Page 9 - aruba-today-20240904
P. 9
LOCAL Wednesday 4 september 2024
The Bali Restaurant: a touristic hot spot and lost gem on the island
(Oranjestad)—Once located
in what is now the Renais-
sance Marina, the Bali Res-
taurant was once both a
touristic and local hot spot,
and nowadays it’s consid-
ered a forgotten gem on the
Known as “the floating res-
taurant”, Bali first opened in
1955 by Willem “Bill” Strijland,
who had experience in Ja-
vanese cuisine. At the time,
the restaurant was pretty ex- the time. The restaurant saw to the restaurant happened Aruban musician and com- ment.
clusive—with space to host three different owners during in the year 1970—still under poser, Toti Arends.
only 25 guests. Yet, 4 years its existence, during which it the ownership of Schmand, After 1989, the restaurant Be apart of the conversation:
later, it was named the best underwent various renova- when it got its iconic pointy was again handed over to if you or any family member
restaurant in the Caribbean tions and rebranding. roofs. The restaurant was also other owners, and since then of yours have a memory of
by the Caribbean Tourist As- expanded to host a total of suffered from unstable pillars the Bali restaurant, whether
sociation. In 1964, the restaurant was 85 guests. This was “The New underneath the foundation, it be a picture or just a story,
The restaurant was prob- taken over by Karel “Carl” Bali”, who had its official (re) resulting in various leaks and share it with us! We would
ably most iconic for its Schmand. Over the years, opening in 1972. overflowing of water into love to see this legendary hot
Javanese-inspired exterior the restaurant needed After 1972, when Ronny the restaurant. And as most spot through the lens of our
with its pointy, slanted roofs. constant renovation and Schmand took over, the res- great things come to an end, visitors!q
However, the first version of repair, mainly due to its vul- taurant saw yet another ex- so did the survival and main-
Bali did not look like that at nerability to leaks and the pansion; this time complete tenance of the Bali Restau- Source and pictures credit to:
all but was still considered unstable pillars underneath with a long bar and dance rant. However, folks today still “De Kolibrie op de Rots (en
as one of the most popular the foundation. However, floor, where guests enjoyed reminisce its legacy, and it’s meer over de geschiedenis
restaurants on the island at the biggest change made live music from legendary now considered a lost monu- van Aruba)” by Evert Bongers.
Enjoy one of the best views on Aruba at the top of the Hooiberg Hill
(Oranjestad)—If you are a regu-
lar hiker, or maybe want to spice
up your morning work out session,
then you might enjoy one of the
most popular climbing sites on the
island: The Hooiberg Hill. Accom-
panied with a 600-step staircase,
this hill overlooks a great part of
the island, the Caribbean sea, and level). The highest point is Jamano- only 587 steps. However, don’t be
sometimes even the Santa Anna ta Hill at 189 meters (620 feet), lo- fooled—it may still be a work out
mountain located in the coastal cated in the Arikok National Park. to get on top. In addition, there is
state of Falcon in Venezuela, pro- The staircase that run on the side of now a gazebo placed halfway up
viding one of the best views you the hill was first built in 1951, when the stair for a little rest. The view at
can get on Aruba. Mr. Eduardo Tromp constructed it. this resting stop is also a sight to see.
At that time, the staircase consist- The best time to climb the hill would
located at the center district of the ed of 900 steps. Over time, as the be early in the morning or right be-
island, Santa Cruz, the Hooiberg steps faced erosion, the govern- fore sunset, as it may not be as hot.
Hill is the second highest point on ment decided to renovate these However, the hill is of course open
the island at 165 meters above sea stairs in 1991. This new project de- all day, every day.q
level (or about 540 feet above sea livered the newer staircase with