Page 36 - VOS JUNE 15
P. 36

6 ZATERDAG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     AMIGOE
       13 JUNI 2015

Televisieprogramma's                                                                                                                                                                                                               Informatie

Nederland                          20:06 Tekst-TV                               ik van je hou                                                                                                                                      Centraal Politie            100
                                                                      1:00 Pieter Konijn                                                                                                                                           Brandweer                   911
15:30   Ik vertrek                 Zondag 14 juni                     1:15 Calimero                                                                                                                                                Politie O’stad              102
16:20   Dokter Deen                0:40 Schepper & co                 1:25 Kindertijd                                                                                                                                              Politie San Nicolaas        104
17:20   EK journaal                1:10 Dilemma                       1:50 Masha en de beer                                                                                                                                        Politie St.Cruz             105
17:50   Studio sport               1:50 De wandeling                  2:00 Wickie de Viking                                                                                                                                        Politie Noord               107
18:15   Journaal                   2:25 Songs of praise               2:15 Jungle book                                                                                                                                             Tipline Politie             11141
18:30   Andere tijden sport        2:55 Bakkie troost                 2:25 Studio Snugger                                                                                                                                          Ziekenhuis                  527-4000
19:05   EenVandaag                 3:10 Nederland zingt op zondag     2:40 Zappsport                                                                                                                                               Dierenarts                  585-0400
19:40   Journaal                   3:55 De kapel                      3:00 Nono, het zigzag kind                                                                                                                                   Elmar centraal              523-7100
19:45   Journaal                   4:05 Metterdaad                    4:30 Dance Academy                                                                                                                                           Elmar storing               523-7147
20:05   Tekst-TV                   4:15 Geloofsgesprek                4:55 Dance Academy                                                                                                                                           WEB Aruba                   525-4600
                                   4:30 Eucharistieviering            5:15 Dance Academy                                                                                                                                           SETAR                       582-2116
Zondag 14 juni                     5:35 Ikonhuis - De nieuwe          5:40 Dance Academy                                                                                                                                           Taxi (TAS)                  587-5900
2:35 Nederland in beweging                                            6:05 Dance Academy                                                                                                                                           Taxi (ATT&T)                582-2010
3:00 Eén tegen 100                              wereld                6:30 De magische winkel                                                                                                                                      Taxi (PTS)                  588-0035
3:55 DWDD summerschool             6:21 Wilde ganzen                  6:45 De magische winkel                                                                                                                                      Taxi (Diamond)              587-2300
4:30 VPRO Vrije geluiden           6:25 Fryslân dok                   7:05 Street magic                                                                                                                                            Kankerbestrijding           582-0412
                                   7:00 Een Gronings Joodse           7:20 Street magic                                                                                                                                            Stichting SAMBA             582-0903
             zomer                                                    7:35 De magische winkel
5:20 VPRO Boeken                                erfenis               7:50 De magische winkel                                                                                                                                      —Oranjestad—                582-1234
6:00 Journaal                      8:05 De opvolger van Kakiemon      8:05 Street magic                                                                                                                                            Ambulance                   527-2782
6:10 Buitenhof                     9:00 OHM religie & spiritualiteit  8:20 Street magic                                                                                                                                            BGD Oranjestad              582-1720
7:10 TV show                       9:30 MO actueel                    8:40 Mensjesrechten                                                                                                                                          Veterinaire Kliniek         582-1623
8:05 Komt een aap bij de dokter    9:50 5 minuten over                8:55 Puberruil Zapp                                                                                                                                          Animal Shelter
8:30 Studio sport                  10:00 Bonte vrouwen                9:30 Beethoven’s Big Break
9:20 Studio sport                  10:25 Koken voor de wereld         11:00 Gek op jou                                                                                                                                             — San Nicolaas—
10:15 Studio sport                 10:50 Socutera                     11:10 Puberruil Zapp                                                                                                                                         Ambulance
11:10 Studio sport                 11:00 Journaal                     11:40 Zapp Weekjournaal                                                                                                                                      Centro Medico
12:00 Journaal                     11:10 De tiende van Tijl           12:10 Koen kampioen                                                                                                                                          BGD San Nicolaas
