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Science Friday 21 July 2023
Mammals may have hunted down dinosaurs for HEALTH
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dinosaur — Psittacosaurus
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This image provided by the Canadian Museum of Nature shows entangled dinosaur and do you want to be in good Police Tipline 11141
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By MADDIE BURAKOFF the reptile’s jaw and a hind its head,” Brusatte said. appoinment hours 9am / 7pm TAXI SERVICES
AP Science Writer limb while its teeth plunge “We’re used to thinking of +297 630 8450 Taxi Tas 587 5900
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NEW YORK (AP) — An un- into the ribcage. the Age of Dinosaurs as a ________________________________216820 Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
usual find in China sug- “I’ve never seen a fossil like time when dinosaurs ruled Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
gests some early mammals this before,” Mallon said. the world, and the tiny A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
may have hunted dino- That mammals ate dino- mammals cowered in the Women in Difficulties
saur for dinner. The fossil saur meat had been pro- shadows.” TRAVEL INFO
shows a badgerlike crea- posed before: another fos- The study authors acknowl-
ture chomping down on sil showed a mammal died edged that there have Aruba Airport 524 2424
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their tracks. “It does seem already dead, Mallon said. etons and analyzing the Tel. 582 5051
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Steve Brusatte, who was Relacional Tel. 583 5400
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tures from around 125 mil- Women in Difficulties
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lion years ago, during the
Cretaceous period. Phone Directory Tel. 118
Even though the mammal
is much smaller, research-
ers think it was attacking
the dinosaur when they
both got caught in the vol-
canic flow, said study au-
thor Jordan Mallon, a pa-
leobiologist at the Canadi-
an Museum of Nature. The
mammal is perched on the
dinosaur, its paws gripping