-
            “This  is  a  time  for  choos-  have to somehow come to  include  “gun  cable  locks  joined  a  subsequent  pro-  tion, when both of Georgia
            ing,” Biden said, repeating  compromise, but a growing  and  additional  safety  de-   cession  that  successfully  senators were staunch seg-
            themes  from  a  speech  he  movement of hate, abuse,  vices  for  childproofing,”  crossed the bridge toward  regationists,  including  one
            delivered  Sunday  at  Eb-   extremism  and  white  su-   according  to  organizers.  the  Capitol  in  Montgom-    Warnock described as lov-
            enezer  at  the  invitation  of  premacy  fueled  by  misin-  They  also  include  informa-  ery,  punctuating  efforts  ing “the Negro” as long as
            Sen. Raphael Warnock, the  formation,  fueled  by  con-   tion about firearm storage,  that  pushed  Congress  to  he was “in his place at the
            senior  pastor  at  Ebenezer  spiracy  theories  that  are  health  and  social  services  pass and President Lyndon  back door.”
            who  recently  won  re-elec-  taking root at every level,”  information, and coping in  Johnson to sign the Voting  But,  Warnock  said,  “Be-
            tion to a full term as Geor-  she said.                   the  aftermath  of  gun  vio-  Rights Act of 1965.        cause of what Dr. King and
            gia’s first Black U.S. senator.  Wu,  the  first  woman  and  lence.                   The  Pettus  Bridge  was  un-  because of what you did ...
            “Will we choose democra-     person  of  color  elected  Other kits being assembled  scathed      by   Thursday’s  I now sit in his seat.”q
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