Page 57 - min.ttc 12 jan,2016
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SOCIALDiamars 12 Januari 2016
Escogencia di ganadonan pa 2015 fabuloso
Prestige Awards 2015 a surpasa tur expectativa
ORANJESTAD, - The Arts and Culture on interna-
Old man at the Sea a tional levels
bisti su mes di un elegan- • MANGO ARUBA:
cia espectacular na unda Excellence Award Innovative
luznan combina cu e Concept and Ideas
luznan di strea den aire • Lisette Malmberg
liber a prepara e scenario Excellence Award for out-
pa reconoce e miho nan standing achievement in the
pa 2015. community
Un total di 20 reconocimen- Arnalda Lampe, Young En-
to a bay den categorianan di trepreneur 2015 on Inter-
Innovacion, Ideanan y Con- national Levels y Christian
ceptonan, Moda, den e ramo Bendek, Excellence Award
di Arte y Cultura y un mayo- for outstanding Achieve-
ria den e area di trabaonan ments promoting Aruba, no
di boluntario pa culmina cu por tabata presente.
e Diamond Awards cu a bay Un Pabien na tur ganado y
pa Aruba Aloe celebrando un gradicimento pa tur esun-
125 aña di Excelencia, Sanju nan cu a acompaña nos pa e
Daryanani Luidens pa mas di bunita ocasion aki. E deseo di
30 aña den Turismo y despu- reconoce Aruba su mihonan
es pa clausura cu e honor di ta sigui ta e mas principal en-
presenta e E Woman of the foke y lo ta e mision pa 2016
Year den presencia di Drs. pa sigui reconoce esunnan cu
Marisol Lopez Tromp y Man tige award for outstanding mez Excellence Award for • Aruba Aloe 125 ta traha incansablemente pa
of the Year Jim Fazio. achievement in Arts & cul- Outstanding achievements years of Excellence Dia- comunidad, esunnan cu tin e
Esunnan cu a keda gana- ture on international levels in mond Award for outstanding ideanan mas briyante y esun-
donan e dia anochi aki ta; • Korteweg Excel- fashion achievement in the commu- nan cu nan esfuerso ta haci
• Marisol Tromp lence Award for outstanding • Colab/Atech Prestige nity cu Aruba ta resalta Interna-
Woman of the year achievement and innovative Award for Innovative Con- • Ami Henriquez Ex- cionalmente. Y den e proceso
• Jim Fazio Man of the ideas in arts and culture cept and Ideas cellence Award for outstand- di nan logronan nan ta duna
Year • Monique Palm Pres- • Aruba Bank Pres- ing achievements in the com- e empuhe necesario pa move
• Sanju Luidens, ATA tige Award for outstanding tige Award for outstanding munity un comunidad y alcansa un
Diamond Award for Excel- achievement in the commu- achievements in the commu- • Aruba Airport Au- Aruba mucho mas miho pa
lence in Marketing in pro- nity nity Good 4 the Neighbor- thority Happy Flow Excel- nos tur. Prestige Awards
moting Aruba • Suzy Maduro Excel- hood lence Business Award for in- 2016 lo ta na fin di Januari
• Julie Julie Margarita, lence Award for outstanding • Aurora Dijkhoff novative concepts and ideas 2017 y ya caba a inicia cu e
Young Entrepreneur 2015 y achievement in the commu- Prestige Award for outstand- • Michael Lampe, Dat- seleccion di esunnan cu e en-
Social Media Queen. nity ing achievements in the com- apanik Excellence award for foke lo ta riba nan trabaonan
• Cine Aruba Pres- • Gigiola Arends Go- munity outstanding achievement in y reconocimento.q