Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
local Tuesday 30 april 2024
Visit the island’s hidden natural pools
(Oranjestad)—Amongst If you decide to hike from pool that is hidden there.
the countless beaches sur- the entrance of the Arikok Because it’s still so new,
rounding the island that are National Park, this is also there is no official name for
well-known and frequently possible: do bring plenty it, but most people just call
visited, there are an addi- of protective clothing and it the cave pool.
tional two “hidden” natural enough water and food—it
pools that are situated in could take you up to three Just like the Conchi, the
the northern coast of the is- hours to hike there! new natural pool is situated
land, two ideal stops in your on the northern coast of
tour itinerary. However, when you even- Aruba. However, this pool is
tually do get there, you much easier to reach with
Conchi (Natural Pool) will be greeted with crystal any type of vehicle, and
For many years, Conchi blue water surrounded by there is no hiking needed.
was the only natural pool a natural rock formation This spot has also become
that we had on the island. that protects you from the a regular stop for touring
Located in the Arikok Na- wild waves on the other visitors.
tional Park, near Boca Keto side. Though the pool is lo-
and the Daimari Ranch, cated on the northern side When you get there, may-
Conchi—also known “Cura of the island (where the sea be you won’t be able to
di Turtuga (Turtle’s Cove) or is largely rough and largely spot the pool immediately,
just Natural Pool—is reach- no suitable for swimming), because you will probably
able with any 4x4 vehicle the pool itself is very calm. notice the moon-shaped
or by foot if you’re up for a It’s also relatively deep, lagoon where wild northern
long hike. However, since it and you can climb up the waves crash into each oth-
is part of the National Park, rocks and jump in! er. Sounds scary, but if you
you must first get permission look down on your right,
from park management to Cave Pool you’ll see a calm, crystal
enter. You would have to This relatively new pool ap- blue little pool in the cor-
purchase a day pass, and peared just a few years ner. To get there, you have
receive a wristband as ago, when a part of the to climb down some stairs.
proof of payment. Once dried up coral floor broke Be careful when climbing And just like Conchi, this
you’ve completed that, off and created a partition down and follow the in- pool also has a jumping Picture of cave pool is cred-
you are set! between the ocean and structions of your tour guide spot, and a rope to climb ited to RockaBeach Tours
what is now the natural if you have one. back up the boulder.q
Celebrate Labor Day at the Marine Barracks in Savaneta
(Oranjestad)—It is tradi-
tion on Labor Day that the
Marine Barracks in Sava-
neta hold its annual Labor
Day fair for all to come and
enjoy their day off with the
family. This year it’s no dif-
ferent, so don’t miss out on
the Labor Day fun!
Labor Day is perhaps the
busiest day for the Marine
Barracks in Savaneta, as
locals normally line up early civilian-friendly drill exer- at the MZK was especially generously and through- pletely free, but lines can
in the morning to get into cises, paint ball, face paint- significant, as it was the first out the event, wear a hat get really long, and the
the base, where there will ing, and more. Visitors can time since the pandemic or protective clothing, drink traffic around the area can
be multiple activities orga- also enjoy local cuisine that the MZK hosted its well- plenty of water throughout also get very crowded, so
nized for the family to en- and snacks, as well as shop loved event. People were the day, and make sure make sure to come early to
joy. for locally-produced art, already lined up before you don’t spend the day find a comfortable parking
jewelry, books and much doors opened at 10am, on an empty stomach. spot and be one of the first
Some of the traditional ac- more. and many were excited to to enter!q
tivities include a tour in the experience again the tra- Entrance to the fair is com-
Coast Guard patrol ship, Last year’s Labor Day fair dition that was put on hold
for two consecutive years.
The fair is fun and exciting,
but it should also be men-
tioned that visitors must be
cautious of the heat, as the
event take place in open
air under the blaring noon/
afternoon sun. So, if you are
interested in going, do not
forget to apply sunscreen