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a8    local
                    Friday 7 February 2025
            Rediscover Sunset Grille, a beloved island favorite,

            now open after a complete transformation

                                                                      classic  sophistication.  Din-
                                                                      ers  will  be  pleased  to  find
                                                                      global flavors on the menu,
                                                                      blending culinary influences
                                                                      from  the  Caribbean,  Latin
                                                                      America, Europe, and Asia.
                                                                      Meals  are  complemented
                                                                      by  handcrafted  cocktails
                                                                      and  a  carefully  curated
                                                                      wine  list  showcasing  over
                                                                      300 bottles from renowned
                                                                      regions around the world. A
                                                                      unique feature, the new gin
                                                                      trolley, allows guests to enjoy
                                                                      a refreshing and immersive
            Palm  Beach  –  The  wait  is  the Sunset Bar, and the revi-  cocktail  experience,  high-
            over!  Sunset  Grille  has  re-  talization of Sunset Grille. The  lighting the delightful Dutch
            cently reopened after exten-  restaurant proudly presents  spirit  alongside  a  selection
            sive renovation. The restau-  its refreshed concept, fea-  of botanicals for both tradi-
            rant balances classic moves  turing elegantly decorated,  tional and modern creations.
            with contemporary taste and  air-conditioned indoor din-
            fresh  perspective.  It  has  a  ing, along with an intimate  The renowned Sunset Grille
            distinguished ambiance, and  private dining space for up  kitchen  and  dining  room
            unforgettable  moments  for  to 10 guests. For those who  teams create an exceptional
            both locals and guests.      prefer dining al fresco, the  dining experience, combin-
                                         wraparound  terrace  pro-    ing exquisite cuisine with car-
            Located within the iconic Hil-  vides breathtaking views of  ing, attentive service. Guests
            ton Aruba Caribbean Resort  Palm Beach and the resort  are welcome seven days a
            & Casino, this timeless steak-  grounds—an  idyllic  setting  week to discover why Sunset
            house has been anisland fa-  to  take  in  Aruba’s  iconic  Grille has been an island fa-
            vorite for more than 60 years,  sunsets.                  vorite for so long. Come for   tions, please contact 526-6612.q
            evolving  into  the  all  new                             the view, stay for the flavors,
            Sunset Grille in conjunction  The restaurant offers prime  and  leave  with  memories
            with the resort’s overall en-  cuts of meat, fresh seafood,  that  last  a  lifetime.  Sunset   Visit the natural bridges of Aruba!
            hancements. These updates  shareable plates, and signa-   Grille is open daily from 5:30
            included the rejuvenation of  ture specialties crafted with  pm – 10:30 pm. For reserva-

                                                                                                   (Oranjestad)—After you’ve visited the Alto Vista Church,
                                                                                                   the Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins and the mini natural pool
                                                                                                   that is located right next to it, you’re next up around the
                                                                                                   northern coast line must be the Natural Bridge. Once the
                                                                                                   largest natural bridge in the Caribbean, this bridge has
                                                                                                   been a tourist attraction for many years.

                                                                                                   The  bridge  was  formed  during  thousands  of  years,  cut
                                                                                                   and crafted by the wild waves that crash into the coral
                                                                                                   stone walls of the coast. Before its collapse, this bridge
                                                                                                   measured  30  meters  in  length  and  7  meters  in  height,
                                                                                                   making it the biggest natural bridge in the Caribbean at
                                                                                                   the time. For many years, this site was also a frequently
                                                                                                   visited beach, as the bridge had a small opening through
                                                                                                   which the water would flow into the tiny beach.

                                                                                                   Unfortunately in 2005, the bridge collapsed, and the little
                                                                                                   beach dried up. Despite this, this site remained a tourist
                                                                                                   attraction, with many visitors walking along the coral cliffs
                                                                                                   of the bridge to see the spectacular view of the northern
                                                                                                   coastline and the Caribbean Sea. Visitors can also still visit
                                                                                                   the souvenir shop on the left of the bridge entrance.

                                                                                                   While the natural bridge no longer is functional, there is
                                                                                                   now a smaller natural bridge very close. This bridge is of-
                                                                                                   ten called the “Baby Bridge” or “Daughter Bridge”.q
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