12:10 SingelSwim Utrecht           12:00 De nood aan dansen           12:45 Jeugdjournaal                                                                                                                                          Serlimar
13:00 Studio sport                 13:00 Bloed, zweet en concerten    12:55 Taarten van Abel
14:00 Journaal                     13:20 Bloed, zweet en concerten    13:28 Socutera
14:20 Eén tegen 100                14:15 Om de oude wereldzee         13:30 Pinkpop
15:20 Tussen kunst en kitsch       15:10 Birth day
16:10 Andere tijden sport          16:00 Nieuwsuur                    ATV
16:50 Studio voetbal               16:35 Brandpunt profiel
17:45 Journaal                     17:10 Churchmen                    05:00  1st Look (NBC)                                                                                                                                                                    584-5050
17:55 Koefnoen presenteert                                            05:30  House Smarts (NBC)                                                                                                                                                                523-8833
                                   Nederland                          06:00  1st Look (NBC)                                                                                                                                                                    527-2782
Nederland                                                             06:30  Open House NYC (NBC)                                                                                                                                                              584-5080
                                   16:20 Draadstaal                   07:00  Saturday Today in NY (NBC)
15:20   Dilemma                    17:00 Pinkpop                      08:00  Today (NBC)                                                                                                                                           — Botica —                  584-5794
16:00   Nieuwsuur                  18:35 Pinkpop                      10:00  Saturday Today in NY (NBC)                                                                                                                            4 Centro Medico             584-4606
16:35   Holland Festival           20:10 Het beste van 101 TV         11:00  Open House (NBC)                                                                                                                                      Aloë                        585-1965
17:15   Afscheid van de maan       22:22 Tekst-TV                     11:30  The Chica Show (NBC)                                                                                                                                  Central                     588-7364
18:46   De nachtzoen                                                  12:00  Tree Fu Tom (NBC)                                                                                                                                     Dakota                      582-1253
18:55   Nieuwsuur                  Zondag 14 juni                     12:30  Lazy Town (NBC)                                                                                                                                       Del Pueblo                  587-9011
19:35   Nieuwsuur                  0:30 Kabouter Plop                 13:00  Poppy Cat (NBC)                                                                                                                                       Eagle                       583-0702
                                   0:35 Bumba                         13:30  Noodle and Doodle (NBC)                                                                                                                               Ferguson                    583-4908
BVN                                0:40 Casper & Lisa                 14:00  Astroblast (NBC)                                                                                                                                      Kibrahacha                  585-8145
                                   0:50 Raad eens hoeveel             14:30  Noodle and Dooble (NBC)                                                                                                                               Maria                       586-4606
                                                                      15:00  Rugby Sevens (NBC)                                                                                                                                    Noord                       582-1780
14:15:  Willem Wever               04:40:  Tussen Kunst en Kitsch     17:30  Skiing (NBC)                                                                                                                                          Oduber                      588-6638
14:45:  Beste Vrienden Quiz        05:25:  EenVandaag                 19:00  Resumen di siman                                                                                                                                      Paradera                    583-5334
15:05:  Checkpoint                 05:50:  NOS Sportjournaal          20:00  Mesa Rondo                                                                                                                                            Ponton                      584-5119
15:30:  Sesamstraat                06:00:  VRT Journaal                                                                                                                                                                            San Lucas                   584-8186
15:45:  Sesamstraat: 10 voor...    06:30:  Vlaanderen Vakantieland    TeleCuraçao                                     COLOFON                                                                                                      San Nicolaas                586-8181
15:55:  Uki                        07:20:  Focus op biologie                                                                                                                                                                       Santa Anna                  585-8028
16:00:  NOS Journaal               07:30:  NOS Journaal               15:00 TBA                                        Uitgeverij Amigoe (Aruba) N.V.                Administratie:                      Distributie:              Santa Cruz                  584-4833
16:10:  De Zomer Voorbij           07:50:  Weerbericht Europa/Afrika  16:00 Arte pa Tur (r)                           Tel: (297) 582-4333 Fax: (297) 582-2368  Zulaika Kelly (abonnementen)        Zulma Kock, Zulaika Kelly       Seroe Preto                 583-8560
16:40:  Tussen Kunst en Kitsch     07:55:  Goedenavond dames          17:00 Strea Chiki (r)                                                                    Grecia Willems (advertenties)         Trupiaal
17:25:  EenVandaag                         en heren                   18:00 Home Te (r)                                       Bilderdijkstraat 16     
17:50:  NOS Sportjournaal          08:35:  Dames 4                    18:30 Curaçao On                                   Postbus 323, Oranjestad, Aruba                                                 Kantooruren:               — Mortuariums —             584-2299
