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Friday 21 July 2023
The resilience of basketball star Stephen Curry explored in Apple TV+ doc
By LINDSEY BAHR Curry and Davidson, like
AP Film Writer most healthy athlete-school
“ Stephen Curry: Under- agreements, seemed to
rated “ is easily one of the choose one another at ex-
most inspirational movies of actly the right time. When
the year. he got in, feeling good
This is a portrait of a man about himself, he went to
the greatest three-point tell his friends: They’d never
shooter of all time who even heard of the small
has felt inferior playing the liberal arts college in North
game he loves since he Carolina.
was a scrawny kid playing That was a bit disappoint-
on his local under-10 team. ing but what would have
It’s easy to roll your eyes at been even worse is if he’d
supermodels who say they accidentally sabotaged
were teased when they the whole thing by not re-
were kids or famous actors sponding to coach Bob
who look like the captain of McKillop, who started to
the football team insisting worry whether his recruit
they were outcasts in high This image released by Apple TV+ shows Stephen Curry in a scene from the documentary “Stephen was being pursued by oth-
school. In the rear-view mir- Curry: Underrated.” er schools when Curry went
ror, when things have gone Associated Press dark.
so well after that origin sto- From high school to college
ry, it just always rings a little on hand to read the draft nonchalant or overly cel- finding the right school for on into the pros, something
false. report which says Curry is ebratory: It’s authentic as- himself and, many years that struck many about
But in this documentary, di- “far below NBA standard tonishment. and championships later, Curry is how he makes a
rected by Peter Nicks and in regard to explosiveness And as if to upend expec- studying to finish what he lot of mistakes but never
streaming on Apple TV+ Fri- and athleticism,” extremely tations even more, the started, while juggling his seems to wallow in them.
day, the filmmakers put you short for a shooting guard present timeline of “Ste- career, his contracts and When he goes up against
in Curry’s shoes. They show position, and cautions “do phen Curry: Underrated” is his family. Michigan for the first time in
you video of him on that not rely on him to run your not focused on a season In 2009, Curry decided to college, he describes how
under-10 team, indeed team.” Ouch. or chasing a title though leave Davidson College a everything that could go
looking scrawnier than his And they close in on his there is plenty of basket- year early, without gradu- wrong went wrong. Later,
counterparts and with the face at some of the big- ball, including the moment ating, to pursue profession- his coach said he was go-
posture of someone who’s gest moments of his career, he breaks the three-point al basketball. But he made ing to start the next game.
already self-conscious both in college and in the record. It’s almost more a promise his mother, So- McKillop saw in his perse-
about it. NBA, to show a reaction about college deciding he nya, that he’d go back verance a toughness that
They have Reggie Miller that’s neither smug nor wanted to play at school, and finish at some point. was rare in players. q
Craig Robinson continues underdog storyline on Peacock’s ‘Killing It’
By JONATHAN LANDRUM Jr. a million-dollar scheme, (Claudia O’Doherty), who a python. in there along with his
AP Entertainment Writer but needs $20,000. Entering is also struggling financially In the eight-episode brother. It’s twists and turns,
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Craig a python-killing contest and pulling various jobs second season, Robinson and will definitely have you
Robinson and his kind- sponsored by the state of such as being an Uber said his character is on a thinking ‘What would I do in
hearted, python-hunting Florida is his way to get the driver. But then their snake journey to achieve the that situation?’”
character on “Killing It” are money. hunting quest spins out of “American dream” while Robinson’s character will
returning to television next It starts as a lucrative control after a fire and the trying to avoid working in certainly have to make
month. opportunity for Craig and disposal of a dead body corporate America and a decision about his
Season two, which Peacock his tagalong friend Jillian that ends up in the belly of vicious criminals. He said it’s scamming brother Isaiah,
said Tuesday will return imperative for his character who is played by comedian
on Aug. 17, will continue to keep his “sanity and Rell Battle.
the quest by Robinson’s safety.” “They’ve got this bond that
character to climb out of “It takes a lot to toe that is unbreakable. But at the
poverty while avoiding line, especially when you same time, it needs to be
sketchy characters like his got these opportunities broken because he’s very
brother. presented to you,” said toxic in his life,” Robinson
“Capitalism is very real. Robinson, who has starred said. “It does speak to
Greed is very real. Shysters in movies such as “Hot Tub family as well, because we
and scam artists are very Time Machine” as well as all have a person that we
real,” the actor-comedian the American version of cover up. We take up for
told The Associated Press in “The Office.” them. They borrow money
a recent interview before “You see yourself in but don’t pay it back. But
the actors strike. situations where you have there’s something about
In the first season, a choice,” he continued. them that makes you
Robinson’s character “You get to live through laugh.
(also named Craig) is a In this photo provided by Peacock, actors Claudia O’Doherty, these characters. There’s It’s something about them
father who loses his job left, as Jillian, and Craig Robinson, center, as Craig, appear in a definitely something like that makes you not want
and becomes homeless. scene for season two of “Killing It.” an angel and devil on his to let go of that part of your
Craig decides to invest in Associated Press shoulder with his colleague life.”q