Page 15 - AweMainta13Feb2016
P. 15
AWEMainta Diasabra, 13 Februari 2016 15
Ike, masha danki En conexion cu Dia
Internacional di Idioma
Pa: Maria Petit Materno,
Aruba lo tene
un programa
ASINA nos por mira cu Señor Cohen no a aporta na tur- BIBLIOTECA Nacional Aruba ta cu Biblioteca Nacional Aruba ta situa.
Esaki mirando cu ta 100 aña pasa cu
ismo so, pero localnan tambe cu awe tin cu yama danki. celebra Dia Internacional di Idioma George Maduro a nace.
E potret aki ta pa mustra con humilde e tabata y ta bay Materno cu un programa interesante Raymond Maduro, descendiente di
cu mi den cuminsamento pasando tur e supermerca- diahuebs awo. E programa ta cuminsa George Maduro, a biba den George
donan pa mira of keur si mi ta promove su mercancia. 7’or di anochi y ta pa un y tur cu tin Maduro straat varios aña pasa y ta in-
Durante e promocion ta caminda sr. Patrick interes pa historia di Aruba, idioma, vitado pa e anochi aki.
Paskel a drenta supermercado y bisa: “Ata Ma- literatura y cultura. Sr. Maduro ta papia di e descendencia
ria den Cushina” y for di eynan e nomber. Danki!! di famia Maduro y con e mes ta re-
Riba programa tin presentacion di laciona cu e famia Maduro. Raymond
In March of 2006, looking for a job, I applied at The un buki di Dr. Antoine Maduro. Dr. Maduro a pasa den su bukinan bieu y
Manchebo Beach Resort. Mr. Cohen, still active at Maduro ta un persona cu tin merito den historia, pa e trece dilanti algo di
the office at that time, always went through all the riba tereno musical y deporte, pero locual e sa di famia Maduro.
employment application and read that one of my principalmente riba tereno linguistico. E ta bay conta e. o. di unda famia
hobbies was cooking, he referred me to T.E.C., Man- Banda di studia Papiamento, el a studia Maduro a bin y con nan a yega Aruba.
chebo sister’s - company. He talk to the Manager at tambe Capverdiano y Palenke. Palenke
T.E.C. and convinced him to hire me as sales rep- ta un idioma crioyo di Colombia. Di tres presentacion ta den man di
resentative, which position accepted in May 2006. Maduro a dedica henter su bida na Pa- sr. Mirto Lacle cu ta bay trece dilanti
piamento y p’esey a scoge pa presenta ‘E cuentanan Africano bulado: e liña
Short after I started, management decided to put me su buki cu e titulo: ‘Bida, Remorde- Kalunga. Por ultimo un presentacion
in charge of the seafood division, to grow the exclusive mentu, Konfeshon i Kritika’ riba Dia di Prof. Dr. Armin Schwegler kende a
line of Beaverstreet Fisheries .Still using that brand. Internacional di Idioma Materno. skirbi dos buki, incluyendo un di Pro-
At the same time Mr. Cohen decided that, be- Sr. Sidney Joubert ta e invitado special verbio na Africano. E ta papia e. o. riba
sides selling the product, he wanted me di Corsou cu ta haci presentacion di Aruba, Boneiro y Corsou y e posibel
to conduct all the tastings of the products. e buki. Riba portada di e buki aki un origen di e lenga crioyo.
I then started to perform tastings in the large supermar- pintura cu señor Elis Juliana a traha di
kets like Superfood on a regular basis, giving extensive Antoine Maduro. Un programa yen di informacion vali-
information of the different products and cooking tips. oso y interesante. Y sigur inspiracion
The company ran monthly ads in the newspaper with E dia ta dedica tambe na George pa discusion.
Seafood recipes written by me. (Maria den Cushina) Maduro, cu ta nomber di e caya unda
I also attended a food show where our seafood was
cooked and offered to the public.
In March of 2009 I decided I wanted to be on my own
to pursue other ventures.
I will always remember the opportunity giv-
en to me to broaden my horizon. In fact, today
I still enjoy conducting tastings at Superfood.
Thank You Ike, R.I.P.