Page 15 - ATA
P. 15

                    Saturday 12 May 2018

            ArubaCoin: A Social Experiment, Just Like Bitcoin

            Continued from Page 13

            Its  listed  on  2  exchang-
            es:  EtherDelta  exchange
            and  ForkDelta  exchange.
            And  listed  on  CoinMarket-
   for market cap
            and  price  ticker,  market
            indicators.  GetDelta  app
            also for price ticker.”

            Where can people find in-
            “You  can  find  more  infor-
            mation at www.arubacoin.
            org  and  follow  our  Face-
            book  community  page  or
            telegram group.”
                                         currency  comes  with  high  China.  ArubaCoin  is  built   And  we  see  many  op-    bill instantly, within minutes.
            Do  you  have  cooperation
            with other digital currency?  energy costs?               on ethereum and does not     portunities  and  use-cases
                                                                      use  the  sha-256  algorithm   that  can  be  used  with  it,  ArubaCoin is very new, we
                                         “High  energy  cost  will  de-  that bitcoin uses.        that  otherwise  could  not  do  not  recommend  any-
            “The  community  members     pend  on  which  algorithm/  And  soon  the  protocol     be  accomplished.  We  are  body to take this as an in-
            and  developers  are  com-
            munity members of bitcoin    mining hardware your talk-   should be switching to PoS   focused on the local com-    vestment advice.
                                         ing  about  (asic).  The  high  which  is  more  energy  effi-
                                                                                                   munity  and  eco-system,  Bitcoin,  ArubaCoin  or  any
            and  other  coins  like  zcoin
            and  ethereum,  so  yes  we   energy cost is based on the  cient.”                     tourist  are  not  the  priority.  cryptocurrency  can  be
                                                                                                                                HIGHLY volatile, we do not
                                                                                                   Of  course  you  have  Aru-
                                         countries  where  nobody
            have  collaborations  with
            broad  spectrum  of  promi-  mines because it would be  Why would people choose        ban  community  members  recommend anybody buy-
                                                                      for  digital  currency?  How
                                                                                                   that live abroad, those are  ing cryptocurrency without
            nent developers and com-
            munity  members  in  the     The  POW  (proof  of  work)  would  tourists  benefit  from   already  participating  in  doing  due  diligence  how
                                                                                                   ArubaCoin, they also have  to  use  it.  If  you  lose  your
                                         algorithm  which  bitcoin  is  this?
                                         working  on  miners  are  us-  “Most  adoption  it’s  fueled   a  unique  use-case  be-  private key or password or
                                         ing  green  cheap  energy  by  necessity,  if  it  solves  a   cause they could send $10  don’t  properly  back  it  up,
            What  can  you  say  about
            the  comments  that  digital   where there is excess elec-  problem there will be users   from  Europe  instantly  and  nobody can retrieve those
                                         tricity,  like  Iceland  and  and growth.                 the received can pay their  coins.”q
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