Page 12 - AHATA
P. 12
LOCAL Friday 7 February 2025
Aruba: Best Caribbean Island to Buy Real Estate
reputation as a high-end destination. We par-
ticularly favor prime locations, especially those
with views of the Caribbean Sea.
Aruba meets all the criteria for investing in Carib-
bean real estate
1. Potential for Price Appreciation
Aruba’s real estate is poised for significant growth,
as its prices remain well below other comparable
Overview islands like the Bahamas, Barbados, Turks & Ca-
The Caribbean real estate market is witnessing icos, St. Martin, St. Kitts & Nevis, or Puerto Rico,
an unprecedented boom, driven by its proxim- and even South Florida.
ity to the US, Canada, and Europe, its laid-back There is a moratorium on new condominium de-
lifestyle, and year-round sunshine. Whether you’re velopments and hotels, as the government is priori- loan rates available.
considering a permanent relocation, seeking a tizing environmental protection overgrowth and 5. Safety and Security
holiday retreat, or eyeing a lucrative investment closely monitoring the island's carrying capacity. An island’s security measures and overall safety
opportunity, there’s an island in the Caribbean Aruba is aiming for quality over quantity, focusing record can significantly affect real estate values.
that perfectly suits your needs. However, choos- on higher-income tourists. However, demand for Aruba ranks No. 1 in this regard.
ing the best Caribbean island to buy real estate oceanfront condos continues to rise. The potential 6. No Currency nor Capital Restrictions
requires a deep dive and a thorough understand- for price appreciation is clear, with supply being The US dollar is widely used in Aruba, simplifying
ing of the markets. constrained and demand high. transactions for international investors. There’s no
Stability and growth are key when discussing Ca- 2. Flight Accessibility and Location need to worry about fluctuating exchange rates,
ribbean real estate. The region has consistently Aruba offers over 16 daily flights to and from the as the Aruban Florin is pegged to the dollar, and
demonstrated resilience and upward property US and Canada, reaching 28 direct destinations, there are no capital restrictions. You can forecast
value trends, making it an attractive place for including Europe and Latin America. Plus, it of- expenses and returns without the unpredictability
investment. Caribbean real estate offers not only fers the convenience of clearing US immigration of currency fluctuations.
a peaceful retreat but also the potential for sig- before boarding return flights. 7. Established Caribbean Markets
nificant appreciation and rental income. 3. Economic and Political Stability Exploring established Caribbean real estate
It makes sense to consider investing in real es- As part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Aruba markets is a wise starting point when diving into
tate with bond interest rates declining and the benefits from a sound legal system and adher- Caribbean real estate investing. These markets
stock market at a historic high. Aruba real estate ence to the rule of law. offer a mix of stability and luxury that attracts a
shows great promise when analyzed individually, 4. Banking and Financing steady flow of investors and tourists alike.
due to its location outside the hurricane belt, its Banking and financing processes for foreign in- Don't miss out. The time to invest in Aruban real
established infrastructure, and its international vestors are streamlined, with attractive mortgage estate is now!q
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