Page 7 - aruba-today-20230117
P. 7
local Tuesday 17 January 2023
Program for royal visit to Aruba focused
on culture and unique experience
ORANJESTAD – As was pre- Minister, they will depart portant to inform the royal
viously announced, Aruba the airport and head to the delegation.
is preparing to receive a Whilhelmina Park.
royal visit on the 30th and “We thought that it would Afterwards the delegation
31st of January. King Wil- be nice to visit the Whil- will depart for the hotel for
lem-Alexander, Queen helmina Park because prin- a short break.
Maxima and crown Prin- cess Whilhelmina is great-
cess Amalia will be visiting grandmother of princess Following the break, the
the six islands of the king- Amalia. At the Whilhelmina entire delegation will go to
dom of the Netherlands at Park there will be the of- San Nicolas. The first visit will Store, the delegation will perience the production in
the end of the month. The ficial visit with all corre- be at Filomena College for arrive at the Marinierska- practice, they will receive
president of the commis- sponding protocol acts,” a presentation of a mural zerne – the marine barracks information particularly
sion in charge of the royal he indicated. honoring our World War II – where they will board from young people work-
visit in Aruba elaborated hero, Boy Ecury. There will a Coast Guard boat and ing at the plant and they
during a press conference After Whilhelmina Park the be a theatre play presen- navigate to the hotel area, will walk on the aloe plan-
on the program of activities delegation will walk to the tation by the school’s chil- while admiring beautiful tation. Princess Amalia will
for the royal family’s visit. Ceremonial House of the dren as well as a presenta- sceneries of Aruba, con- cut some aloe and they will
Governor for a meeting tion regarding Boy Ecury cluding the first day of the sit down and make some
The president of the com- with the Governor of Aru- and what he means for royal visit. aloe products.
mission explained that the ba. After this they will be Aruba.
entire program is open so walking on the main road The second day on Tuesday Afterwards they will enjoy
that the public can come towards the Parliament of Afterwards they will visit the will begin early morning a lunch at the Whilhelmina
close, stand on the side- Aruba. On the right hand Industrial Museum of Aru- with a hike in Aruba’s na- Restaurant, and continue
walk and greet the royal there will be a presentation ba. “The Industrial Museum ture, starting at the Franse on to the University of Aru-
family. However there are by a youth choir, dance is important for us to em- Pas, the gold mine ruins. ba, where they will meet
three moments in the pro- group Pierewietje that will phasize the economic de- Here the royal delegation with lecturers and students.
gram that create an op- delight the guests with velopment that our country will receive a tour and in-
portunity for the people to some beautiful songs and has seen since the 1800s. formation and they will see Following this visit the King
come in great numbers to then they will meet Leerork- For us it is important that a Shoco nest – Aruba’s en- and princess will depart
great our king, queen and est – the student orchestra Aruba has always gone demic burrowing owl. for the Frans Figaroa Sports
heir aparent. of Aruba. through hardship, econom- Afterwards they will go to Center where they will
These moments are in front At the Parliament the royal ic hardship, but the people the skirts of the Jamanota have a meeting with male
of the Parliament of Aruba, family will be welcomed by of Aruba are always known hill, which they will climb and female soccer acad-
in San Nicolas and during the president of Parliament, for our resilience and deter- to enjoy Aruba’s nature. emies. The Queen will visit
the Bon Bini Festival. who will accompany the mination, and this is also be- Here the royal delegation is Qredits Aruba, a project
royal delegation and intro- ing shown by the people of guests of the Arikok Nation- of small credits, which is a
The official program will be- duce the leaders of the dif- Aruba today. This is some- al Park which will provide subject close to the Queen,
gin on the 30th of January. ferent political parties. thing we want to share with guidance and information. and she will receive infor-
At 10:30am the royal family the royal visitors,” the presi- Following the walk the del- mation regarding a project
will land in Aruba, and they Following this visit the royal dent of the commission ex- egation will visit the Visitors’ focused on agriculture.
will not be coming directly delegation will walk to- plained. Center of the park and
from the Netherlands but wards the main center of see the center of farm- The program for the royal
from Bonaire, where the the government, Cocolishi, Following this visit, the del- ing where certain special visit will end with a visit to
royal visit is officially start- where the secretary of the egation will get to see the plants are being grown Fort Zoutman, which will
ing. Council of Ministers and the murals and art in San Nico- and will be introduced to begin on Plaza Padu. They
Prime Minister will welcome las. Three artworks were the project. will walk on the entire plaza
They will be welcomed at and accompany them selected and will be ex- At the Hofi Shoco they will and meet with artists and
the airport with all proto- to the Council of Ministers plained and presented. meet the junior rangers and artisans and receive vari-
cols and formality by His Ex- quarters on the third floor. The royal delegation will the board of the Arikok Na- ous presentations, dance
cellency Governor of Aru- Here they will meet with the also receive information tional Park who will inform shows and there will also be
ba, Mr. Alfonso Boekhoudt Council of Ministers and re- about the art project in San them of ongoing projects video mapping projection
and Prime Minister Mrs. ceive information regard- Nicolas and its importance regarding nature conser- on the Parliament building.
Evelyn Wever-Croes. After ing developments, activi- for tourism development. vation.
greeting His Excellency the ties and certain points that Afterwards they will enter
Governor and the Prime the Council considers im- This visit will conclude in San Following the park, the Fort Zoutman where they
Nicolaas Store, where the royal delegation will visit will experience a portion of
royal guests will be delight- Aruba Aloe, which recently Bon Bini Festival. “We be-
ed with a cultural demon- received the title “royal”. lieve that this is something
stration. In this case atten- This makes it the first com- that will give them a good
tion was given to the fact pany outside of the Nether- insight of the culture, music
that the princess is a young lands to receive permission and dance of our coun-
18-year-old and they want to use this title. “Because try.” The night will end with
to share some youth cul- they complied with all req- a Carnival show accom-
ture with her. uisites, which is not easy, panied by a brass band
The presentation includes to receive this seal – the that will invite them to walk
street dance, spoken word crown above their logo. slowly on the road in front
and will be concluded with Naturally this enhances the of the Cabinet of the Gov-
a carnival show by chil- Aruba Aloe brand but also ernor after saying goodbye
dren. the country of Aruba.” to the people of Aruba, fi-
After leaving San Nicolaas Here the delegation will ex- nalizing their visit.q