18:00:  VRT Journaal               10:00:  Nieuwsuur                  19:00 Leu Fo’i Kas                                                                               Opmaak:                Maandag t/m Vrijdag 8.00am-4.30pm    Ad Patres                   588-6699
18:30:  Vlaanderen Vakantieland    10:30:  Weerbericht Amerika/       20:00 TeleNotisia                                            Directie:                          Zulma Kock                                                   Aurora                      584-8888
19:20:  Focus op biologie                  Caribiën                   20:30 Resumen di Siman                                  Sigrid Hammelburg                     Bankrekeningnummers:            Olive Tree San Nicolaas     582-0000
19:30:  NOS Journaal               10:35:  60 jaar Songfestival       21:00 Wega di Number Kòrsou                                    Verkoop:               Caribbean Mercantile Bank #20651903  Olive Tree Oranjestad
19:50:  Weerbericht Europa/Afrika  11:00:  NOS Studio Sport           21:10 Partispashon di Morto                                                                   Tiziana La Torre
19:55:  Goedenavond dames en       11:30:  1000 zonnen zaterdag       21:15 De Frente ku Lupe                                     Redactie:                          Banco di Caribe #81027801
        heren                      12:00:  VRT journaal               22:15 Party Time                                       Alex Lacle (coordinator)                 Jamey Baire                     RBC #100031723
20:35:  Dames 4                    12:30:  De Zevende dag                                                                                                
22:00:  Nieuwsuur                  14:35:  Hollands welvaren          Zondag 14 juni                                            Linda Reijnders                                                    Klachten over bezorging ?
22:30:  Weerbericht Amerika/       15:10:  De week van Karrewiet      07:30 Youth Experience (r)                                Mirte de Rozario                                                          Mail naar
        Caribiën                   15:20:  Jill                       08:30 Mi, Bo, Nos Salú (r)                                Franciska Groen
22:35:  60 jaar Songfestival       15:35:  Hip voor nop               09:00 Entre Nos                                                                                                   
23:00:  NOS Studio Sport           16:10:  NOS Journaal               10:00 Herensia                                             Bobby Spier
23:30:  1000 zonnen zaterdag       16:15:  De Universiteit van        11:00 Vaye di Alabansa                     
                                           Nederland                  11:30 Santu Sakrifiso di Misa
Zondag 14 juni                     16:30:  Buitenhof                  13:00 Beisbòl: Braves @Mets                                                                                                                                  — Stichtingen —
00:00: VRT journaal                17:25:  Werk Aan De Winkel         16:00 Futbòl: Cuba-Kòrsou
00:30: Landinwaarts                18:05:  VRT Journaal               17:30 Wega di Number Kòrsou                     Het weer                                                                                                     Fundacion Anti-Droga Aruba
01:00: Puberruil Zapp              18:55:  NOS Studio Sport           18:00 Before &After Magazine
01:25: Bommetje!                   19:50:  NOS Journaal               19:00 Otro Kara                                                                                                                                              (FADA)                      583-2999
02:15: Willem Wever                20:00:  Weerbericht Europa/Afrika  19:30 Un Speransa Nobo
02:45: Beste Vrienden Quiz         20:05:  Tom & Harry                20:00 TeleNotisia                                                                                                                                            Fundacion Respetami         582-4433
03:05: Checkpoint                  20:55:  Ja Jan                     20:25 Partisipashon di Morto
03:30: Sesamstraat                 21:40:  Andere Tijden Sport        20:30 Un Kanto pa Kòrsou                                                                                                                                     Zwanger? Fundacion
03:45: Sesamstraat: 10 voor...     22:10:  Rambam                     21:00 Hòmber/Muhé
03:55: Uki                         22:35:  Nieuwsuur                  23:00 Curaçao Vive                              Aruba                                                                                                        CIZKA                       583-0331
04:00: NOS Journaal                23:05:  Weerbericht Amerika/
04:10: De Zomer Voorbij                    Caribiën                                                                   Zondag, 14 juni 2015                     Zonsopgang: 06:15                                                   Fundacion Diabetico         593-0507
                                   23:10:  1000 zonnen zaterdag                                                       Bewolkt                                  Zonsondergang: 19:06
                                                                                                                                                               Neerslag: 10%                                                       Arubano                     593-4928
                                                                                                                      Maandag, 15 juni 2015                    Vochtigheid: 74%
                                                                                                                      Bewolkt                                  Wind: 43 km/h                                                       Twelve Step Meeting

Horoscoop                                                                                                                                                      Zonsopgang: 06:15                                                   AA-NA- AL- ANON- OA 583-8989
                                                                                                                                                               Zonsondergang: 19:06
                                                                                                                                                               Neerslag: 20%                                                       Fundacion Amor Pa           568-4739
                                                                                                                                                               Vochtigheid: 73%
CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Kat Dennings, 29; Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, 29; Tim                                                                            Wind: 45 km/h                                                       Prohimo                     564-8849
Allen, 62; Stellan Skarsgard, 64.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NA Acceptance Group         565-7500
Happy Birthday: Take care of personal and financial matters. You can ask for help, but don’t
let anyone make decisions for you. Joint ventures will not be beneficial. Keep your money                                                                                                                                          Fundacion Centro
and your possessions separate and in a safe place. Spending emotionally will set you back.
