Page 14 - Flip Min,TTC
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                                                                                                                                                            Tuesday 10 February 2015

Carnival makes a splash at the Pata Pata Pool Bar!

EAGLE BEACH - Last year’s     Cupids Valentine’s at Diamonds International
Carnival Queen Sandra
Barrero gave up her crown     February 12, 2015, Oran-        nounced during MagicFM        like our Facebook page,    ture with the Valentine’s
to the new La Cabana Car-     jestad – On February 13th,      live broadcast in our store.  Diamonds International –   raffle prize to participate
nival Queen at a fun hap-     Diamonds International          If you haven’t, hurry up and  Aruba, and share our pic-  to win this stunning jewelry
pening which unfolded on      will be joining forces with                                                              piece.
the pool deck recently.       MagicFM 96.5 to celebrate                                                                Don’t miss this unique op-
Many resort associates        Valentine’s Day full of love.                                                            portunity, and join Dia-
came along to cheer and       From 3:30pm to 6:30pm two                                                                monds International this
dance sharing the Carni-      lovely cupids will be visiting                                                           Friday to take advantage
val spirit with their guests  Diamonds International not                                                               of the spectacular Valen-
and creating a joyous and     only to spread lots of love,                                                             tine’s discounts, take pic-
raucous musical event. La     but also to give everyone                                                                tures with two lovely cupids
Cabana Beach Resort &         Valentine’s gift advice.                                                                 and get something really
Casino hosts regular fun      During this Valentines sea-                                                              special for that one person
events for its associates     son, we will be extending                                                                you are looking forward to
courtesy of an extraordi-     our EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT                                                                    celebrate Valentine’s with.
nary social committee with    so everyone can share the                                                                Visit Diamonds Internation-
Helene, Jeanette, Nilda,      love!                                                                                    al downtown in front of the
Fran, Rita, Avilia, Giovanni  Also the winner of our                                                                   bus terminal now and get
and Damien putting their      Facebook raffle will be an-                                                              yours today! q
heads together to enter-
tain their coworkers, and
their guests, create team
spirit and a strong sense of
community. q
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