You cannot buy love. Self-improvement projects will pay off. Travel, education and love are                                                                                                                                        Ecologico Aruba             562-4161
highlighted. Your numbers are 6, 9, 11, 22, 30, 33, 48.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bureau Sostenemi Misbruik
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Make plans to take off for the weekend. Travel and social plans will get you energized
and promote personal improvements. A positive change in your love life is apparent, and a commitment will result                                                                                                                   en mishandeling tegen
in greater stability. 3 stars
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   minderjarigen               588-1010
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Your emotions will be difficult to control. Don’t let anyone manipulate you into doing
something you don’t want to do. Problems with overindulgence or taking on too much will put a damper on an im-                                                                                                                     Fundacion C.V.A. voorkomen
portant relationship. 3 stars
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   en zorg voor stroke         567-7004
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Be quick to respond and eager to try new things. Don’t trust what’s being said. Ask ques-
tions and make decisions based on what you want, not what others are doing. Domestic changes will lead to larger              Dienstdoende                     Aankomsttijden
quarters or living with someone new. 3 stars                                                                                     huisartsen                    Cruiseschepen
                                                                                                                                                               Vrijdag 26 Juni ‘15
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Call in a favor if it will help you reach a creative goal. When it comes to love, you are          Weekenddienst
best to look forward, not back. Gravitate toward partners who offer strength, encouragement and stability. Keep per-                                           Carnival Conquest
sonal information a secret when dealing with colleagues. 4 stars                                                      Huisarts nachtdienst -                   07.00 - 16.00
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Get involved in organizations that can offer you something in return. Making a contribu-       Huisartsenpost Hospitaal
tion will raise your profile and bring about work-related changes that will increase your income and your power. A    527-4580
makeover will add to your appeal. 2 stars                                                                             13 Juni 2015 - Dr. Algera
                                                                                                                      14 Juni 2015 - Dr. Horenbeeck
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Don’t get angry or let someone’s lack of manners or diplomacy coerce you into a no-win
situation. Focus on home and family, and make plans to visit people or places that interest you. 5 stars              Huisarts nachtdienst -
                                                                                                                      San Nicolaas
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Go on a learning quest. Communication and digging into a topic that excites you will re-    Centro Medico San Nicolaas
sult in meeting someone who can change your life, your outlook and your future. Romance is in the stars, and a day    524-8833
trip with someone special is encouraged. 3 stars                                                                      13 & 14 Juni 2015 -
                                                                                                                      Dr. Boderie
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Overreacting, overdoing, overspending and overindulging will all lead to trouble. Avoid
getting into an emotional argument with someone you love. Focus on creative endeavors and working as a team           Dienstdoende apotheken
player for the best results. 3 stars                                                                                  Apotheek nachtdienst
                                                                                                                      San Nicolaas
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Make changes at home that will cut your overhead and help you bring in more            Botica Seroe Preto
cash. Making a move or investing in an affordable property will give you greater freedom to concentrate on your       584-4833
professional and financial goals. 3 stars
                                                                                                                      Apotheek nachtdienst
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Don’t let the changes going on around you be a cause for alarm. Concentrate on your      Oranjestad
home and family and how you can make things better for the ones you love. Don’t overspend to impress someone.         Botica Eagle
You can’t buy love. 5 stars                                                                                           587-9011

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Don’t let an outsider upset you. Emotions will change and fluctuate, so do your best to
stay mellow. Get started making the changes that will make you feel good about the way you look and feel. Question
your motives as well as those of others. 2 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Listen attentively and decipher what’s fact and what’s fiction. Question anything that
appears to be unrealistic, and make choices based on what you know you are capable of doing on your own. Don’t
give in to demands or money-grabbers. 4 stars
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41